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Scenarios for the Future of Technology and International Development.pdf
Bitcoin was released as open source code in January 2009 the innocuous sounding report above was released by the Rockefeller Foundation in May 2010.
Their four scenarios arranged in a 2 x 2 matrix are created from two drivers vertical axis - political and economic alignment and horizontal axis - adaptive capacity.
The four scenarios are named
1. CLEVER TOGETHER – A world in which ----> strong - political and economic alignment
highly coordinated and successful strategies ----> high - adaptive capacity
emerge for addressing both urgent and
entrenched worldwide issues.
2. LOCK STEP – A world of tighter top-down ----> strong - political and economic alignment
government control and more authoritarian ----> low - adaptive capacity
leadership, with limited innovation and
growing citizen pushback.
3. SMART SCRAMBLE – An economically ----> weak - political and economic alignment
depressed world in which individuals and ----> high - adaptive capacity
communities develop localized, makeshift
solutions to a growing set of problems.
4. HACK ATTACK – An economically ----> weak - political and economic alignment
unstable and shock-prone world in which ----> low - adaptive capacity
governments weaken, criminals thrive,
and dangerous innovations emerge.
I put it to you that the scenario currently unfolding is the one most dreaded by the Elite class number 4.
How can an innovation be dangerous unless it threatens the status quo, the rise of wikileaks, whistle blowing
and economic crashes, prove we are in scenario 4.
Notice how no matter how hard the Digital Cash revolution strives to claim public acceptance the only stories the elite controlled media will promote are the ones that portray Digital Cash as the realm of criminals and terrorists.
The best we can hope for is scenario 3.
So don't waste resources on trying to challenge banks at the Point of Sale technology they will attack if they feel they are being threatened. Conspiracy Theory 101 All Reserve Banks are privately owned!
Let us build our new world with our play money use it to develop DAO's and other crypto share organisations to push technology in new directions and just let the old world just die out.
Bitcoin was released as open source code in January 2009 the innocuous sounding report above was released by the Rockefeller Foundation in May 2010.
Their four scenarios arranged in a 2 x 2 matrix are created from two drivers vertical axis - political and economic alignment and horizontal axis - adaptive capacity.
The four scenarios are named
1. CLEVER TOGETHER – A world in which ----> strong - political and economic alignment
highly coordinated and successful strategies ----> high - adaptive capacity
emerge for addressing both urgent and
entrenched worldwide issues.
2. LOCK STEP – A world of tighter top-down ----> strong - political and economic alignment
government control and more authoritarian ----> low - adaptive capacity
leadership, with limited innovation and
growing citizen pushback.
3. SMART SCRAMBLE – An economically ----> weak - political and economic alignment
depressed world in which individuals and ----> high - adaptive capacity
communities develop localized, makeshift
solutions to a growing set of problems.
4. HACK ATTACK – An economically ----> weak - political and economic alignment
unstable and shock-prone world in which ----> low - adaptive capacity
governments weaken, criminals thrive,
and dangerous innovations emerge.
I put it to you that the scenario currently unfolding is the one most dreaded by the Elite class number 4.
How can an innovation be dangerous unless it threatens the status quo, the rise of wikileaks, whistle blowing
and economic crashes, prove we are in scenario 4.
Notice how no matter how hard the Digital Cash revolution strives to claim public acceptance the only stories the elite controlled media will promote are the ones that portray Digital Cash as the realm of criminals and terrorists.
The best we can hope for is scenario 3.
So don't waste resources on trying to challenge banks at the Point of Sale technology they will attack if they feel they are being threatened. Conspiracy Theory 101 All Reserve Banks are privately owned!
Let us build our new world with our play money use it to develop DAO's and other crypto share organisations to push technology in new directions and just let the old world just die out.
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