My main recieving addresses. That's me! If you find one of these addresses you identified vertoe as the sender!
* n1r5ibhWq8FcnhNELB9pzLvU8yEuUNMvgE
* mxpwdTLCa8rnZodXZtB5XNrTLfARZiyD17
* mxanUimrftSKede57PkdAPm1XDY9byHbeN
* mkGh55DHQ1VcDXdoEymMEj4uGWMzcwzvGL
My denomination and change addresses. That could be me, but you never have a real connection to me.
* mtRWhLuXmqYR2tfk9bdERHFEbjDRd8EnoD
* n4XC9hmzVDyWHVUqECqkYbE2CxHCywJx4M
* mn1Jq7YsBLReHSsD9zeo4c4TsuhFBHHY7j
* mot7bS9XzpnB5Egwyx7u6VsEhhKZWRNZLG
* mi4GW9so3H7yPeSfbbGYWcEQrU4hLDPdXU
* mo2PvcsyH6pH4UiXEcr8kRLY2W6ShrsH8k
* mgrt8oPYtVhM23ySmEreAYyTaYU85axYuF
* n2SvA3aSTGsnwEc7sAyigQPWXnPsesELM4
* msYsLH7CyiJTmsCz7tvWjQGBgTcAHbH5iN
* n12e1xHuWppCfsUANhSPHvApVKmRScxwxv
* n3ESxUxduSxDmH6h4YQBsfbvDDvGsfQag5
* mphB8LNkEdc3F3y8JjReoe4bbD1ArShhXG
* mzZq9syhBtXaAgGk1k3zTkWoSVNwNysaZK
* mxDoK5tXzgf5VHqAxQLVWpta2EBbCtE1GE
* n2LfVuQm8cjSqXu817dPPRurQstYw9D9Z3
* mj2kvkF4TMFtqRhbDtBk6i92FMMo1KqmU5
Some guesses. I only trace back addresses which I know I hold them.
---> First level. These addresses must belong to me because they appear in the transaction as sender and change addresses.
* mot7bS9XzpnB5Egwyx7u6VsEhhKZWRNZLG (Change: obvious, to my change address)
* mj2kvkF4TMFtqRhbDtBk6i92FMMo1KqmU5 (Sender: obvious, from my denomination address)
---> Second level. These addresses appear in the input transactions on 1st level and might be related the me. Let's have a look.
* mxd6FF4YT4MrUaAScW9HcPYgysg1iJb7bm (unknown address, not me!)
* mzZq9syhBtXaAgGk1k3zTkWoSVNwNysaZK (denomination address, but not main, continue ...)
* mvZseMYVtffAkcPES6HUtaAgkG3XV1McGr (unknown address, not me!)
* mv8UjpoejkHE7mzu3ycvh8vK2ncHPLwAXR (unknown address, not me!)
* mra9yKVHhyyPQvcyqUnzbUahVUw8UZ5bzW (unknown address, not me!)
* n1N8V8m74dHCj8y5AVsgf2Fqf4WaPQJNVE (unknown address, not me!)
* mz1jgurnFc3fm3ae8utVgvVKskHk7osebh (unknown address, not me!)
* mxQhAXcwo7RW6Lf34gbmqtZkFEZuxamiyz (unknown address, not me!)
* mmAnfyjQEewUUQo2q7Rae58LAVe671wFmk (unknown address, not me!)
* n3v4GGAKvfzJRnB6o7JfNNEjmrfiY7EFZa (unknown address, not me!)
* n13irsN8GZRGhZsM2nnW24MUYLsBTvtV7S (unknown address, not me!)
* n12e1xHuWppCfsUANhSPHvApVKmRScxwxv (denomination address, but not main, continue ...)
* msYsLH7CyiJTmsCz7tvWjQGBgTcAHbH5iN (denomination address, but not main, continue ...)
* mphB8LNkEdc3F3y8JjReoe4bbD1ArShhXG (denomination address, but not main, continue ...)
* mspb3PSuNGvnp281uDV9kbwk7wFvSvb6pe (unknown address, not me!)
* mzR4es8CkAHxdAUDvU6oMSgVesE6aiAb5Y (unknown address, not me!)
* n4c3vUaCwp2PnmmgnFm664u4TqVmiF6fHx (unknown address, not me!)
---> Third level. From this point I can only continue because I know which addresses I hold. I use the 6 known change and denomination addresses from above. (A third party wont be able to do this and has in addition to check the unknown addresses too, which will cause a huge overhead and might mislead to wrong inputs.)
* muqFjdh1S3eWro6KQ6yRX7zQSKqVubCHkf (this address is the darksend collateral fee address and will be ingored, it's not me!)
* mt5nvSFLLGDDtPF9hXTrMfAQWPeHucv8dZ (unknown address, not me!)
* mmBeTmGt3otnw9PXcGGYUhGEitVRnTp4ra (unknown address, not me!)
* n2WHpbJ7hX7NbW8wZk19jUYHgzy78jBB7g (unknown address, not me!)
* mrfjh5pc888J3evvD1W6Hj88EukcXh1uWp (unknown address, not me!)
* mn1Jq7YsBLReHSsD9zeo4c4TsuhFBHHY7j (denomination address, but not main, continue ...)
* mh9MhYEdsu1y73aLZzhZWjR1g6NAHvGAD7 (unknown address, not me!)
* mxb2CuQMnRUoBZnqbu8Y1w9czaL89542QT (unknown address, not me!)
* mi4GW9so3H7yPeSfbbGYWcEQrU4hLDPdXU (denomination address, but not main, continue ...)
* mziNxdedKB4enLjSxPiYiCLgWqBCpxdbmF (unknown address, not me!)
* n3WSgqFJ1QJKdToCLhhSMRSMskFCERr6ts (unknown address, not me!)
* mxmecQuNXo87cNk9uirkAPh6eshy69pENX (unknown address, not me!)
* mvGW4NG99nYctpji5bpzqGPcCwt82tUy4C (unknown address, not me!)
* mm7eAu8nHBYfeo7nMAwxUXG3euFYYskDaK (unknown address, not me!)
* n4XC9hmzVDyWHVUqECqkYbE2CxHCywJx4M (denomination address, but not main, continue ...)
* n2LfVuQm8cjSqXu817dPPRurQstYw9D9Z3 (denomination address, but not main, continue ...)
* mkGh55DHQ1VcDXdoEymMEj4uGWMzcwzvGL (bingo! that's vertoe! stopping here.)
* n1r5ibhWq8FcnhNELB9pzLvU8yEuUNMvgE (bingo! that's vertoe! stopping here.)
That's a transaction I did using DS+ and non-DS+ inputs! Stupid me!
* 1d4ca6643eeca57bbb15e720a66ea7c44a3cdf6dc52129fb0bc46ddd7abad3f9
Perfect. I hold 5 main account addresses and 16 denomination/change addresses. By scanning the blockchain 3 levels up, I came across 37 addresses in a couple of dozen transactions. 26/37 addresses are mixed inputs from other wallets and not belonging to me (completely unknown to me!). 8/37 addresses are my denomination/change addresses and can not directly be linked with me easily (Only I know that I own them). 2/37 addresses (both in same transaction) where my main account addresses and these finally enabled me to de-anonymize myself after going 3 levels up. (1/37 is the darksend colleteral fee address.)
I only was able to de-anonymize this transaction because of two facts:
* A stupid mistake to mix DS+ and non-DS+ inputs in one transaction recently. This is not bypassing the denominations but linking denomination/change addresses with my main account addresses. If you ever tend to mix this, DON'T!
* I know my main, denom and change addresses. A third party might end up with the wrong input following the wrong paths through the blockchain.
I'm really curious what Kristov Atlas will say about DarkSend+. I'm totally convinced. This is the first seen decentralized working coinjoin implementation. Good times ahead. Can't wait for RC4 in August.