CaptainPicard can you imagine how cool it would be to hand off the bus-ideally while price is rising and awareness growing... You are in the United States I take it....? I can see DASH BUS UPDATES at locations of interest... and ultimately the DASH BUS being shipped abroad covering EUROPE!

To all keeping up with this thread I am going to go by the painters shop tomorrow and take photos of the shop and bus and just in general give an image of myself to everyone. I'll also say here you can follow my reddit acount that I had on bitcoin for years to see how I promoted the hell out of bitcoin with passion for years.

Keep this thread alive! If your reading it and like it leave a comment!

He could possibly paint a DASH logo on one of the panels we removed to give an idea of how this would look- and of course will be putting a quality clear coat on the bus that will make it look dashtastic!
Every time it drives past a retail business, will that retail business magically have a DASH payment terminal setup up for them?


Well, as much as I <3 the dub, this is not a productive use of DASH funds.

If it doesn't support retail use of DASH, it's a waste of money.
Caomsoul-I appreciate all feedback. So what you are saying is that this bus will not help the DASH network because it will not encourage retail users to accept dash and setup DASH terminals at their business. Interesting theory, let's take a look at what you are saying, taking a step back and playing out a few possible scenarios. For example, I go to a coffee shop every morning, I have several cars but I often drive my VW BUS up there. I know the owners of the coffee shop- I have even at times had them close to considering investing in bitcoin back when I was a bitcoin maximalists. They are very curious about it- and have seen me over the years put up Bitcoin and now DASH flyers at their coffee shop. I've spent thousands of dollars at their store over the last year. They are a wonderful couple- very optimistic, glass half full types, and love supporting great ideas. They encourage their staff and people that come in to go for their dreams.I guarantee you if I pulled up tomorrow in the DASH BUS and told them that I have now officially become a full on supporter of DASH and that from now on I'd like to only pay them in DASH and that I'd like to help them set-up a wallet-they would be thrilled. Creative people like to see creative people thriving. Camosoul, when people see bold, passionate advertising, it has the potential to touch them. Recently at the coffee shop digital currencies have become a hot topic-and several of the workers at the coffee shop are potential DASH investors as they have seen it's growth through my talking about it.

That's one coffee shop. One block away from my house.

What do you say to that my friend?
@Blake I don't think people here are allergic to advertising and marketing but I think they might be hoping for a much bigger audience. Try to understand, advertising alone doesn't usually lead to direct sales. The decisions to choose one product over another is often made at the time of purchase.

My main criticism with this pre-proposal is lack of the human touch; you haven't put a face to this project of yours. We like to see something personable and enthusiastic.. pictures of old VWs are two-a-penny.
Very much appreciated GrandMasterDash- and I truly understand your concerns. I got into Dash by a simple conversation with a friend that I knew had knowledge on digital currencies as we both watch the crypto coin market cap like hawks.

I am going to post photos of myself and links to some accounts I have to show people what I am about... I want to show the bus in the shop, the painter, what the logo would look like on the door and possibly putting something like "Instant.Private .Secure." under it or whatever people find DASHTASTIC.

I totally get people being skeptical-in the past I have been very reluctant to use social media because I found it a waste of time... but now I am seeing an opportunity. I've told the painter and friends about this and most of them look at me kind of crazy but also see that I am making good money and am really pretty generous with it.

I constantly talk about Dash and in the last 24 hours got two people invested.

I very much get your concerns though and am working on solutions if I do decide to do this-keep in mind the risk of me spending $2,000-3,000 on a paint job on a classic automobile (value between 10-20 thousand fiat dollars)

But understand all that read- you show the support and I'll start getting serious about it. This is a team effort.

Thanks for taking the time to respond- if you want someone rolling around in a DASH BUS with pamphlets and passionate, articulate speaking on the benefits of the 2nd tier governance treasury system.... I am the guy.

You want pictures I'll post them. Trying to gauge the system here.... see what kind of support I get... but make no mistake- what I ask for I will more than triple in gaining interest, speculation, and ultimately fans of DASH.

BLake CHamness
Nacogdoches, Tx
If you think having a youtube video posted will help-then that is what I will do. I am going to go up to the shop and film the guys and the bus and my idea.

I don't have my good cannon 5d anymore so I may rent a high quality camera to get a good look to the video.

The more I talk to the painters about it they are happy because honestly any type of logos and such will bring them money. Plus they can tell I am happy about DASH.
YouTube video will be shot tomorrow- hung out at the Body and Paint shop today and were all excited. The whole shop is interested in DASH now. We are going to record a video tomorrow where I introduce myself and show the possible logo's and design we will put on the bus. We are thinking pearl white with blue DASH logo in several places with phrases like- Instant. Private. Secure. - underneath the DASH logo. A part of me wants it to say DIGITAL CASH somewhere on it for clarity purposes but the INSTANT. PRIVATE. SECURE I know will look good underneath DASH logo.

Anyway, took some photos today- the bodywork is almost done so it will look smooth and pristine- here I am at the shop.

The goal tomorrow is to shoot the video in a format that shows me talking about the DASH bus and my plans for travel along with a youtube channel that my cousin is setting up for me.

I am totally dedicated to this idea now. This whole crew doing this is a great group of guys and


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Keep this thread alive DASH MEMBERS! Shooting a short video tonight introducing myself and the crew... going to buy a camera at wal-mart here now in about an hour. If you want me to answer any questions please post them... otherwise were just going to shoot from the hip and let me introduce myself and show that I have a passion for speading crypto knowledge and currently DASH is my #1 pick!!!!
Man who walk through airport sideways; going to bangkok.

I don't wish ill on you, bro.

But, It is nice to see the MNOs not falling for the ol' "Me love you so much, please buy my mom and dad a new donkey to prove you care about family, ours is sick!"

I'd refurb it myself if you went for electric drive. Working on my Electric Hummer now...
I think I get what your saying camosoul-not sure if your supportive or not.... a bit.... cryptic? ( no cliché pun intended)

What I do know is that the pearl white and blue spray out of the DASH BUS logo came out great- the painter has great skills and I am moving forward with the project regaurdless if I get the funding or not. It's going to look great. I am going for the next budget funding payout. Even if I put up the five DASH and lose it-no worries- it will look great and I'll enjoy it. Working out the itinerary of all the events I'll drive to-only reason all this isn't online and ready to post is for a long time I was a true blue luddite- kind of behind on twitter and facebook and youtube... but I just reactivated my twitter, facebook, and soon youtube video coming.

DASH BUS will not be stopped. It's gonna roll up to every conference and meet up I find heading west first. Will stop in New Mexico to get briefed at DASH Headquarters.

I want to not only be able to pontificate my position on DASH to new digital currency users but to hardcore crypto enthusiasts. I printed out the Dash White paper and want to know it like the back of my hand. I understand the power of the 2nd tier system, masternodes... DAO aspect.... etc... but I want to be at the Andreas Antonopoluous/ Evan Duffield level.... at least shoot for that... so if I fall short I will still have much knowledge. I am going full force. Cant stop THE DASH BUS.

If I combine my passion for travel, VW and DASH- it makes a trifecta of enthusiasm that refuses to submit!

DASH BUS coming soon! Look for it. Want people to be able to follow it and hit me up for DASH giveaways, pamphlets, conversations, debates.... it's going to be great. All filmed and posted on various forms of media.

The biggest issue is going to be how much to ask for-I want to aim high so I can be effective but not come across as wasteful. A lot of this I can I fund myself thanks to my alt-coins taking off in such a dot com bubble fashion.... but the point is to do this BIG, BOLD and RIGHT.

Human contact and interaction goes along way with getting people on board. And then filming it all and posting it.... well... DASHTASTIC.
Hi Blake,

I like the word PASSION because that's important in all the things you do in life.
Try a proposal for 2 months and send your video's from your trip to Dash Force News.
Don't ask to much Dash the first time and prove yourself to the Dash community.
Thanks Bossie- I am taking my time to build up a little attention- bus may be done in time for plenty of buildup and attention from masternodes for next budget payout. The painter made this spray out of the logo-just a small sample- the picture doesn't do it justice to how it shines in the light-good paint and painter- pearl white and pearl blue- we also will include DIGITAL CASH by all logos and Instant. Private. Secure. so anyone looking at the bus can get an idea of what it is about.... here is a photo we took of what could go on each front door-plus the bus has side panels that are about like moving billboards. A lot of this project too will be me outlining all the events I hit where I film and post the footage on different forms of media I am preparing.

It will do good. The images will be bigger and bolder but the painter took the initiative to do a paint out to show me what the colors will look like. I think it's great.

The passion is there.
I wouldn't of put "Instant - Private - Secure", looks too like PIVX. Better to put "Dash - Digital Cash", it's more descriptive.
I wouldn't of put "Instant - Private - Secure", looks too like PIVX. Better to put "Dash - Digital Cash", it's more descriptive.

I am with you on that-don't know if you read above up earlier in thread but we are definitely making it newbie friendly- the words DASH-DIGITAL CASH will be in multiple spots- and in such a way and pattern that it's aesthetically pleasing as well as effective. Were not going to overload the bus with Dash details (no pun intended for all you Amanda B Johnson listeners) but have the main goal for it to be a moving, pristine advertisement that serves as an information station as well. (Copies of the DASH white paper on board for advanced, flyers, DASH t-shirts)

I can fund a lot of this myself at first-my first propoisal will be modest in payment, but I want to show you guys what I am capable of (gainas well as myself, honestly gauging me effectiveness) and then propose again.

I really appreciate all input GrandMasterDash. I am excited about this.
There is a bus. A DASH BUS...and there is a driver of the DASH BUS- who thinks DASH is great- and he drives all over with joy and flyers and midnight conversations on economics and philosophy.

Joy is the word!

But how about daytime conversations of economics and philosophy, with midnight conversations reserved for beauty and poetry?
@Blake, I would approach DashForce with project funding requests like this one. They are actually becoming one of the intermediaries or managers of funding for small projects. It's kind of the way things are going due to the high volume of requests. I wouldn't request funding directly from the budget anymore for smaller projects like this. It's likely that it will not be voted on, as MN owners feel they can't follow and evaluate so many projects themselves anymore.

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