Active member
Dedicated tMN updated to v0.12.1.0-0199027 and synced nmarley sentinel. Don't have time to help more than that right now. Hopefully Wednesday. Good luck all! 
My mixing stuck at 22% with PrivateSend request incomplete: Collateral not valid.
but continue to use keys (already 3k used) and not create any TXs for 16+ hours
Code:2016-10-24 14:19:11 CDarksendPool::DoAutomaticDenominating -- invalid collateral, recreating... 2016-10-24 14:19:11 keypool added key 15603, size=1001 2016-10-24 14:19:11 init message: Loading wallet... (1558.74 %) 2016-10-24 14:19:11 keypool reserve 14603 2016-10-24 14:19:11 keypool keep 14603 2016-10-24 14:19:11 CMasternodeMan::FindRandomNotInVec -- 5 enabled masternodes, 3 masternodes to choose from 2016-10-24 14:19:11 CDarksendPool::DoAutomaticDenominating -- attempt 0 connection to Masternode 2016-10-24 14:19:11 CDarksendPool::DoAutomaticDenominating -- connected, addr= 2016-10-24 14:19:11 CDarksendPool::DoAutomaticDenominating -- connected, sending DSACCEPT, nSessionDenom: 1 (100.001) 2016-10-24 14:19:12 OverviewPage::privateSendStatus -- Last PrivateSend message: Mixing in progress... 2016-10-24 14:19:12 CDarksendPool::SetState -- nState: 3, nStateNew: 1 2016-10-24 14:19:12 CDarksendPool::SetState -- nState: 1, nStateNew: 7 2016-10-24 14:19:13 OverviewPage::privateSendStatus -- Last PrivateSend message: PrivateSend request incomplete: Collateral not valid. Will retry...
Quick question - i downloaded the windows version of 12.1 (as above), but the masternode tab is missing. Also there is no t before the dash address. It looks like a mainnet client. Is that possible?Happy Monday!
We are looking to move onto the next stage of testnet, but we need some active participation from the masternodes operators currently running active testnet daemons in order to test the code we are working on. Our test network is currently about 5% upgraded, we need at least 65% to force the upgrade. To do the update we will fork testnet and don’t want to leave clients broken on the wrong fork.
To smoothly update the network, we ask anyone running an active masternode to follow the steps below. If you have a masternode, please update, this would greatly help our efforts!
How to upgrade:
Latest builds (v0.12.1.0-b9bd116) of v0.12.1.x branch
- Update dashd
- Update sentinel
- Restart masternode
- Make sure to enable crontab (described below)
Linux -->
Windows -->
MacOS X -->
Raspberry -->
Sentinel Code
We’re currently using nmarley’s repository for Sentinel, we will merge this to dashpay/sentinel soon:
Crontab Entry
*/2 * * * * cd /home/YOURUSERNAME/.dashcore/sentinel && venv/bin/python scripts/ >/dev/null 2>&1
Full Installation Instructions:
Github Bug Tracker Links
Find a bug, issue or think we should improve something specific? Please use the issue tracker from Github here:
It’s well worth creating a github account if you don’t have one. Thanks!
There is no testnet specific binaries, to start wallet in testnet mode you need to specify "-testnet" cmd-line option. Testnet addresses start with "y", the one you specified is mainnet address.Quick question - i downloaded the windows version of 12.1 (as above), but the masternode tab is missing. Also there is no t before the dash address. It looks like a mainnet client. Is that possible?
If i have downloaded the test net client, can someone please send me some tDash to Xm8ovg466chDg54AYXFHLkAgDnR5AWqh9B.
I've tried but i can't make it work. To be honest, this is a little disappointing. This release was promised in July. It's nearly November, and the link to testnet doesn't even work. Can someone please release a windows testnet link that i can download and test?
Latest successful windows build is there've tried but i can't make it work. To be honest, this is a little disappointing. This release was promised in July. It's nearly November, and the link to testnet doesn't even work. Can someone please release a windows testnet link that i can download and test?
The dash.conf that you must put testnet=1 inside is the one residing in the AppData/Roaming/dashcore folder (not the subfolder called testnet3 or whatever)I've tried but i can't make it work. To be honest, this is a little disappointing. This release was promised in July. It's nearly November, and the link to testnet doesn't even work. Can someone please release a windows testnet link that i can download and test?
So do I just leave that line the way it is? I don't understand it :/No TS, with budgeting the forwarding of the MN earnings is not possible anymore in this stage and probably later but I have to say it was cool to send the MN earnings on the other address.
and not DashCore folder? hmm.. we probably missed smth......
Also, my windows wallet is using the old /AppData/Roaming/Dash folder. I'm wondering what I did wrong??