12.1 Testnet Testing Phase Two Ignition

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Is there a reason we haven't done the protocol bump yet? I think it's very important that we make sure mixing works extremely well in v0.12.1.
I haven't moved beyond 57% because the wallet says it can't find a random masternode? You know, I don't think I've updated the wallet on my desktop, I'll see if that helps :p
Just reporting, after running newest version to mix, it still hasn't mixed any coins. "Private Send is idle" even so I have private send multisession enabled
FYI. RPM Packages were built once again (I actually build almost daily, but I don't announce as often).
NEW: Tweaked the spec file BuildRequires and added Fedora 25 (latest) to the mix. So now supported: Fedora 24, 25, CentOS7 (and by extension RHEL7) Linux builds.

Build 706 (v0.12.1.0-ge59bee8) Binary RPM packages for Fedora, CentOS, RHEL


If you are looking for the source RPMs, the SRPM github repo is linked to within that document.
If you are looking for the stable binary RPM packages, those are linked to in there as well.

Happy testing.

Sad annoyance: I can't seem to get Fedora 24 and above supported with stable builds. Grr.
And yes, I probably should be shoving the binary builds somewhere other than a Google Drive share. One of these days I will.
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I have setup a service for InstantSend https://test.stats.dash.org/is/
Send X tDash to address in page using InstantSend, will get Y tDash using InstantSend.
(Normal tx will get Y tDash after 6 confirmation)

if received tDash <= 1 --> send 1
if received tDash > 10 --> send 5 (thank you)
if received tDash > 1 and <= 10 --> send same amount

done: bip32 address with web front.
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I have setup a service for InstantSend https://test.stats.dash.org/is/
Send X tDash to yWrTyTHavPkgboceyhzX1SHfHEqQcaA6R8 using InstantSend, will get Y tDash using InstantSend.
(Normal tx will get Y tDash after 6 confirmation)

if received tDash <= 1 --> send 1
if received tDash > 10 --> send 5 (thank you)
if received tDash > 1 and <= 10 --> send same amount

todo: bip32 address with web front.

Works like a charm...

Yep works smooth ;)


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Is there a sentinel guide or whitepaper explaining what sentinel does?

last time I asked this, and I got no answer.
I just have one request. Please don't launch between Christmas and New Years!!! I'm going to be so busy! It would really suck :p

@demo I don't know of any documentation excecpt for the minimum notations in the code. https://github.com/evan82/sentinel

The guys are under pressure to finish this thing, and coders are notorious for hating documentation. All I know is we do have some of the brightest minds, and they are discussing this stuff constantly, so I think there is a good possibility that it's solid code. But really, we will have to wait for them to provide the documentation and probably a while for real peer review.
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@demo I don't know of any documentation excecpt for the minimum notations in the code. https://github.com/evan82/sentinel

According to the installation instructions, the current sentinel seems to be here

unfortunately I keep seing yes_vote counts and no_vote counts into the code, but not any number_vote count ....:(

It seems to me that number voting is not yet in the plan. Am I wrong?
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Looks like we got our proto bump, current Dash version (at time of this post) : v0.12.1.0-9c4e019


Update : Yep, PS mixing should be back in business

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Cool, the reduced states / phases with PS mixing in this version really makes it more efficient, it pretty much goes from finding users to immediately making a PS denomination transaction. Very noticeable and very fast.
Nice job.
What variables dictate the speed of mixing? other mixers? Number of MN? Speed of mining rigs? If all of the above, what importance does each variable have on the speed?
What variables dictate the speed of mixing? other mixers? Number of MN? Speed of mining rigs? If all of the above, what importance does each variable have on the speed?

i think there are two important factors : number of masternodes (some 45 masternodes were PS active during my mixing on Testnet, more masternodes could perhaps make it even faster) and other mixers (which is why i have multiple wallets doing the mixing, its helps with finding other mixing partners faster)
Well, I'm late again, LOL. I assume to update protocol, I simply need to update dashd and dash-qt, correct?

I have another request for help. I bought a Trezor, and plan on putting all my MNs on it. I would like to know if there is a testnet for the MN enabled wallet for Trezor so I can try it out? Is it in the plan to have a MN enabled wallet for trezor when 12.1 comes out?

If this is available for testnet, please direct me to where I can try it out. Thanks so much guys!!!
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