Fact: The concept sat there, pre-proposal, with almost no comments because MNOs don't bother to look. Dash Nexus was paid for from the treasury, you'd think MNOs might actually take the time without being directed from somewhere else. And as for time to debate, be my guest because I intentionally posted near the beginning of the cycle. Plenty of time to debate though I suspect it will be, yet again, fruitless.
To be clear: I am casting a critical eye on
how you chose to post your poll. Ironically the manner in which you have posted the poll will have
exactly the opposite effect of what you intended. When I saw your proposal it actually looked to me like you were are attempting to let DCG off the hook for accountability by mixing up themes for the vote and posting the poll
before sufficient debate occurred on the the themes BEFORE posting the poll. Debate in the poll itself is
too late. It needs to be
before the poll is posted so that you can
see the potential issues with the actual poll wording and timing of the post itself. You can fire back and me all you want. I'm telling you that you did not post this poll in the correct way to get the effect you claim you want.
The two points raised in your poll itself are
absolutely worth polling for but the problem is you mixed the two themes of DCG accountability and the security issue with the software. In addition I think the wording itself of the software security part needed to be different. Why? because as you can see from the comment in the poll from DCG quantumexplorer that they have not yet finished or tested the release. Therefore if your point was specifically about security on the Virtual Machine that requires action now then the wording of the polls should have exclusively been focused on that only.
Note however I would still not post this Poll until we received extensive feedback for several months from the community. Having said this this is how I would have worded the poll:
Suggested Poll: Independent Security Audit if DASH should use a Microsoft Virtual Machine For Running Dash Platform?
Wording: This poll is to determine if there should be an immediate investigation into the security issues associated with the Dash Platform being run on a Microsoft virtual machine. Vote YES to signal that there should be an investigation into the Microsoft Virtual machine and its consequences on security for the DASH project. Vote NO for no investigation of security issues with Dash Platform running on a Microsoft Virtual Machine.
Then give the specific reasons why you have concerns about the virtual machine ONLY and absolutely nothing about DCG accountability. DCG accountability should have been in a separate poll. Again, I wish to emphasis even with this wording I would not post the poll until there was several months discussion and debate about it.
Regarding Dash Nexus: I have tried twice previously around 1 year and 6 moths ago to register my masternodes at DashNexus and the nexus system would not accept them. I sent a message to nexus asking for support on this and got no reply. I could not register my MNs. I am CEO of a company. I haven't got all day to setup something that should take a few minutes. I decided to stay with Dashcentral as it is still operational and functional. So in my case it isn't because "I couldn't be bothered" as you label it. I haven't got the time to be faffing around with a service that did not allow me to register twice.
You also have to realise MNOs aren't reading everything in every Dash channel. It isn't I can't be bothered. I don't have the time. On a typical day I wake at 05.30am and work on average until 21:30 - many times to midnight. The main time I have to contribute to DASH is at the weekend. I am not on Discord - because I simply do not have the time to be contributing there. I decided that my main contribution would be on the proposals - for me that is at Dashcentral due to issues I had with Nexus. I also make occasional contributions at the forums with posts like these.
What I expect to see is at least is a pre-proposal is for it to be mentioned in multiple channels at
least a few months before it is intended to be posted. This gives everyone an opportunity to actually become aware of the pre-proposal and for feedback to be given before a poll is posted. Discussion of the poll should be done months before the posting. It should be discussed in the Dash Forum as well as at nexus and they should be extensively linked to with text that actually describes what the page is about in a description. If you are on Discord links to both the forum and nexus would be given to the community months before you intend to post officially to make certain people aware of the intended poll. Where is your URL of the pre-discussion in the forum? I don't see a dedicated page on your pre-proposal discussion on the Dash forum - send me the URL. Where it it?
If I post an article on the forum it takes months for the number of views to be registered and for people to notice it. You have to give people enough time.
Before casting a critical eye over my proposal, perhaps you can ask yourself why Dash Core has not commented at all when it so directly affects them?
I have been about the only MNO challenging Dash Core Group on their proposals. I don't remember seeing your contributions
@GrandMasterDash in their proposals anywhere near as much as my comments. For well over a year I was asking challenging questions and of the DCG on their proposals to get clarity and more accountability. Very few, if anyone, supported me or my comments. Clarification: When I write DCG in this post I mean specifically DCG management. I, more than anyone, have worked to get DCG management more accountable. This is why I am
particularly bothered that you have chosen to post your poll in the manner that you have - significantly
lessening the effect that it could have had if it was posted in the right manner.
I challenged DCG on their wanting to spend a million dollars on google ads. I challenged DCG on getting clarity on the actual number of full time employees they have as opposed to part time people. I challenged them on the consistent and repeated missed goals and targets for Evolution release dates. I challenged them on how how they were running Agile process. I challenged them on their connections with Alt36 and the waste of money, time and resources on that project. I challenged them on their costs of office space at 55,000 USD for space they are not even regularly using according to a reliable source that lives in Arizona and have visited their offices multiple times and found them completely empty. So I'd appreciate it if you don't lecture me on challenging DCG! I did more than you ever did on challenging DCG in their proposals and I don't recall seeing your support there. I have now given up on attempting to hold DCG accountable on my own. My comments were mostly ignored by DCG and I got little to know support from other MNOs. That is when I finally realised the problem.
We have to bring large numbers of MNOs together into an aligned way of thinking and form an official association for MNOs if we are to have a chance to effect real change and hold DCG management fully accountable.
You asked "Why are DCG not replying"
Answer: Because the poll was poorly and ineffectively posted. It has mixed themes and the timing was not good. There was no buy-in from any MNOs prior to the posting of the poll. Those are the reasons why they are not responding. DCG know that if they stay quiet the poll will be ineffective. DCG management know this because of the following:
1. DCG are currently indispensable to the project and they therefore can do whatever they want and not feel obliged to be accountable to anyone, including MNOs. The DCG idea of accountable is to produce a quarterly report, which they produce and is not open for audit by a 3rd party such as DashWatch. That is
not accountability.
2. DCG know that if a single MNO, like you for example, decide to post a poll on their own, without the buy in and support of other MNOs in advance, they can comfortably ignore it. There is simply not enough MNOs working together supporting each other to make DCG accountable.
MNOs holding DCG accountable on their own is going to fail because it is just one or two voices.
However MNOs forming an association and working together a bit like a union we will
have a much greater powerful voice and much more power to hold DCG accountable. That is one of the reasons I 've started posting in the forum my posts on Governance we need to bring MNOs together to have a stronger voice.
I have posted a new post on how to solve the problem of MNOs working individual. I am proposing we setup The Dash Masternode Association to strengthen our voices. See the following post:
Everyone has their strengths and weaknesses. Clearly your strength is with the technical understanding. My strengths are primarily in business and knowing what works to get a message across.
This issue of ineffective poll posting is another reason why I made the post on the importance of us developing a Dash Decentralisation Charter (DDC) which formalises policies such as how to effectively post a poll. See this posting for more information:
Dash Decentralisation Charter