0% house edge gambling is easy with dash

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Executive Summary

Dash gambling sites can make a profit offering 0% house edge gambling by using part of the players’ deposits as masternode collateral. The sites would break even on the betting and make a profit from the masternode rewards. This can be done with little effort and no additional risk.

This is a chance for Dash to leverage the rewards in the masternode system to offer a unique and attractive service that would give a lot of people a compelling reason to acquire and hold dash. Therefore driving dash price and adoption.

I wrote up the idea here

Reddit discussion here

What do yall think?
sounds like a really neat idea! are you going to implement this or is this just an idea for anyone to try on their own? I am very interested in how this would work out in practice
sounds like a really neat idea! are you going to implement this or is this just an idea for anyone to try on their own? I am very interested in how this would work out in practice

This is just an idea for anyone to try in a team. I would be happy to consult about it :)
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