!注意! 关于传销网站www.darkcoin.company的信息.谨防上当受骗


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when a company uses somebody else's coin and technologies , runs an investment scheme with it , but only does that on their own page (not on public exchanges) than it is false and a scam ! Darkcoin-company 's coins do not work on our wallet or blockchain , they dictate their own prices and supposedly value of these coins . no legit company works like this and it has all signs of a Ponzi / pyramid scheme !!

当一个公司使用别人的硬币和技术,运行与它的投资计划,但只做了自己的网页(而不是在公共交易所)比它是假的,是一个骗局! Darkcoin-公司的硬币不会对我们的钱包或blockchain工作,他们决定自己的价格,这些硬币的所谓价值。没有合法的公司是这样工作的,它有一个庞氏骗局/传销的迹象!
when a company uses somebody else's coin and technologies , runs an investment scheme with it , but only does that on their own page (not on public exchanges) than it is false and a scam ! Darkcoin-company 's coins do not work on our wallet or blockchain , they dictate their own prices and supposedly value of these coins . no legit company works like this and it has all signs of a Ponzi / pyramid scheme !!

当一个公司使用别人的硬币和技术,运行与它的投资计划,但只做了自己的网页(而不是在公共交易所)比它是假的,是一个骗局! Darkcoin-公司的硬币不会对我们的钱包或blockchain工作,他们决定自己的价格,这些硬币的所谓价值。没有合法的公司是这样工作的,它有一个庞氏骗局/传销的迹象!
when a company uses somebody else's coin and technologies , runs an investment scheme with it , but only does that on their own page (not on public exchanges) than it is false and a scam ! Darkcoin-company 's coins do not work on our wallet or blockchain , they dictate their own prices and supposedly value of these coins . no legit company works like this and it has all signs of a Ponzi / pyramid scheme !!

当一个公司使用别人的硬币和技术,运行与它的投资计划,但只做了自己的网页(而不是在公共交易所)比它是假的,是一个骗局! Darkcoin-公司的硬币不会对我们的钱包或blockchain工作,他们决定自己的价格,这些硬币的所谓价值。没有合法的公司是这样工作的,它有一个庞氏骗局/传销的迹象!

What is meant by public exchanges, and these trading platforms who is the boss, who is to oversee, you just said there were signs that, instead of there being any evidence! then there is also taking advantage of the many corporate networks and health to establish their own businesses, that can be considered cheating? MA is fooling all the people
我认为ID 飞跃年华 和暗黑血统 都是那个传销组织的人。竟然跑到官网来捣乱来了。。真是醉了。。。希望尽快查办