
Wow, that's awesome! If I could superlike that I would!
I'm glad my guide will help out Chinese fulfil their dream of MN ownership...
Thanks, Alexy you made me blush...:tongue:
Wow, that's awesome! If I could superlike that I would!
I'm glad my guide will help out Chinese fulfil their dream of MN ownership...
Thanks, Alexy you made me blush...:tongue:
I've try my best to remain the delight between your sentences.^^ It's my pleasure to work it out. I wish it can be useful to those Chinese who wanna to setup their own MN~
you see, before translated this amazing article i didn't know how to setup either. With the extremely detailed instructions, i do can make it now. Learn from the Best~HAHA:grin:

At first i wanna post a thread like you did, but here's the error occurred. I believe under the GWF's "protection", those people cannot read Word on onedrive.


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I've try my best to remain the delight between your sentences.^^ It's my pleasure to work it out. I wish it can be useful to those Chinese who wanna to setup their own MN~
you see, before translated this amazing article i didn't know how to setup either. With the extremely detailed instructions, i do can make it now. Learn from the Best~HAHA:grin:

At first i wanna post a thread like you did, but here's the error occurred. I believe under the GWF's "protection", those people cannot read Word on onedrive.
That's great man! I'm happy you liked my guide.
I really appreciate you translating it, I'm sure it was hard work!
If it helps get more Masternodes set up and make some noise in China, that's good for all of us...:smile:
各位同志 , 你们有Dark Wiki内资料的翻译吗 ?

各位同志 , 你们有Dark Wiki内资料的翻译吗 ?


It is on top of the list !
it will take some time but we will definitely work on that !
please be patient

Actually I want to ask is it possible to use 2 different address for hosting masternode 1 is on the server one is cold storage(holding the 1,000 Dash)

我想問可不可以分2個地址行Master node 一個用作冷儲存 一個用在服務器上??
Actually I want to ask is it possible to use 2 different address for hosting masternode 1 is on the server one is cold storage(holding the 1,000 Dash)

我想問可不可以分2個地址行Master node 一個用作冷儲存 一個用在服務器上??
兩個地址?這個我沒太明白. 架設時用到了冷熱錢包,冷錢包(主節點錢包)放在本地,服務器上的熱錢包相當於鏡像.保證了安全.基本服務器被黑了也不會有任何影響.
兩個地址?這個我沒太明白. 架設時用到了冷熱錢包,冷錢包(主節點錢包)放在本地,服務器上的熱錢包相當於鏡像.保證了安全.基本服務器被黑了也不會有任何影響.
我其實看了教程也不是很明白. 因為由始至終都只用了一個住址(主節點錢包) . 到底那個是冷錢包地址?? 搞不董
我其實看了教程也不是很明白. 因為由始至終都只用了一個住址(主節點錢包) . 到底那個是冷錢包地址?? 搞不董
嗯,其實就是服務器和本地,通過主節點私鑰privatekay進行識別後建立起來的聯繫,本地的是冷錢包,服務器是熱錢包,是同一個地址. 只不過服務器上的相當於鏡像?一點意義沒有,就是起到一個標示的作用吧.這樣好理解點.Naruto方便留郵箱的話我發你一份QQ群中落葉寫的一篇教程吧.可能更容易理解點.
嗯,其實就是服務器和本地,通過主節點私鑰privatekay進行識別後建立起來的聯繫,本地的是冷錢包,服務器是熱錢包,是同一個地址. 只不過服務器上的相當於鏡像?一點意義沒有,就是起到一個標示的作用吧.這樣好理解點.Naruto方便留郵箱的話我發你一份QQ群中落葉寫的一篇教程吧.可能更容易理解點.

但是如果服務器被黑 private key 如果被偷 那地址上的幣就沒有了 對嗎? 因為只是同一個地址(private key) 分別放在伺服器和本地而已??
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但是如果服務器被黑 private key 如果被偷 那地址上的幣就沒有了 對嗎? 因為只是同一個地址(private key) 分別放在伺服器和本地而已??
"在远程服务器(如租用VPS等,于Linux系统上)架构完成以后,你的本地钱包即可关闭,这样,即便是对方攻破你的远程服务器,你的本地钱包保存在本地,一分钱也不会损失" 在远程服务器上被黑成什么样都没关系.对方拿不到你Wallet.dat的话也没办法.服务器上的不过是热钱包.和你本地冷存储的钱包不是一个东西.
"在远程服务器(如租用VPS等,于Linux系统上)架构完成以后,你的本地钱包即可关闭,这样,即便是对方攻破你的远程服务器,你的本地钱包保存在本地,一分钱也不会损失" 在远程服务器上被黑成什么样都没关系.对方拿不到你Wallet.dat的话也没办法.服务器上的不过是热钱包.和你本地冷存储的钱包不是一个东西.
但是服務器上的 地址和Private key 和我wallet.dat 上的地址是一樣的 . 對方只需要拿到Private key 就能取用我地址上的幣了! 根本不需要我的wallet.dat ! 不是嗎???
节点私钥是节点内部用到的 估计是生成一个私钥 。 和钱包地址没关联,所以拿到这个私钥 也获取不到币。