Бесконечная синхронизация заголовков/Endless title synchronization


New member
Доброго времени суток. Возникла проблема с кошельком на одном блоке синхронизация заголовков останавливается и стоит на месте. Добавлял пиров вручную и перестраивал индекс - проблема все также остается. Пробовал перенести wallet.dat на другое устройство - на новом устройстве пишет: Error opening block database.
Как быть ?
Good day. There was a problem with the wallet on one block, the synchronization of headers stops and stands still. I added peers manually and rebuilt the index - the problem still remains. I tried to transfer wallet.dat to another device - on the new device it says: Error opening block database.
How to be?
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Make sure you update the wallet to the latest version, currently v18.2.2 and try again, if still getting stuck, use the reindex option from the wallet menu and wait one day for it to finish.
Make sure you update the wallet to the latest version, currently v18.2.2 and try again, if still getting stuck, use the reindex option from the wallet menu and wait one day for it to finish.

thanks for the advice. already tried and unfortunately does not help
thanks for the advice. already tried and unfortunately does not help
That is the only solution, if you have any further issues contact dash support, details can be found on the main homepage. Good luck.
thanks for the advice. already tried and unfortunately does not help

Have you tried deleting the peers.dat file ?
(stop wallet, delete peers.dat file, start wallet)

Never mind, with ''Error opening block database'' you most likely need to delete your Dash blockchain (not your wallet.dat file !! make a backup of that file first !!) and download and sync from scratch. You could try to use a Dash bootstrap file for that : https://github.com/UdjinM6/dash-bootstrap
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