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  1. B

    What is coins in read only mode?

    1) I'had to go in console mode, and write masternode list=>return me a long list. Copy/paste in masternode.conf and adding privkey for masternode and they appears in tab "my mastenodes" All are enabled and contol coins is on in options. 2) I follow the official setup guide for masternodes and...
  2. B

    What is coins in read only mode?

    last time I'll try to salvage wallet in command line like dashcore -salvagewallet It's seems to repair private key for address (I understand good it isn't the same as masternode privkey) But turn me back an error message like => can't enable key for wallet because mixing is'nt enable. Try this...
  3. B

    What is coins in read only mode?

    ok strohy! In console mode when I write getprivkey for an address =>this return an error message (address priv key is not know) In section tab My masternode (my own) I've a list of masternode. in console mode when I write masternode list=>return a list of masternode. I Can get success my...
  4. B

    need somes explains!

    bonjour, Voici les captures d'écran, déjà l’écran principal! Sur ce lien on vient que mes adresses de MN reçoivent des rewards. Cependant il y a des transactions sortantes sur mes mn? Est il possible qu'un hacker ai...
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    need somes explains!

    1) Ce sont juste des adresses de paiements que j'ai utilisé lors de générations de pièces! En activant le processus, l'ordinateur se met a gérer les transactions et reçoit en contre partie des frais pour les transactions gérée=>MNING Il me faut des adresses de réceptions pour recevoir ces...
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    need somes explains!

    oui je parle français. EN fait j'ai mis a jour le portefeuille avec la commande -upgradewallet. Pas de problèmes, mes adresses de mining apparaissent bien. Pendant la synchronisation, il me semble que mes pièces ont été dépensées pour des masternodes automatiquement. J'ai ajouté sans problèmes...
  7. B

    need somes explains!

    thank's! Last time, I used an old dash wallet.dat file, and I've upgrade to last core-qt sucessfully. I've my mining address, in debug.log it seem's to spend my coins automatically for masternodes. before they are added in balance!! When I wite in console mode, masternodes list=>return back a...
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    need somes explains!

    Hello! I need somes explanations, with masternodes. On the "my mastenodes" tab, I can see a lot with their beneficiary address. I've a masternodes monitoring and today somes payement appears. When I try to add priv key of benifiaciary address, it return back "priv key is not know" there is no...
  9. B

    somes questions about read only addresses!

    ok thank's I must buy a trezor hardware wallet! thank's!
  10. B

    What is coins in read only mode?

    In debug log file, it appearsn a lot masternode transaction accepted winner with txcount Sometimes, it appears an error, but another times they are accepted and a block is created! And butget proposal are ok and somtimes check remove items, adding votes.. All rigth, I configure my own...
  11. B

    Dashd block remains 0

    An simply awser=> Go on cryptochainer =>download dash blockchain. There is an explain to copy/past blockchain, it would be automaticaly update when lanching dashcore. You can also download antoher blockchain for a lot of coins!!! (I 've the same problem with dash...
  12. B

    What is coins in read only mode?

    Must I've type in console mode this command=> getaccountaddress 0 ???? Another user explain this create an address for the wallet? (no an simply receiving address) If is it the case, How to remeeded an transaction masternode? cause When I search payment on the explorer dash=> It appears somes...
  13. B

    What is coins in read only mode?

    Sorry I'm french, I don't speak very well. So in first this is balance screenshot! You can see on this screen that coins are in read only mode! But I've added privkey for my each receiving address=>no coins in balance, and had too adding benificiary address of my masternodes (that's why they...
  14. B

    What is coins in read only mode?

    yes I've enable coin control with no doubts! But in send transactions =>input there is no TXUO (nothing appears) I'll' try to do that is wrinting in the guide=>but nothing!! My masternode are succesfully setup ! In dash ninja all appears in green and last payments are since 3 days or 1 week...
  15. B

    Somes Questions About debug.log file!

    I formulate my question clearly. I've setup a lot of mastenodes sucessfuly and no problems. They are "green" in dash ninja. But It appears last payment since 1 days (in dash ninja), but nothing is receiving in the wallet! So why? Why last payment doesn't appear in my wallet, until on dash...
  16. B

    somes questions about read only addresses!

    Thnak's I understand better with link you give to me. In fact, I've just use getaddress (in console mode) with masternode benificiary addresses. in the guide that explain, I can now show up transactions sending /receiving by users using my masternodes. When I go on dash ninja, I can see all of...
  17. B

    What is coins in read only mode?

    thank's for your replies. In fact, I've just imoprtaddress show up in masternode tab=>benificiary address! Now I can show up, wich transactions are sending/receive by all of my mastenode configured in masternode.conf! So that why they are in read only mode in dash ninja website, I can show up...
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    What is coins in read only mode?

    First, I congratulate you, for the big work you make to have a good communauty and I 'm sure all dash users work hard to make it convenable. On thing, I just want to know why my coins are in read only mode and how to change it? How to unlock read only mode? Last time, somebody give to me a...
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    somes questions about read only addresses!

    Hi dash users! What's mean a read only address? I've sucessfully added mastenode in maternode.conf file! at this time only 200 node to 1 000 nodes created! I must to setup the rest entirely! In dashcore QT, I see all nodes enable and benificiary are address in read only mode. I'll try to add...
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    Somes Questions About debug.log file!

    Hello traders! I'm a trader and a miner of crypto currencies since 5 years! I'm serious, I study computing at university in europe and worked in maintening hardware compagnies and programming! It's been 15 years that I work in computing! I'm sorry if I post here cause the thread of masternode...