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  1. iceker

    It is strongly recommended to take official action against gun mine pool

    关键的问题是不是他支不支持主节点支付,主要的问题是他这个机枪矿池的存在会限制dark的发展,你可以想象一下,价格上涨一点算力就会增加很多,这样直接导致的结果就是那些散户矿工根本无法在正常的矿池里边进行开采dark,因为根本没有其他的币种收益好,然后就剩下他们挖到了大部分dark,这些被他们挖到的dark,他们会直接到交易平台变成btc或者ltc,根本不会像散户矿工一样持有dark。 The key issue is not that he does not support the master node support payments, the main problem is...
  2. iceker

    It is strongly recommended to take official action against gun mine pool 你们可以去看看他们的算力有多少 只是他在挖各种不同的x11算法的币 哪个价格高一点就切一部分去挖
  3. iceker

    It is strongly recommended to take official action against gun mine pool

    They are used ltc or btc or rmb settlement to the miners, and the miners dug themselves do not know what coins, the biggest problem is that they have counted nearly 90G of force. Hope the official will pay attention to this issue.
  4. iceker

    It is strongly recommended to take official action against gun mine pool,该矿池是一个机枪矿池,在dark币价格上涨或者没有其他x11算法币种的时候就会把算力转移到dark币,挖到币直接直接卖掉换成LTC然后给用户支付,个人认为严重影响dark币的发展,强烈要求官方采取手动遏制他们这种杀鸡取卵的行为。他们这种行为导致矿工并不知道他们挖的是什么币,只知道每天能收到多少ltc,并且大家可以通过区块浏览器看到不支付主节点模式也是该矿池。支持的请顶起。, mine pool is a machine gun mine pool, or in the dark is no other currency...
  5. iceker

    Pool List

    Mpos Pool url:drk。cif8。com - 0.5% Fee PPS china added
  6. iceker

    Official block explorer

  7. iceker

    Status Update 7/1/2014

  8. iceker


    中国是个矿工大国,而且dark是x11算法的领导者,为什么在中国没有收到大部分矿工的青睐和看好呢,因为有一个巨大的机枪矿池的存在,我们的矿池算力比较小,出块不稳定 无奈我们只好采取pps分币模式 矿池链接:
  9. iceker

    Updated Pools running (Paying Masternode Payments)

    drk。cif8。com pool_unknown_11 已更新