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  1. craigums

    Some Thoughts on Dash's Funding Priorities, DashText, and Dash's Future

    Hi y'all! While I haven't been making many videos about Dash as of late, I still have been watching and considering it. I made a video containing some thoughts about Dash's current budget and how it relates to the long-term future of Dash. Looking forward to your feedback!
  2. craigums

    Pre-Proposal | Interviews with Proposal Owners by Craig Mason

    Hello everyone - I have yet to submit this proposal (for reasons I will address during the stream), but I will be streaming about the month's proposals later today at 4PM PST at the following link: Feel free to DM me on discord (@craigmason) or in the chate before or during the stream with any...
  3. craigums

    Pre-Proposal | Interviews with Proposal Owners by Craig Mason

    Thanks y'all for the feedback! As for the 3 months question - I am open to doing three, but I'll provide my rationale for doing just one as I was inspired from Amanda's recent month-by-month proposal as I think it has the following benefits: -In my last proposal, I took some flack for the price...
  4. craigums

    DashRemix makes Masternode voting easy with unbiased ratings of budget proposals and voting APIs

    Hi Ftoole - it's freakin awesome that you view MNO rewards as compensation for this service. However, I think most (and certainly fairly IMO) see MNO rewards as a return on the significant capital tied up in running an MN. The amount of work that most people are willing to spend sorting through...
  5. craigums

    DashRemix makes Masternode voting easy with unbiased ratings of budget proposals and voting APIs

    Hi Jack! Any thoughts on the ability to delegate votes to others should MNO's want to do so? I spoke to why I think this is necessary in this video here at the 47 minute mark:
  6. craigums

    Pre-Proposal | Interviews with Proposal Owners by Craig Mason

    Alejandro - Thanks for the kind words and for elucidating exactly what I'm trying to do with this proposal!
  7. craigums

    Pre-Proposal | Interviews with Proposal Owners by Craig Mason

    Hello Everyone - Introduction & Overview I'm here today to pre-propose a service to the Dash community that builds upon my previous proposal based on the variety of helpful feedback I've received. In my previous proposal, in an attempt to facilitate the discussion and engagement of MNO's in...
  8. craigums

    Proposal Summary and Commentary: Renewal w/Changes

    GrandMasterDash - I agree 100%. Success in these types of arenas are not always correlated with value, but often marketing, persistence, and timing, but in the long run, I think that we need (and will get!) more content based on the actual use and value of cryptos and I look forward to being a...
  9. craigums

    Proposal Summary and Commentary: Renewal w/Changes

    Thanks Arthyron - I greatly appreciate the feedback and encouragement. I believe I will start a pre-proposal thread for just the interviews this month in order to gauge interest.
  10. craigums

    Proposal Summary and Commentary: Renewal w/Changes

    Thanks for the heads up Alejandro - It looked like it was working from what I can see, but I pasted the link in text format in case it's not working. Congrats what looks like a passing proposal for Dash Help Venezuela!
  11. craigums

    Proposal: Core Team Advertising (March)

    Hi Everyone - I talked about this proposal at length in a stream earlier tonight. Here's a timestamped link (It should go to 21:37, but I don't know if it's working properly with the embedding here.) for those that are interested:
  12. craigums

    Proposal Summary and Commentary: Renewal w/Changes

    Hey y'all! Streaming live tonight at 6pm PST re. some of this month's proposals as well as the network in general! (This isn't related to my proposal, but I figured this was a good place for it!) Here's the link: Someone mentioned that the link wasn't working; I'm not sure why as it seems to...
  13. craigums

    Proposal Summary and Commentary: Renewal w/Changes

    Thanks guys for the additional feedback! Spreading it out/not leaving it til the end makes sense. I think I will do some live streams more spreadout during the month instead of the formal rundown at the end and see how that works. I'm really glad to hear that the interviews are useful. I was...
  14. craigums

    Proposal Summary and Commentary: Renewal w/Changes

    Hi all! Great feedback, and much appreciated. I responded to all comments in the thread in the most recent proposal video update here (link is timestampted to when I talk about it): I'm very glad to hear that the interviews are of value! I'll be putting more out in February and look forward to...
  15. craigums

    UPDATES: Reporting and Commentary on All Dash Proposals on a Monthly Basis by the Mason Brothers

    Hi All! Here's the final installment in our proposal for this month's proposal rundown and commentary: Along with the usual PDF viewing guide. I'll be updating all of the proposals posted this week in a live event on Saturday 1/27 at 4PM Pacific time (UTC-8) which can be found here: Thank...
  16. craigums

    Proposal Summary and Commentary: Renewal w/Changes

    Hello Dash Friends - After our prior approved 3-month proposal to summarize and comment upon every proposal wraps up this month (, I wanted to get some feedback on how it went and propose some potential changes to the format that I hope will...
  17. craigums

    UPDATES: Reporting and Commentary on All Dash Proposals on a Monthly Basis by the Mason Brothers

    Hi All - Just a heads up on the dates that this month's videos will be coming out: We'll be filming this Sunday 1/21/18; with our video arriving on approximately 1//24. We'll then do an update livestream on 1/27 2 days prior to the proposal deadline! Thank you all for your support over the...
  18. craigums

    Is there a resource detailing all past approved proposals?

    There is an approved proposal in the works to do just that called Dash Watch. They were only approved last month and are still in development. Their proposal can be found here:
  19. craigums

    UPDATES: Reporting and Commentary on All Dash Proposals on a Monthly Basis by the Mason Brothers

    Hello all! Here is this month's proposal video: As well as the PDF viewing guide that accompanies it: There have been several proposals posted since we filmed the video, and I will be doing a live update on 12/27 at 7pm...