Search results

  1. joemoraca

    Pre-proposal: AgroCognitive - An ultimate solution to bring Dash to the fields (First month)

    There is a lot to read - is there "proof" that your system will actually work to help increase yields? Are you going to be pushing sustainable ag or just chemical use?
  2. joemoraca

    Change Block Reward % from 45/45/10 to 42.5/42.5/15

    The miners and masternode owners are doing work for their portion of the block rewards. I agree with @Stealth923
  3. joemoraca

    Pre-Proposal - Visual Identity

    I am not a fan of the multi color gradient but like the new concept.
  4. joemoraca

    Proposal: Core Team Compensation (April)

    Have you looked at the price of benefits? It would be good to add that for at least "key" team members ASAP.
  5. joemoraca

    Pre Proposal: Magento Dash Payments Plugin

    Well I don't have any Decred to fully test but I did check it out and it looks OK. Do you have anything in the Magento Marketplace? Dash is already in there with coingate (1% fee) - so a direct to store wallet with no fees...
  6. joemoraca

    Pre Proposal: Magento Dash Payments Plugin

    Do you have some example work - other plugins that you can link to so people can see your "resume"?
  7. joemoraca

    Pre Proposal: Magento Dash Payments Plugin

    so for your initial deliverable it would include at least a conversion from fiat (USD or store default) pricing to Dash (based on and upon the completion of a sale the Dash goes into a user/store owner assigned Dash wallet address?
  8. joemoraca

    Partnership With The Free Thought Project to Bring DASH to Millions

    the timeframe is tied to the monthly payment so you need to make the proposal for 3 months to get 3 payments
  9. joemoraca

    Proposal: Alt36 + Dash Payment Platform [15 Updates Included]

    Good to see the latest update. Seems no one has good luck with delivery of crypto ATM machines
  10. joemoraca

    HardFork Series Masterthread

    Where will you be posting updates?
  11. joemoraca


    Is there an update somewhere?
  12. joemoraca


    Are you posting updates somewhere?
  13. joemoraca

    Niche Market Trade Shows - POS Vendors

    Thanks for the very kind words. I needed a break from the 3 article deadlines a week with DFN. Perhaps I will find a new home for the proposal reviews I thought they were good to have out there. I certainly agree about POS systems being very important and hope to see Alt36 in the marketplace...
  14. joemoraca

    Niche Market Trade Shows - POS Vendors

    I did attend the National Retail Federation "Big Show" in mid Jan. It was a very big event with over 36,000 people attending. The vendor area was huge - all 4 levels of it. I was able to meet with most of the payment processor / POS software vendors there and discuss Dash with them. On...
  15. joemoraca

    Niche Market Trade Shows - POS Vendors

    I have posted several updates on the pre proposal tread at I wanted to add this update I provided for Dash Watch as I am not sure when they will publicly launch. Where is your preferred venue for proposal updates...
  16. joemoraca

    POS Integrations
  17. joemoraca

    Is there a resource detailing all past approved proposals?

    This is the best current resource
  18. joemoraca

    Pre-Proposal: POS Plugin/Merchant Acquisition for Accepting, Buying and Selling DASH

    Why are you not using the funding from your ICO for "merchant acquisition"? The development to add Dash is the small part.
  19. joemoraca

    POS Integrations

    I would like to discuss this with you - it is a great "opening" for getting Dash in front of POS vendors. I have a similar (ish) proposal already funded.