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  1. Darren

    What is more profitable? A master node or lend the Poloniex?

    The counter party risk is much lower with a Masternode. It's no counter party risk actually. Just a hacking risk. Poloniex is a large target and I would suggest more likely to be hacked than you.
  2. Darren

    Max Block Size

    In line 54 of the Max Block Size is set to 750,000. I believe the masternodes voted to up this to 2,000,000. This type of change should be rolled out over time. That is a block height could be chosen ( 623,000 around Feb 2017) and...
  3. Darren

    NEW MEMBERS: Welcome to Dash! Introduce yourself...

    Welcome Poltergeist. Here's a great interview about DASH:
  4. Darren

    Please don't make the mistakes bitcoin is making

    Yes, there may very well be an effect. I would say that this might be expected. However, dash has done a good job of avoiding all the drama.
  5. Darren

    Amanda's Next Eepisde is Out

    I forgot to tag @amanda_b_johnson
  6. Darren

    Amanda's Next Eepisde is Out

    "And you can take that to the bank. Except that you are your own bank, so you can just take it to yourself"
  7. Darren

    Please don't make the mistakes bitcoin is making

    The bitcoin miners use SHA256 specific hardware. I'm not sure if any SHA256 crypto currencies have survived. Teracoin was one, but bitcoin miners pointing to it made the difficulty terribly sporadic, and the coin may have died as a result. A bitcoin miner has only two options ON and OFF...
  8. Darren

    Please don't make the mistakes bitcoin is making

    I applaud the developers for doing what they're doing and not implementing the mistakes of bitcoin. I was thinking of this today because Full RBF may be the default in new bitcoin clients. Does anyone know if the 2MB limit for Dash blocks actually is actually in the code of What...
  9. Darren

    Dash Evolution Sign Up Page

    While you're at it have the first block explore point to
  10. Darren

    I'm new

    I'm a co-host. The other co-host is JJ, and we may bring Randy on every week if things go right.
  11. Darren

    Neocash Radio interviews Amanda B. Johnson!

    @amanda_b_johnson Thank you for taking the time to answer our questions about dash. It's great to have this as a resource. There has been so much activity this month.
  12. Darren

    Dash Rules Every Thing Around Me

  13. Darren

    Monthly Investor Report -- DASH: Detailed

    2587 from 1943 is a 33.1% increase 15,100 to 36,500 is over a 141% increase. missed the 100.
  14. Darren

    Concern about distributed Masternodes

    @amanda_b_johnson I would love to hear Duffields explanation of how distributed masternodes will or won't vote. Please ask this question. Dawww, thanks
  15. Darren

    Concern about distributed Masternodes

    Just as long as anyone who puts up a stake gets control of a proportionate vote.
  16. Darren

    Concern about distributed Masternodes

    I have a concern about the distributed master nodes. With bitcoin it was organized so that the miners made protocol decisions. What may have been unforeseen is that miners would pool resources and pass the protocol decisions to the pool operator. This makes what was intended to be a...
  17. Darren

    NEW MEMBERS: Welcome to Dash! Introduce yourself...

    Welcome Jacob Carl! :)
  18. Darren

    How do you vote your masternode without using third parties?

    Thank you. How do we know which node voted which way? How is the vote public?
  19. Darren

    How do you vote your masternode without using third parties?

    Does this tutorial exist? Is there a quick answer? Is there a long answer?
  20. Darren

    More bad news for Ethereum

    That Mimms guy seems crazy. Everything is always someone else's fault. From the article: What exactly is the claim?