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  1. UdjinM6

    Dash Radio Advertising, 170+ stations. You are welcome :)
  2. UdjinM6

    Moving Masternodes to another Server

    Restarting server should be ok if it takes less then 2h. If your vps has fast disks and enough disk space you can also add swap file to help your instance to survive during mem spikes. 4gb swap as an example: sudo fallocate -l 4G /swapfile sudo chmod 600 /swapfile sudo mkswap /swapfile sudo...
  3. UdjinM6

    Electrum multisig wallet

    > My partner created in Electrum a "Standard Wallet" You are doing it wrong :) Your partner should also create a multisig wallet using your master public key as a pubkey of a cosigner. Same for 3/5 multisig - everyone should create multisig wallet using their public/private keys and (4) public...
  4. UdjinM6

    [Problem] No block source available

    The easiest way: Tools -> Wallet Repair -> Rebuild index
  5. UdjinM6

    [Pre-Proposal] The Dash Hardware Wallet

    Interesting proposal, few points though: 1) CoolWallet NFC, BLE, credit card size. But it's ~$100 avg (a bit more for a pack of one, a bit less per device if you order a pack of 2) and it doesn't support Dash atm ("Our focus is only on Bitcoin for now, but we might...
  6. UdjinM6

    DashTV - The easy way to keep an eye on your investment

    This Account has been suspended. Contact your hosting provider for more information. :(
  7. UdjinM6

    Austin Meetup / DASH Stats / 2x Videos on EverydayCrypto

    I can confirm that we talked about some edge cases of InstantSend and that this discussion was pretty helpful. I also like the idea to run statoshi-like site - funny enough I was thinking about the same not so long ago. There are some sites we use for monitoring stats but they rely on rpc +...
  8. UdjinM6

    NEW MEMBERS: Welcome to Dash! Introduce yourself...

    Welcome. It's always nice to see new people here but if you don't want to be banned please refrain from posting 20 very similar posts in different threads all advertising your(?) site. I deleted all of them btw, so let's just agree to save your and my time. If you want to promote your site...
  9. UdjinM6

    With a heavy heart...

    This pretty old video (back from 1984!) explains exactly what is happening right now in a very simple and clear way. Too bad no one listened back then or wasn't able to fix the the root issue... PS. Even though this is an important issue, rules are rules :rolleyes: moving to Offtopic
  10. UdjinM6

    37 Dash in my wallet and my BIP38 passphrase is not working :(

    Congratulations on the recovery! Yep, this kind of thing happens when you copy passphrase from text file. In old days I believe there were some similar issues when some text editors added "new line" ("\n") special character into copied string, so when user pasted passphrase this character was...
  11. UdjinM6

    Proposal: Adverts on Radiolab

  12. UdjinM6

    Can't get dash from paper wallet into Jaxx

    You can try Electrum-Dash to import paper wallet private key PS. "btc" and "instantly" in one sentence looks... like a nonsense :p
  13. UdjinM6

    WTT Dash Paper Wallet Exchange

    Just use or
  14. UdjinM6

    Running a test network

  15. UdjinM6

    As a MNO can i stop private send ?

    From tech point of view coins/private keys never leave your wallet when you mix and thus MNs have no control over them, each mixing partner signs his part of a mixing tx by himself. For a legal side of the question I think @fernando can provide some answers. Re disabling mixing on MN: yes, of...
  16. UdjinM6

    DashTV - The easy way to keep an eye on your investment

    Hey @pille " uses an invalid security certificate. The certificate expired" :(
  17. UdjinM6

    DashTV - The easy way to keep an eye on your investment

    Yes, I did and it works for me... (Firefox, macos)
  18. UdjinM6

    DashTV - The easy way to keep an eye on your investment

    That's a feature, not a bug ;) To select smth just double-click on it.
  19. UdjinM6

    Lost Password

    It should be in %APPDATA%\DashCore\
  20. UdjinM6

    Bug: listreceivedbyaddress includes send addresses

    Ah, I see what's going on! They list all addresses saved in wallet's address book BUT address book also stores addresses you sent to a) with some label attached to it or b) via payment request. You can check these addresses in "File" -> "Sending addresses...". I'm not sure if that's a feature or...