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  1. algodon.franelas

    Pre-proposal: Dash conference - Venezuela

    Can anyone else give me any other piece of advice?
  2. algodon.franelas

    Pre-proposal: Dash conference - Venezuela

    Gracias, @Coachdigi Me das una buena idea, voy a implementar algo así :-) Saludos
  3. algodon.franelas

    Pre-proposal: Dash conference - Venezuela

    1RST PROPOSAL UPDATE + ADVICE NEEDED Hello, everybody. First, let me say that I am very happy and grateful for the support that the DASH community has given to this proposal. I really think this will be a win-win kind of deal and I am very pleased to be part of the beginning of the Venezuela /...
  4. algodon.franelas

    Buying dash from Peru

    Hi, @3dificio I suggest she joins and look for a channel called fiat_to_dash There she may find somebody willing to sell Dash. Also, she should check this: Good luck :-) And...
  5. algodon.franelas

    DASH Caracas

    Hola a todos :) Estoy muy contenta por el artículo escrito por Camilo Reyes @Shadowargel para Diario Bitcoin. Muchas gracias!!! Dash aprueba financiamiento para cripto-conferencias en Venezuela!
  6. algodon.franelas

    In Spanish, article about DASH Caracas

    Article about DASH Caracas
  7. algodon.franelas

    New cryptocurrency, bitcoin cash, off to a slow start

    New cryptocurrency, bitcoin cash, off to a slow start @babygiraffe and Dash mentioned in the article
  8. algodon.franelas

    DASH Caracas

    Este video animado está en inglés con subtítulos en español y explica qué es DASH
  9. algodon.franelas

    Venezuela: The World’s Case Study For Cryptocurrencies Hello everyone! For this article they interviewed a Venezuelan developer named Gabriel Angel Megias Giannitsopulos. He has contacted me after learning about my proposal for conferences about DASH in Caracas -...
  10. algodon.franelas

    DASH Caracas

    Hola a todos: Muchas gracias a @TaoOfSatoshi por la entrevista que me hizo en su canal de Youtube, Cash Alternative TV...
  11. algodon.franelas

    Pre-proposal: Dash conference - Venezuela

    Thanks so much to @TaoOfSatoshi for this interview in Cash Alternative TV :)
  12. algodon.franelas

    Pre-proposal: Dash conference - Venezuela

    Got it! Thanks @UdjinM6
  13. algodon.franelas

    Pre-proposal: Dash conference - Venezuela

    Hi, everyone. My graphic designer is asking me to give her the graphic elements of DASH as a brand (logos, typography), if possible in vectorized images, in order to make the pieces for the campaing of the events. Anyone know where can I have access to that? Thanks.
  14. algodon.franelas

    Pre-proposal: Dash conference - Venezuela

    Thank you @UdjinM6 I will look into it
  15. algodon.franelas

    Proposal: - Taking Dash to #1

    Hi, everybody. Just passing by to tell you all that, so far, my user experience in Dash Treasury has been really nice. It is a good looking site, and the pre-proposal and, afterwards, proposal submitting was so easy that at first I thought I must have overlooked some part of the process. But...
  16. algodon.franelas

    New Simplified Proposal Submission Process - Steps reduced to 1 single payment, 20% auto-subsidy

    Hi, everybody. Just passing by to tell you all that, so far, my user experience in Dash Treasury has been really nice. It is a good looking site, and the pre-proposal and, afterwards, proposal submitting was so easy that at first I thought I must have overlooked some part of the process. But...
  17. algodon.franelas

    Pre-proposal: Dash conference - Venezuela

    Hello, thank you so much. However, it seems I will not be able to do it, for my proposal payout adress is on Jaxx wallet, and acording to this article: Jaxx (no signing possible, no support for ERC20). But I am sure this new feature will be very helpful for future proposal owners. And I know...
  18. algodon.franelas

    Kill Proposal Fee Before it Kills Us (Poll)

    Hello, everyone. I am one of the entrepreneurs of this community, I just submited my first proposal. I am not in favor of eliminating the fee. Actually, I think it is a good way to make sure we take proposals seriously, and, if needed, raising funds for the fee is also a way of having a...
  19. algodon.franelas

    Pre-proposal: Dash conference - Venezuela

    Yes, thank you for pointing that out @TheSingleton ... maybe we can do both.
  20. algodon.franelas

    Pre-proposal: Dash conference - Venezuela

    Hi, @Darren Yes, I live in Caracas, Venezuela, where I was born and raised. Actually, from your idea something else occurs to me. We will have some DASH to give away to the atendees. As a practice of sending DASH, we could have several Venezuelan charities invited to the event and they could...