Search results

  1. Walter

    Hardening masternode server

    Hi & welcome to the community! As long as you've followed Tao's guide and you remote start your Masternode from your wallet on your local machine then the concequence of your VPS being hacked is limited to the inconvenience of having to destroy it and build a new one. You won't lose your Dash...
  2. Walter

    This payment has not been transmitted, Android Dash Wallet

    Hi @lomawis , Sorry to hear you are having problems, I'll tag a few of the devs like @UdjinM6 @crowning @splawik21 @moocowmoo into this so to try and get some form of assistance for you. Even if none of them can assist directly they may be able to direct you to someone in the community who can...
  3. Walter

    12.1 Testnet Testing Phase Two Ignition

    Most MNs are stored on big VPS providers and these days you usually get 1Tb+ of bandwidth thrown in per month. That's a LOT of data to attempt to generate on the network. There is certainly a possibility of an attack vector but as long as there is data validation on field entries within the...
  4. Walter

    Proposal: DashCore Development (February)

    Good to see our (increasingly well endowed!) treasury being put to good use on the hiring of more developers, it's much needed and will bolster efforts towards getting Dash Evo into Beta before the year is out :) It's a tall order but the capital is there now in the form of the Treasury... If...
  5. Walter

    Proposal: Conferences & Travel - ICE Totally Gaming

    That's great news @kot it's really impressive that Coinfirm approached us about this. Very exciting news :) Walter
  6. Walter

    Proposal: Conferences & Travel - ICE Totally Gaming

    100% yes. This is an absolutely massive exhibition in an industry that will be at the forefront of digital currency adoption/integration. Just having an exhibition booth would have been pretty cool, actually having the opportunity to partner with Coinfirm on stage and talk about Dash is a really...
  7. Walter

    PROPOSAL: Amanda to Present Evolution at Anarchapulco's “Cryptopulco”

    That's great news that you've been invited to this event, it's another fantastic opportunity to demonstrate the power of the Dash DAO and the upcoming Evolution release... and we all know that you'll slay it too! ;-) It's a big YES from me. Walter
  8. Walter

    Ratings @demo received

  9. Walter

    Ratings @demo received

    Again, not a helpful post... They're not stupid, they just disagree with you & they don't want (or need) to be shaken either. They need to be engaged in healthy debate with convincing facts and arguments supporting your opinion/view.
  10. Walter

    Ratings @demo received

    A script would rate 30 messages in less than a second so I don't buy your conspiracy theory. "bomb rating" as you call it may not be pleasant but it's a free world (hence your ability to post on here without censorship), the flip side of that is that you're going to get other members of the...
  11. Walter

    DashPay Point-of-Sale

    Oh, and for the record, this is a snowflake: Walter
  12. Walter

    DashPay Point-of-Sale

    This proposal has got my votes BTW. Just like @camosoul and @Solarminer had my votes on the vendor experience proposal that didn't get past the post on that occasion (as extensively documented by camosoul above). The bottom line is that - at the time - the network consensus a) didn't think the...
  13. Walter

    DashPay Point-of-Sale

    No fewer than 9 snowflake mentions in one rant... That's gotta be a new record or something! Here's the wiki definition: "Generation Snowflake, or Snowflake Generation, is a term used to characterise young adults of the 2010s as being more prone to taking offence and less resilient than...
  14. Walter

    Dash Core Team Accountability and Lack of Communication

    The more you talk in riddles, the less anybody understands what you're on about, and frankly it gets to the point where nobody cares... The only person in an echo chamber around here is you, yet you don't see it. Keep up the Walter Mitty act fella, you're doing a great job...! Oh, nearly...
  15. Walter

    Dash Core Team Accountability and Lack of Communication

    Yet more irrelevant dick swinging nonsense... You're really on a roll this morning. P.S. Almost forgot to @camosoul you in... Don't want to miss that bit out after being called out for it here, you might start thinking that your ego is big enough to scare people into behaving like cowards. In...
  16. Walter

    Dash's More Incredible 2016

    You know someone has lost an argument when they go on an off-topic rant and start flinging personal insults for no good reason. Congrats dude;)
  17. Walter

    Dash's More Incredible 2016

    "Of course that's all you got from it. You're an entitled snowflake who issues demands and ignores reality, while the con artist that has raped you for a year now laughs all the way to the bank." Lol - yeah, I feel completely violated.. Seeing my investment appreciate 500% over the course of 12...
  18. Walter

    Dash's More Incredible 2016

    Not sure who your post is directed at (?) but all I got from it was that you failed to answer my direct question to you...Despite you quoting it in your reply...? :confused:
  19. Walter

    Masternode questions

    And if you want to get really clever you can find a VPS provider that will allocate you an IPv6 range, VPS providers pretty much give them away and you futureproof your masternodes at the outset. Given that each Masternode would require a separate static IP address there is an 'economies of...
  20. Walter

    Pre-Proposal: Let all the actors (MNOs, Miners, Stakeholders) vote, then take into account only MNOs

    Masternode operators are a pretty broad church of people from varying backgrounds and are fairly representative of a cross-section of views, religions, beliefs, creeds... MNO's are such a statistically large sample that I have no doubt that the aggregated votes of the collective is fairly...