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  1. oaxaca

    How is the monthly $15,000 for 'Public Awareness' currently being spent?

    I would like to take this opportunity to urge everybody to vote YES on the proposal DASHWORLD. No matter what the upcoming announcement says, this is the direction we need to proceed in. It is a well thought out, coordinated, focused effort. DASHWORLD can coexist with the public awareness...
  2. oaxaca

    Meetup in Barcalona Spain

    Bitcoin community meeting in Barcelona 26.03.2016 10:43 Andreas Antonopoulus: “Bitcoin is ... not a payment network." source:
  3. oaxaca

    Interesting criticisms of DASH. Thoughts?

    Here's some weekend entertainment: or even:
  4. oaxaca

    Evolution update

    Just say the magic word...
  5. oaxaca

    Interesting criticisms of DASH. Thoughts?

    VERY old and mostly wrong. For instance, blanket statements like this one: " The entire basis for "anonymising" transactions is based on clients being online at a given point in time, which means that those clients are also open to leaking information via temporal association." or this one...
  6. oaxaca

    Evolution update

    Why not submit a proposal now (soon)? If you had more DASH available, do you have any coders in mind that could jump in?
  7. oaxaca

    OBAMA: If government can't access phones, 'everybody is walking around with a Swiss Bank account in

    Damn you thedashguy. Your graphics skills blow mine away!
  8. oaxaca

    Proposal: Let's advertise by putting Dash back on the markets!

    Of course. Having DASH appear on more exchanges will allow more people to exchange whatever for DASH. How does enabling HFT accomplish this?
  9. oaxaca

    Proposal: Let's advertise by putting Dash back on the markets!

    Well, I have a question. Everybody is well aware that the success of any crypto project is measured in adoption. What is adoption, really? The DASH project is creating digital cash, which gets transferred between people in exchange for goods or services. The more DASH gets moved around in...
  10. oaxaca

    Budget Proposal: DASH Sponsored Interviews, Anarchapulco - Juan S. Galt

    Juan I just now watched your interview with Trace Mayer. I must say I am VERY impressed. Not with the interview itself, but with your restraint. How did you manage to get through 20 minutes without punching him? I hereby nominate Trace to be the worst person in crypto.
  11. oaxaca

    Pre-Proposal Discussion: Jury Duty

    Sometimes it will be poor. "Yeah, this proposal rocks!" Sometimes it will be great. "Our 7 point quantum anaylsis shows..." Yes, and WE ARE those experts and enthusiasts.
  12. oaxaca

    Pre-Proposal Discussion: Jury Duty

    Nobody likes being on Jury Duty and have a hundred reasons why we can't serve, yet we all want to have Juries. This is the price we pay. Skip your collective responsibility, skip a payment.
  13. oaxaca

    Pre-Proposal Discussion: Jury Duty

    Well, here's some voting percentages: Liquidity 1518 total votes 43% Payment process 48% Labor 21% even no-brainers like only get 51% core team only got 58% That's a lot of non-voters.
  14. oaxaca

    Pre-Proposal Discussion: Jury Duty

    This "jury" does not take away your vote. It would simply do some background research and post their findings.
  15. oaxaca

    Pre-Proposal Discussion: Jury Duty

    By all means. This would simply create an "executive summary" if you will. How many masternode owners that wanted to vote on the proof-of-labor would have appreciated a little help.
  16. oaxaca

    Pre-Proposal Discussion: Jury Duty

    That's for the community to decide. As easy it would be to dismiss this idea, it does raise issues of governance, voting, the future of DASH, responsibility, etc.
  17. oaxaca

    Pre-Proposal Discussion: Jury Duty

    Pre-Proposal Discussion - Jury Duty Civilized societies have been calling groups of people together to discuss issues as long as there have been societies. In Scandinavia this process was called a "thing". This was the governing assembly made up of the free people of the community. In the...
  18. oaxaca

    Dash Nation Votetracker

    Those 3 party choices are SO centralized. Anybody deciding to run can choose the name of their own party, or no party.