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  1. TheDashGuy

    Budget System v2 / Transform PR

    Here's a thought. If you guys want us to shutup let us chat with Michael and stop interjecting with your flame war crap - those know who they are, or you are welcome to join David on my ignore list. (so far only him) Whether you like me or not, I made VERY valid points, albeit they may not...
  2. TheDashGuy

    Where is the new website?

    When is the expected show date for a soft launch? Whats left on the checklist before we get there? What does the scope of the "new" website consist of? Is it going to be crazy effective in terms of content? Is there a huge redesign in the works aimed at simplifying "What Dash is"? Whats the main...
  3. TheDashGuy

    Dash 2016 Roadmap

    wrong thread hahahaha oops
  4. TheDashGuy

    Budget System v2 / Transform PR

    And to the entire Dash community: What do we need? What are our goals? Do they align with what a PR company does as opposed to a Marketing company? Because wed be better off...
  5. TheDashGuy

    Budget System v2 / Transform PR

    Highlights: - You work for the Dash community, not the 5 Dash core members you met. - You are required top operate at the same level of transparency that the rest of us are. When we submit a proposal, you bet your butt the community asks questions, and we have to answer, and meet expectations...
  6. TheDashGuy

    Getting restaurant app to add Dash payment option.

    I mean I'm sure accepting Dash on thier end would be pretty simple no? a few horus of dev work, no biggy. It's not like were asking them to overhaul the whole app, just add a payment option that seems like a perfect match for reasons other than the name... think about it... instant checkout...
  7. TheDashGuy

    Pre-Proposal Discussion: Dash to Fiat Payment Processor

    a little off topic but why not just build a sort of bitpay system instead? That way you could get merchants signed up prior to funding etc and it might go alot further than straight up fiat-dash exchange. You could easily branch off into apps/stores/other payment processors and just be the...
  8. TheDashGuy

    Getting restaurant app to add Dash payment option.

    What do you guys think? I think this could be a great entry point into restaurant businesses.... especially higher end ones. This app markets itself as: -It’s time to take the hassle out of heading out. Keep tabs on your beers and burgers, split a group bill, and add a tip without needing a...
  9. TheDashGuy

    Are there any great DASH blogs?

    RIGHT?? God tell me about it. lol Anyways, I've started doing more website sales 4 Dash as a freelancer and its coming along rather nicely. Hopefully after I finish up I can find some more time for paid gigs. I know theres a few people waiting on me, just have to revisit my...
  10. TheDashGuy

    Dash Parody Old vs New Money Super Bowl Ad

    Just google "youtube downloader" and rip it so we can all have copies to keep hosting online when the DMCA's come. They'll give up sooner or later. edit: and even if they don't give up, make them waste money on lawyers, who cares. #FPayPal
  11. TheDashGuy

    Are there any great DASH blogs?

    Lol yea, that title got alot of people angry, since most of them didn't bother to read my rant. And I didn't bother editing it, just word vomit on a page! (Maybe I'll go back and clean it up soon) But thank you! Glad some people see where I was trying to go with that post lol.
  12. TheDashGuy

    Pre-Proposal Discussion: Dash to Fiat Payment Processor

    eduffield should just implement "3rd party masternode payments" of some sort so people can always pay back the masternodes with equity, instead of the foundation... I can hope... can't I? lol
  13. TheDashGuy

    Are there any great DASH blogs? is my half baked site/blog. Still working on other projects for now. Like for example
  14. TheDashGuy

    Linux (Dummy) Guide for dashvend ?

    Oh NOW you find these things.....
  15. TheDashGuy

    DashPay - WooCommerce Plugin [coming soon]

    WOOOOOOTTTTTTT You are a godsend sir. I will be using this soooo much if it works within wordpress woocommerce.
  16. TheDashGuy

    Dash Parody Old vs New Money Super Bowl Ad

    HEY ME TOO! Jk I just stole your tweet lolol Really tho. Everyone download a copy of this, it won't last a week on youtube.
  17. TheDashGuy

    Pre-Proposal Discussion: Dash to Fiat Payment Processor

    If you guys end up needing a nice looking dash branded website let me know! Been doing quite a bit of Dash related web & graphics work lately and I would be open to lending a hand if you guys get funded or not. And as far as wanting to pay the Foundation 5%, please don't either keep it for...