Well if a block is found within the estimated time, the difficulty will rise. So if, by chance, has power lowers but blocks are found in the estimated period of time, the difficulty will not decrease as expected
Try with an older version of catalyst drivers, maybe 13.12 which works great for me. I own a Gigabyte 6850, which is almost old as your card, and got no problems so far
WU is Work Utility. It's not the same as scyrpt, you have to divide your hashing speed by 72 (actually is 72,xx) to geet your W.U.
0.109 is correct for your speed
Yes you can mine with your GPU and CPU, just need to use different miners.
Nvidia cards are not so great for mining, AMD is much better. For overheating, Darkcoin algos are different from scrypt, the consume less power and run much cooler