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  1. S

    dash.conf of Dash Core version v0.12.1.0 (64-bit) Linux

    Thank you, I checked it and it open
  2. S

    dash.conf of Dash Core version v0.12.1.0 (64-bit) Linux

    But it open. Please help Starting Nmap 7.01 ( ) at 2017-02-14 19:55 MSK Nmap scan report for localhost ( Host is up (0.00037s latency). Other addresses for localhost (not scanned): ::1 Not shown: 997 closed ports PORT STATE SERVICE 9998/tcp open distinct32...
  3. S

    dash.conf of Dash Core version v0.12.1.0 (64-bit) Linux

    9999 is not open local or server?
  4. S

    dash.conf of Dash Core version v0.12.1.0 (64-bit) Linux

    So please tell me about cb333451004c6cc96c4e54d85b65c2e084812c83b8da204b8a665eacb664472d said Port Check CLOSED Or my MN is working?
  5. S

    dash.conf of Dash Core version v0.12.1.0 (64-bit) Linux

    I see that in remote server in the dash.conf is rpcport=9998, but in the masternode.conf is 9999 is it normal?
  6. S

    dash.conf of Dash Core version v0.12.1.0 (64-bit) Linux

    So a structure is same as old, right?
  7. S

    dash.conf of Dash Core version v0.12.1.0 (64-bit) Linux

    Thanks. Is it old masternode.conf don't need any changes? For example, I have this mn XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX:9999 7XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX 0
  8. S

    dash.conf of Dash Core version v0.12.1.0 (64-bit) Linux

    Hello. 1. In the old dash.conf was addnode= it must be change with externalip? 2. externalip = is it IP address of the server, which works with this MN?
  9. S

    Auto Backup

    Good. Brought dash.conf to the folder data.
  10. S

    Auto Backup

    Strange, it didn't help. My path is d:\DashCore\ then it consist - bin - data - include - lib dash.conf Right?
  11. S

    createwalletbackups=0 don't need autobackups

    Thanks, I will try with the folder "DashCore" instead of Dash
  12. S

    Auto Backup

    Good. Thanks, I will try with the folder "DashCore"
  13. S

    Auto Backup

    version 12.1 for windows rpcuser=XXXXXXXX rpcpassword=XXXXXXXX rpcallowip= listen=1 server=1 daemon=1 logtimestamps=1 maxconnections=256 masternode=1 masternodeprivkey=XXXXXXXX addnode=XXXXXXXX createwalletbackups=0
  14. S

    createwalletbackups=0 don't need autobackups

    Hello. I don't need autobackups and added createwalletbackups=0 but after start, it was created backup again. Which command doesn't create autobackups? Thank you
  15. S

    Auto Backup

    Hello. I don't need autobackups and added createwalletbackups=0 but after start, it was created backup again. Which command doesn't create autobackups? Thank you
  16. S

    What is the mean watchdog_expired?

    Oh :confused: inactives Total Masternodes: 4229 = 1104 actives + 3125 inactives [4196 unique IPs] (Last refresh: Wed Feb 08 2017 6:02:33 PM) I have a 10gb, but upgrade servers to 20 gb it will increase a cost 20%-25%...
  17. S

    What is the mean watchdog_expired?

    Hello. In the new windows version Dash Core version v0.12.1.0 (64-bit) What is the mean watchdog_expired? But active field is 29 days seen.
  18. S

    How to change ONLY wallet location DASH Core?

    I think that symlink is one way MKLINK
  19. S

    How to change ONLY wallet location DASH Core?

    I know about -datadir, but it writes all big data and wallet in one dir. I need to save wallet.dat to another location, so DASH Core will read wallet.dat from another location. For example maybe DASH --key-path Thank you.