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  1. S

    Proposal Owner Advisory About the Update to v0.13.0

    Thank you. 1. Where need to vote? 2. If will not vote, I will not recieve payment?
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    Proposal Owner Advisory About the Update to v0.13.0

    what is it mean? Is that decrease the anonimty principle?
  3. S

    How to send masternode status to email from the server?

    is there a ping service for masternode? In case masternode went down from ENABLED I need an alert message to email Have we simple bash script? I know about ( )
  4. S

    dashman - linux masternode mangement made mootastic

    I have a cron 0 1 * * * /home/user/dashman/dashman update -y >> /home/user/log.log 2>&1 But update didn't work in the cron. How to use autoupdate in the cron? Manually start dashman update -y works fine. Thank you Log of the cron ^[[33m --> Checksumming dashcore-
  5. S

    dashninja api offline

    Hello. What happened?
  6. S

    Masternode Operators: Sentinel Hotfix (Action Required)

    cd sentinel && git pull only this? Without restart mn?
  7. S

    Many mns inactives

    Expalin please what happened
  8. S

    Many mns inactives

    now 4727 = 688 actives + 4039 inactives
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    Many mns inactives

    Hello. What happened? Total Masternodes: 4727 = 1208 actives + 3519 inactives
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    Masternode position in the payment queue

    send to the moobot mbmnq [purse]
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    How to check when my masternode will reward

    Hello. Please tell me where or how to check when my masternode will reward. In which order my mn. Thank you
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    An additional amount was sent to masternode

    Problem was decided
  13. S

    dashman - linux masternode mangement made mootastic

    Hello. dashman version 0.1.25 (30-g5d6a5f5) - Tue Apr 18 11:04:23 MSK 2017 gathering info, please wait... cannot find dash-cli in current directory, ~/.dashcore, or $PATH. -- Exiting. dashman Worked fine by this day. But I see directory .dashcore, what happened
  14. S

    Мастерноды DASH *** общее обсуждение

    Есть ли функция подписки на емайл, чтобы приходили новые бюджеты, одобренные, и т.д
  15. S

    Мастерноды DASH *** общее обсуждение

    Голосуя, что-то отдается с моих вознаграждений или какая схема сбора бюджета, откуда деньги идут в бюджет?
  16. S

    Мастерноды DASH *** общее обсуждение

    Схема голосования мне была понятна, но какую выгоду мне несет, если проголосую?
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    Мастерноды DASH *** общее обсуждение

    реальный статус проверяйте на дашниндзя, если статус в кошельке не совпадает то удалите mncash.dat
  18. S

    Version 12.1 Release

    How long time 12.1.0 will still be paid?
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    dashman - linux masternode mangement made mootastic

    Why on the "status" command, dashman check updates? ~$ dashman/dashman status dashman version 0.1.22 (9-ga5b312e) - Wed Feb 22 15:12:39 MSK 2017 gathering info, please wait... Could not find latest version from -- Exiting.
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    dashman - linux masternode mangement made mootastic

    Does dashman autodelete install package dashcore- It package not necessary after updating