Search results

  1. NewJerry Dash Advertising

    pille I see the reason now. He's using two accounts. We're currently filtering based on accounts
  2. NewJerry Dash Advertising

    pille thanks for pointing that out. Should be fixed shortly. Jeztah I'm sorry, are you asking as a publisher or an advertiser? Sorry I don't quite understand. Those sound like questions of a publisher but you received a balance for advertising. I will be finishing more information on the front...
  3. NewJerry Dash Advertising

    Hey, if you want we can move this to a conversation to keep the thread here cleanish? I uploaded it here on my account and haven't come across an issue. It's pending now on my personal account.
  4. NewJerry

    Any artists?

    All these game threads I've been looking at today have the brain flowing. Anyone wanna provide and drawings for a couple simpler game concepts? I have no issue coding but am by no means an artist. Was thinking the could be a few options and various mini games. Perhaps paid versions and free...
  5. NewJerry

    Proposal to fund game website

    I'm not sure how feasibile it would be. perhaps have a loading hasher to solve one or two hashes on game load to a pool of some kind. Then have occasional funds released to a lucky player. Could also boost it with upgrades or other "upgrades" paid for using Dash.
  6. NewJerry

    Dash advertising in games ?

    I'd be willing to lend some effort to this. I'm not an artist by any means, that's usually where my game concepts end... With some help, good ideas and a few dedicated people it could be possible to pull this off I would think. Edit: Sorry for the necro on the thread.
  7. NewJerry Dash Advertising

    Ok.. well this is embarassing, but I Should have planned this quite a bit sooner (the promotional accounts that is.) As a result, there are less than expected people to draw from in giving accounts away to. So I've picked through the interested parties and will be supplying them with accounts...
  8. NewJerry Dash Advertising

    Hello BolehVPN, If I have your permission I can paste the email communication between us. I cited privacy laws which are in multiple countries. I respect your view and would never force you to take a free service for your company. We are an advertising network. Perhaps I wasn't clear enough in...
  9. NewJerry Dash Advertising

    If need arises I could create a few more account if demand is high. I've been in contact with much of the business directory so far. I'd like to contribute to the community in general as much as possible. :)
  10. NewJerry Dash Advertising

    raganius Thanks for the info. I have contacted both those members. I will take a look through the directory as well. Unfortunately time is not something I have a lot of at the moment. TheDashGuy & Jeztah I will add your names into a hat. Maybe I'll write a simple script to pick some winners. I...
  11. NewJerry Dash Advertising

    Hey folks, been a little bit. Been slaving away trying to get things ready and pushing through the beta tests rather well. Not sure on exactly how to do it at this point, We'll be giving away 4 accounts with a 3 dash balance (It's locked until withdrawal fund deplete so no withdrawals) ;) and a...
  12. NewJerry Dash Advertising

    Looking for some input form the community. As we're getting closer to opening and running beta testing with publishers, looking to get a few advertisers in before the final opening. To promote this I was thinking about offering a few trial accounts with a locked positive dash balances for some...
  13. NewJerry

    List of Merchants Who Need to Re-Brand

    NP. I'll look around a couple places as well. Might have a couple ideas. Will get back to you.
  14. NewJerry

    Supposed 450,000 Dash/Embezzled from Cryptsy?

    I have no idea who pissed in your cornflakes. Let me point out a couple very simple truth for you. 1) I did not complain, only speculated. Need an definition of speculation? "the forming of a theory or conjecture without firm evidence." - If i wanted to start one I would, and likely not look...
  15. NewJerry

    Supposed 450,000 Dash/Embezzled from Cryptsy?

    Will make it bad for anyone wanting to run a masternode. Pricey enough as it is.
  16. NewJerry

    List of Merchants Who Need to Re-Brand

    Not sure if this is still maintained or what the status is, but 51Attack has been account suspended.
  17. NewJerry Dash Advertising

    The main page still needs a little more content and odds and ends but majority of the systems are in place. If anybody is interested we have begin some beta testing. In the event there are no advertiser ads available for your chosen size we have DashAD based ads. The revenues aren't as high as...
  18. NewJerry

    NEW MEMBERS: Welcome to Dash! Introduce yourself...

    Yea, that guy was a bit of a tool. You can call me Jerry 2.0 or 2.0 for short. ;)
  19. NewJerry

    NEW MEMBERS: Welcome to Dash! Introduce yourself...

    I've been posting in other spots. I suppose I should become more active and say hello here. :)
  20. NewJerry Dash Advertising

    Sorry. Some reason I didn't watch the topic. I'll be more mindful of responses in the future. Jeztah & TheDashGuy Fixed the Dashcoin, thanks, have a bad habit of wanting to add coin to everything... TheDashGuy Well Google takes approximately 38% between publisher and advertiser is one reason...