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  1. ScioMind

    Complete, Step-By-Step-Guides, Suitable for Noobs and Experienced Users Alike!

    I checked your IP again and see that you have updated to the latest version! Fantastic! It seems you are up and ruining well. Any other issues on your end?
  2. ScioMind

    Complete, Step-By-Step-Guides, Suitable for Noobs and Experienced Users Alike!

    Kong I checked on your IP using It shows that you are using the older version of darkcoin...which also makes sense of the "file not found" error you had. This should not be a problem unless you are (or plan to be) running a pool. So far so good. If you...
  3. ScioMind

    Complete, Step-By-Step-Guides, Suitable for Noobs and Experienced Users Alike!

    That's odd. I am wondering if you actually wound up setting things up in such a way that the LOCAL machine wasn't acting as the external "cold" wallet for the REMOTE machine, but instead was actually the masternode itself. Are you sure that your local and remote config file are correct?
  4. ScioMind

    Complete, Step-By-Step-Guides, Suitable for Noobs and Experienced Users Alike!

    That's correct. When downloading from github, the downloaded darkcoind file actually gets the name darkcoind?raw=true instead of just darkcoind. The line "sudo mv darkcoind?raw=true darkcoind" is just meant to rename this file to simply "darkcoind." One thing to do if you get the file not found...
  5. ScioMind

    Complete, Step-By-Step-Guides, Suitable for Noobs and Experienced Users Alike!

    I I assume you are talking about your local wallet. If you are trying to unlock your wallet and then generate the key but are finding it is not working, you might try sending EXACTLY 1000DRK to a NEW paper wallet address for which you have the private key. Then delete your local darkoin...
  6. ScioMind

    Just had an idea for us miner collectively help DRK before next fork !!

    I will say, I'm not very worried at all about the price at this point. This is the very early stage for this truly revolutionary coin. The lower the price (for now) the less competition for mining, etc. I do understand the interest in fixing issues regarding non-compliant pools...but the...
  7. ScioMind

    Complete, Step-By-Step-Guides, Suitable for Noobs and Experienced Users Alike!

    I haven't gotten paid for about three days, until just after I updated. Maybe just a coincidence. In any event, I do like to stay current. Thanks for letting me know, though.
  8. ScioMind

    Complete, Step-By-Step-Guides, Suitable for Noobs and Experienced Users Alike!

    Just a quick note to all who use my guides: There has been an update from version to version You will need to update in order to receive masternode payments. I have revised both the Darkcoin update guide and the Darkcoin/Masternode installation guide. As always, be...
  9. ScioMind

    Complete, Step-By-Step-Guides, Suitable for Noobs and Experienced Users Alike!

    I haven't had that problem yet (since I only have a bit over 1000DRK, not enough for a second Masternode) but I have thought about this. The absolute easiest way would probably be to wait for a later release candidate which natively supports multiple nodes, so that if you had some multiple of...
  10. ScioMind

    Complete, Step-By-Step-Guides, Suitable for Noobs and Experienced Users Alike!

    I still just have the one payment myself. I don't know if this is a factor, but after waiting for a while without a payment I added a line to my remote darkcoin configuration file...and an hour or two later I got my first payment. I'm not even sure if the line was necessary, or if it was a...
  11. ScioMind

    Complete, Step-By-Step-Guides, Suitable for Noobs and Experienced Users Alike!

    Just curious...have you gotten any Masternode payments yet? So far just one for me...but I was so happy to see it!
  12. ScioMind

    Complete, Step-By-Step-Guides, Suitable for Noobs and Experienced Users Alike!

    Hi there! As the title says, I have created a number of complete, step-by-step guides to many aspects of Darkcoin (and I will be adding more all the time). I have written these guides with noobs in mind, taking you through each step in a crystal clear manner...but I also know that even more...
  13. ScioMind

    Corrupt Masternode Walet after RC3 soft fork

    It appears that the problem wasn't darkoin, but with the improper method of shutdown using CTRL-C. I know from personal experience is switching between GUI desktops and command line terminals that I sometimes accidently hit CTRL-C in the terminal when I meant to copy text from the...
  14. ScioMind

    A way to connect multiple GPUs via usb?

    @tboy: Thanks a lot! Don't worry about the editing quality...a pic is worth 1000 words! I really think I get it now. I.guess my last step before spending money is to see if I can find out why the NVIDIA card isn't compatible with that splitter mentioned a couple of posts up. I am hoping...
  15. ScioMind

    RC3 Soft Fork

    I have been using a "blockchain explorer" to track my payments. Here are two: Just go to either one, and input your masternode address in the appropriate field. It will show you the balance of the address you enter...
  16. ScioMind

    RC3 Soft Fork

    Can anyone let me know if we also need to change any configuration on the remote or local machine to begin receiving payments? In particular, what about that "enforcement" setting? (Or is is "enforce_masternode_payments" or something else?)
  17. ScioMind

    RC3 Soft Fork

    My pleasure!
  18. ScioMind

    RC3 Soft Fork

    I have a tutorial for updating at It's for ubuntu on both local and remote machine, but should be helpful.
  19. ScioMind

    A way to connect multiple GPUs via usb?

    tboy32: If I am understanding you, normally you cannot go from USB to PCIe, but using the USB 3380 card you can...and you would not need the "dongle" which you referred to either. At that point I should be able to plug in a single GPU (still wondering about that NVIDIA card) directly into...
  20. ScioMind

    Updated Pools running (Paying Masternode Payments)

    I have updated darkcoind on my P2Pool to version The IP address is I am updating DNS so that it can be reached by