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  1. Balych

    How to setup multiple Masternodes from One Wallet ?

    1) getnewaddress "label" 2) send 1000 to this address and get txid and output 3) masternode genkey 4) add new line at masternode.conf as example: mn_alias vps_ip step_3_key step_2_txid output 5) repeat
  2. Balych

    PinIdea ASIC X11 Miner DU-1 (USB Version Hashrate 9 MH/s , Releasing in Mid-May 2016)

    1) Is this cgminer right version, downloaded from github? 2) You must change COM352 to yours (check Windows Device Manager for COMx devices).
  3. Balych

    Electrum Problems on Windows ?

    It's 2.6.4
  4. Balych

    Wallet + p2p pool

    It's hard to get shares, when you mine on node where miners have hashrate twice+ higher then yours. Compare Hashrate, Share Difficulty and Time to Share - miner with 1.3GH same difficulty as miner with 180MH, but his Time to Share 5 times less, so probability that he get share before pool find...
  5. Balych

    майнинг. Хешрейт сети

    Наверное, мультипулы всякие - zpool 320 Гх, miningpoolhub 380 Гх...
  6. Balych

    How can I check the balance of my Dash paper wallet using the public key? or check blockchain section on
  7. Balych

    Missing dash from Ledger Nano S

    Ledger Wallet generate new address every time you press Receive and had used previous. You can import your seed to test version of Electrum-Dash (it not work with network, and not show balance) and see if address you send from Jaxx is belong to your wallet. Or check same with tool from step 4.
  8. Balych

    Just found new DASH wallet for Android

    Online wallet? No, thx.
  9. Balych

    Im can mining Dash with Asic S9 ? select X11 at right side and at left side you will see list on coins on this multipool. or check "Coin mining status and profits" table.
  10. Balych

    Новости DASH *** общее обсуждение

    Или правильней, связаны ли проблемы на бирже с атакой на сеть? Судя по их новостям, да. Хотя ДДОС и фейковые транзакции.. как-то не очень правдоподобно.
  11. Balych

    Im can mining Dash with Asic S9 ?

    No idea about best, but now only 2 public manufacturer: Baikal and PinIdea, check for discussion of their miners.
  12. Balych

    Im can mining Dash with Asic S9 ?

    No, S9 can mine SHA256 algo, and DASH algo - X11.
  13. Balych

    Get balances per address

    You had 2.93xx, sold 2.90xx, 0.03 was sent on your change address - another address in your wallet.
  14. Balych

    Wallet + p2p pool

    If you see right balance at yout address in explorer then is nothing wrong with DASH, check this or ask Exodus support.
  15. Balych

    Get balances per address

    Try listaddressgroupings, but looks like it show 0 on any address was used before, so in wallet with PrivateSend it can be loooong output. Also you can use listunspent, but need manually to group it by address.
  16. Balych

    Head's up: A lot of masternodes have "NEW_START_REQUIRED" as their status

    I also noticed this today. Started Windows wallet again after ~14 hours it was turned off, masternode tab show more then half MNs with NEW_START_REQUIRED status and total count in info window was like 4.1k (PS compatible 1.4k / enabled 1.4k). But on linux nodes which runs 24/7 it was fine, and...
  17. Balych

    KeepKey не отображает Dash корректно, несотря на то, что в Block Explorer на балансе они есть!

    Наверное, правильней всего написать в саппорт. Судя по всему проблемы с балансами иногда случаются.
  18. Balych

    KeepKey не отображает Dash корректно, несотря на то, что в Block Explorer на балансе они есть!

    Ну раз исходящих транзакций не было, и включая транзакции до 18.02.17 было бы 520,01951513, а так только 310,07711513, то проблема с тем что не видятся все транзакции, не? В блок эксплорере-то что показывает?