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  1. eltito

    Status Update 7/1/2014

    In the interest of improving communication with the Darkcoin community, we’ve created a new ‘Announcements’ sub-forum at Though permissions to create threads on this sub-forum will be limited to certain key members, anyone is welcome to comment and offer their feedback...
  2. eltito

    v0.10.11.x RC3 Prelaunch Testing

  3. eltito

    Please Update Your Darkcoin Clients!!!

    Yes. 9.11.5 and 10.11.5 were released after DRKLord posted this morning. You can find the binaries here:
  4. eltito

    RC3 Relaunch Strategy and Testing

    Lol - personally I think it's great but we can't officially call it that. Feel free to call it a spork in conversation all you want though.
  5. eltito

    6/20 RC3 Post-mortem

    To my knowledge, it was never billed (by us) as "epic masternode launch," though I certainly understand that it took on that level of hype on its own. This is exactly what I meant earlier when I said there is room for improvement in how we manage the expectations we set. That said, a slick...
  6. eltito

    6/20 RC3 Post-mortem

    Respectfully, no, it's not ok. There is ~$50M of other people's money involved here, not including the business models built around the coin (e.g. exchange fees). It would be grossly irresponsible to be anything other than as clear and upfront as possible about what is going on with the...
  7. eltito

    6/20 RC3 Post-mortem

    While I agree that there is room for improvement in how we manage the expectations we set, there is simply no way around issuing launch dates for planned hard forks. Pools, exchanges, and users require ample lead time to update their wallets.
  8. eltito

    Development Update - 6/6/2014 - Masternode Payments

    As fernando already said, we have been working out a system for information dissemination for the past couple weeks in the wake of the issues with RC2. We have a very good head start already, and between now and the 18th the Community Team will make it a top priority to flesh this system out...
  9. eltito


    Please note: This is no longer the official Darkcoin Facebook page. It's a long story - suffice it to say that the person who controls this page has been...less than cooperative. The official Darkcoin Facebook page is here: I realize that
  10. eltito

    Development Update - 5/30/2014 - Fork Causes and Solutions

    I understand your concern, but standard maintenance headaches like those you mention are simply insignificant in comparison to another random forking incident.
  11. eltito

    Development Update - 5/30/2014 - Fork Causes and Solutions

    Think of it as a safety net. In the event of any unforeseen issues, it'll prevent the sort of forking we saw last weekend (well, more precisely, it'll correct it before it becomes a network-wide problem). Better idea to have it running constantly "just in case".
  12. eltito

    Darkcoin really anonymous?

    You can see wallet balances, but you can't link transactions between two wallets. There is no way for anybody to prove that I sent you 10 DRK or that you received 10 DRK from me. That is what people refer to when they say that Darkcoin is "anonymous". There are several layers to why and how...
  13. eltito

    New version 9.4.0 and 10.8.0

    I'm wondering the same thing as yidakee - how does this work if we're using an offline wallet with remote masternode? Run this in both locations? Only the remote or local? Thanks.
  14. eltito

    How to set up ec2 t1.micro Ubuntu for Masternode part 2/3

    Does this look about right for non-Amazon EC2 iptable settings? -P INPUT DROP -P OUTPUT DROP -P FORWARD DROP -A INPUT -i lo -j ACCEPT -A INPUT -p tcp --dport 22 -j ACCEPT -A INPUT -p tcp --dport 9999 -j ACCEPT -A OUTPUT -p tcp --dport 9999 -j ACCEPT -A INPUT -j DROP -A OUTPUT -j DROP I'm going...
  15. eltito

    RC2 Hard Fork on May 14th!

    I must have missed something - there's no checkbox for DarkSend, is it on by default? Can it be turned off if desired (not that I'd want to, just curious)?
  16. eltito

    Darkcoin Update / Masternode requirements / Masternode Payments

    Master node payments are to be implemented with RC2. Evan is currently working on this, but he has given no firm timeline for RC2's release. The code for it is all new, so give him some room to breathe. Judging by his past statements, my assumption is that it will be out sometime in the...
  17. eltito

    Need Logo for DarkSend and DarkGravityWave

    Damn it - yes, yes it does.
  18. eltito

    Need Logo for DarkSend and DarkGravityWave

    That's funny I was just about to upload: Didn't think about 2 color. I'm sure there's a way to make the interplay between the letters and wave work well (maybe not this one), but like you said it needs to be played around with.
  19. eltito

    Need Logo for DarkSend and DarkGravityWave

    Enzwell: Grabbed inkscape real quick and did a lame sketch of what I had in mind. I understand the angles that you were going for in the original image (actually a cool idea in concept) , but if they match the same way here it doesn't work. In this case I think rounding the wave looks a bit...
  20. eltito

    Need Logo for DarkSend and DarkGravityWave

    Set the wave behind the DG, change the DG to the blue color, shrink the DG (or better, lower the weight if you can), stretch out the wave horizontally. See what happens. I don't have a vector editor at work or I'd rip off your idea.