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  1. SimontheRavager

    Dash Embassy D-A-CH Q2/2018 - Update April

    Dash Embassy D-A-CH meets Malta
  2. SimontheRavager

    Dash Embassy D-A-CH Q2/2018 - Update April

    New Public Budget Accounting 2018 is online:
  3. SimontheRavager

    We need a payment processor native

    Loans in crypto are not working due to the deflationary nature. You would have more debt at the long end than you would have borrowed in the first. Thats only working in an inflationary environment.
  4. SimontheRavager

    We need a payment processor native

    I can tell you that the Dash Embassy D-A-CH is working on this issue very intense right now. We can not provide details for now, but it could be huge ^^
  5. SimontheRavager

    DashPeople_Proposal Buzz перевод предложения "DASH_EMBASSY_D-A-CH_Q2_18"

    Yes, absolutely! So the first step would be to think about the legal entity in Russia. Do you have something like Ltd. or GmbH in Russia? A corporate form which has a limited responsibility? How many people are you and from which sectors?
  6. SimontheRavager

    DashPeople_Proposal Buzz перевод предложения "DASH_EMBASSY_D-A-CH_Q2_18"

    Hello, ty for the translation in Russian. We support everyone to build a Dash Embassy in their home lands. Maybe its time to start a Dash Embassy Russia? ^^ Have a nice day
  7. SimontheRavager

    Dash Embassy D-A-CH Q2/2018 - Update April

    looking for a job in germany, austria or switzerland? here you go...
  8. SimontheRavager

    Dash Embassy D-A-CH Q2/2018 - Update April

    we are available on linkedin now...
  9. SimontheRavager

    Dash Embassy D-A-CH Q2/2018 - Update April

    Coming events we will attend and speak:
  10. SimontheRavager

    Dash Embassy D-A-CH Q2/2018 - Update April

    The March Report from our PR-Agency Hoschke & Consorten:
  11. SimontheRavager

    Dash Embassy D-A-CH Q2/2018 - Update April

    The english version of our website is available now:
  12. SimontheRavager

    Dash Embassy D-A-CH Q2/2018 - Update April
  13. SimontheRavager

    Dash Embassy D-A-CH Q2/2018 - Update April

    Welcome fellow Dash Community! We will provide you our latest updates here for the month of April for our currently running Q2 proposal: You can also just look into our detailed Presentation as PDF file to get all the important infos...
  14. SimontheRavager

    DASH Embassy D-A-CH - Networking Meeting Marathon Austria

    @IcyBud ty for the Info, i have updated the Link
  15. SimontheRavager

    DASH Embassy D-A-CH - Networking Meeting Marathon Austria

    @ wolf theiss our Nr.1 Attorneys in Austria and Eastern Europe
  16. SimontheRavager

    DASH Embassy D-A-CH - Networking Meeting Marathon Austria

    Dear MNOs, We have just ended our massive 2 Day Networking Meeting Marathon in Austria from the 4th of April to the 5th of April with representatives of very important future partners for integration, education and law here. Essra, blockchainpunk and simontheravager where the representatives...
  17. SimontheRavager

    Dash Embassy D-A-CH Q1/2018 - Update March + NEW PROPOSAL Q2/2018

    and our next coup ^^
  18. SimontheRavager

    Dash Embassy D-A-CH Q1/2018 - Update March + NEW PROPOSAL Q2/2018

    Ty Dash Force News for this execllent article:
  19. SimontheRavager

    Dash Embassy D-A-CH Q1/2018 - Update Feb

    Hi @Angela Zhang how may we help you? ^^
  20. SimontheRavager

    Kryptowährungen Ist Dash die bessere Cryptowaehrung

    Jaja unsere Dash Embassy D-A-CH kommt in die News ^^