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  1. SimontheRavager

    Dash Embassy D-A-CH - Updates & Activities

    Fellow Dash Community! Our new proposal for Q4 is ready. Current Proposal Link Q4/2018: You can also just look into our detailed Presentation as PDF file to get all the important infos...
  2. SimontheRavager

    How to sustainably grow Dash´s Ecosystem? - Dash Infrastructure Program

    With legal binding signed papers :) The law is your friend, gentleman agreements have no value. They break with the first struggles.
  3. SimontheRavager

    How to sustainably grow Dash´s Ecosystem? - Dash Infrastructure Program

    Hi GrandMasterDash, Good to know that, thanks for your feedback. I want to explain you why we have choosen this way. We have talked and are in talks with some ATM, PSP and POS companies and learned that starting a PSP or buying into an PSP for Dash would cost us into the millions. The old...
  4. SimontheRavager

    How to sustainably grow Dash´s Ecosystem? - Dash Infrastructure Program

    Ty for all the support. We have now started to make this real. So please support our current decision proposal on a Dash owned ATM Network in Europe:
  5. SimontheRavager

    Pre-Proposal: Co-Funding of Dash Embassy Thailand / Asia Embassy Expansion Step 1 (Oct-Dec 2018)

    It is just awesome to see, that the Dash Embassy concept is spreading and we welcome your enthusiasm and love for Dash. ;-)
  6. SimontheRavager

    Dash Embassy D-A-CH - Updates & Activities

    Great to be in the first Episode of Dash Decentral:
  7. SimontheRavager

    How to sustainably grow Dash´s Ecosystem? - Dash Infrastructure Program

    @billyjoeallen Thanks for your support. Sustainable use of our funds is key to future success. This absolutely means to own other companies and businesses. We should learn to understand that we are not a bank giving credits with zero interest rates to startups. Time to change this and claim our...
  8. SimontheRavager

    How to sustainably grow Dash´s Ecosystem? - Dash Infrastructure Program

    People first need to understand that crypto works as easy as fiat money, but with more important benefits like Dash has. Being fast, cheap and secure. Human behaviour is strong habit driven. So people understand ATMs and how they work. They will very likely understand how crypto ATMs can be...
  9. SimontheRavager

    Why the Fed now loves Cryptocurrencies sorry my fault, seems to be even september => HAPPY EMERGING MARKETS CRASHING, the FED will do that.
  10. SimontheRavager

    Dash Embassy D-A-CH - Updates & Activities

    and... the next Dash Force News Article: #itsapleasure
  11. SimontheRavager

    Dash Embassy D-A-CH - Updates & Activities

    How to sustainably grow Dash´s Ecosystem? - Dash Infrastructure Program: #itsapleasure
  12. SimontheRavager

    How to sustainably grow Dash´s Ecosystem? - Dash Infrastructure Program

    How to sustainably grow Dash´s Ecosystem? Dash Infrastructure Program First concept draft to be discussed in the community Problems and pains in the current Dash Ecosystem In our opinion one of the biggest problems in the current Dash Ecosystem is that the Dash DAO spends huge amounts of...
  13. SimontheRavager

    How to sustainably grow Dash´s Ecosystem? - Dash Infrastructure Program

    Dear Dash Community, we are proud to present you our Dash Infrastructure Concept. We would like this to become an universal community program, synchronize all our decentralized efforts and lead to infrastructure proposals. We hope that this will result in bringing Dash to the forefront of the...
  14. SimontheRavager

    Why the Fed now loves Cryptocurrencies

    Especially as it is very likely that the FED will raise the interest rates in December again. This will lead to an even higher USD and so hit the emerging markets again. Potus and FED act togehter. Be aware ;-)
  15. SimontheRavager

    Why the Fed now loves Cryptocurrencies

    Don´t underestimate the FED.
  16. SimontheRavager

    Dash Embassy D-A-CH - Updates & Activities

    DACH Region Mass Adoption on the rise... New Dash Force News Article: #itsapleasure
  17. SimontheRavager

    New regular Dash event from the Dash Embassy ASIA

    Greaet to see more Dash Embassies arise :-) Asia is going Dash now yeah
  18. SimontheRavager

    Dash Core Group Legal Structure Details

    Thanks a lot @Ryan for the Call on Tuesday. Time to investigate whether it´s better to give a stake of Dash Embassy D-A-CH UG to the NZ trust or Dash venture.
  19. SimontheRavager

    Dach Embassy is paying $140,000 in taxes. Wasteful expenditure.

    We are not burning any treasury funding in taxes. In Germany companies need to pay a sales tax of 19% on their income. Our lawyers told us to just pay the first amount, which was slightly over 30k eur in January. So we did that and then instantly made an appeal to the German financial...
  20. SimontheRavager

    Dash Embassy D-A-CH - Updates & Activities

    The July Report from our PR-Agency Hoschke & Consorten is ready for you: