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  1. B

    Just joined Splawiks MAsternode Share

    if there is one thing I learned from MtGox, Bitoption, TradeHill, BitFinEx,, and CampBX, it's NEVER NEVER NEVER let someone else hold your private keys. Ever.
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    MasterNode Scaling...

    It's not a shared masternode if you expose your private key. You are basically renting out your Dash to someone who uses them as MN collateral. Whoever has the keys owns the node. Splawik offers TWO services: 1. MN hosting where the fee is lower but you can keep your private keys, provided...
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    MasterNode Scaling...

    You're gonna quibble over details? The data shows clear centralization. I never said Splawik by himself hosts 2/3 of MNs. I said hosting services LIKE Splawik's. Stop fixating on a goddamn fraction and pay attention. How the hell does running even TWO masternodes in the same datacenter help...
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    MasterNode Scaling...
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    MasterNode Scaling...
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    MasterNode Scaling...

    Masternode Hosting benefits from economies of scale. That's why services such as Splawik's host two thirds of the MNs already. This is a dangerous situation perilously close to being a single point of failure. With drastically greater hardware requirements, this problem will only get worse as...
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    why the bubble in cryptocurrencies will never burst thanks to our super complex monetary system?

    I largely agree with this analysis, but there is a caveat; In microeconomics, individuals wealth is determined by 1. how much they earn 2. how much they spend. 3. How much thay have in savings. In macroeconomics, an economy's wealth is determined by 1. How productive it is. 2. How much it...
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    MasterNode Scaling...

    The primary function of mining is NOT to slow down the blockchain but to ensure SCARCITY and decentralized coin distribution. Speed is worthless if we get the economics wrong.
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    Is there a resource detailing all past approved proposals?

    I have been unsuccessfully looking for a website that has data on all proposals funded by the treasury for two reasons: To evaluate the proposal owners both in honesty and competence To to evaluate the benefit of the projects in terms of cost-effectiveness I am somewhat surprised to find very...
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    Bitcoin is Gold

    My daughter asked me what gold was. I told her it was analog Dash.
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    MasterNode Scaling...

    There is a possible solution to scaling that doesn't involve quadratic increases in difficulty with linear increases in transactions: hashgraph. Evan Duffield's announcement of the scaling roadmap, if implemented, will require masternodes to make significant upgrades in hardware and bandwidth...
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    Bitcoin is Gold

    The main difference between digital gold and digital cash concerns a basic law in economics expressed as the equation: MV=PQ M is the total amount of money in circulation V is the velocity of money or how quickly the money changes hands P is the price of goods expressed in the currency Q is the...
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    why are we so obsessed about US , when crypto only works in developing countries

    If you think Dash is currently a stable currency, then you have a very different definition of "stable" than I do. Maybe compared to Zimbabwe dollars, it's stable, but selling anything for dash now requires constant adjustment of prices. As for Dash as an investment opportunity, I've been in...
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    why are we so obsessed about US , when crypto only works in developing countries

    This is exactly wrong. Dash needs rich people FIRST because we don't have a central bank. Only rich people can provide liquidity, buying Dash when the price is crashing and selling when the price is so high it is inaccessible to these third worlders. Successful traders and investors provide...
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    The problem with the price

    it's totally irrational to care about the price because the unit (1 dash) is a completely arbitrary value. Anyone who is too stupid to invest because they can't have one whole unit is someone I don't want holding my cryptocoin. It's ROI (return on investment) that counts. A 220 pound woman isn't...
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    Would Evolution based Master shares be Halal?

    There would be so much less murder in the world if Muslims had a better sense of humor.
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    Bitfinex referer code...

    BFX is sketchy as hell. I had my entire balance there in USD when they got hacked, but they took a third of it anyway to compensate the BTC holders. Yes, they lost coins, then stole from me to save their asses. Called it "socialized losses" I fucking hate socialists.
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    Would Evolution based Master shares be Halal?

    G-d just spoke to me through the Angel Gabriel and told me that masternodes are indeed Halal, Kosher and have the heavenly seal of approval. That is they all do except Masternode #666. Obviously not that one.
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    Best Way to Sell Dash to USD (Bank Account)?

    My balance has been made available as of this morning.
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    Uphold purchase still pending 8 days later

    update: the balance is available as of this morning. maybe they are reading this forum.