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  1. ericsammons

    Proposal: Business Development (January)

    It might be fine now (and it is understandable now with a large early-adoptor MN segment), but I don't think long-term that is a healthy situation. Over time I'd rather have greater checks and balances, so that the core team is answerable to a truly independent MN owner population. I agree that...
  2. ericsammons

    Proposal: Business Development (January)

    Just to be clear: everything in this vote was on the up-and-up; the mistake was in my understanding of the process. Frankly, I don't have a big issue with proposal passing - it obviously had plenty of MN support. And I'm glad you registered my "angst." I wasn't trying to start any type of...
  3. ericsammons

    Proposal: Business Development (January)

    You learn something every day, I guess. I thought I had a pretty good understanding of the process, but I didn't know the votes were locked at budget finalization - I thought it was at the superblock generation (although I guess the name "finalization" should have given me a hint :oops:)...
  4. ericsammons

    Proposal: Business Development (January)

    Demo's trolling aside, I think he is correct: this proposal did *not* have enough votes when the superblock occurred, yet it was still paid ( Why is that? If you look at the history, the superblock was paid at 01:47:53 on 1/4/2016, yet at...
  5. ericsammons

    Proposal: Business Development (January)

    If I cared what an ambiguously-defined, troll-infested "community" thought, I'd be all-in with Bitcoin. All that matters is the masternode vote - that represents the only community that counts. I'm voting "no," but I accept the results of the masternode vote.
  6. ericsammons

    Proposal: Business Development (January)

    Although this thread has been derailed a bit, I'd like to address the original topic: the January Business Development proposal. I support the Dash core development team, and believe they are doing a good job shepherding the project in a competent fashion. If I didn't, I wouldn't own...
  7. ericsammons

    Electrum Maintenance (Pre-Proposal)

    That makes it clear - thanks!
  8. ericsammons

    Electrum Maintenance (Pre-Proposal)

    This is a great idea; I would love to see the electrum-dash client better supported. But just to be clear: are you proposing hiring someone to manage supporting the client? Or is there someone already in mind, and the funds from this proposal would just go to that person? Or is this just to see...
  9. ericsammons

    Any paid Dash Instructors/Tutors?

    I recommend moocowmoo as well.
  10. ericsammons

    Proposal: Business Development (January)

    Yes, I agree that unnecessary administrative overhead is to be avoided, especially in a small team. Just to be clear, here is how I would see it happening in practice: The true owner of the proposal would give regular (most likely monthly) updates on the progress of the project. This could be...
  11. ericsammons

    Review of the Dash Budget System, the First Blockchain-based Decentralized Governance System

    I've just published a review of the Dash Budget System's history: Review of the Dash Budget System, the First Blockchain-based Decentralized Governance System
  12. ericsammons

    Proposal: Business Development (January)

    That would most likely be sufficient. I think the two most important things to know are: Who is the true "owner" of this proposal? I.e., who is responsible for seeing it to completion. Who is responsible for the funds associated with this proposal? I.e., who is in control of the payout...
  13. ericsammons

    Proposal: Business Development (January)

    I want to thank @babygiraffe for this update on these lingering projects. I find both he and @kot do an admirable, professional job in communicating to the community to the best of their ability. And for longer-term projects, I think monthly updates is fine, unless there is some pressing...
  14. ericsammons

    Electrum DASH on OSX - Can't access funds after latest Trezor FW update

    I just discovered something I didn't know before. If you go to and connect your trezor, you will have access to your DASH funds that you stored via Electrum. On the main page, select "App Settings" on the left side of the screen. In the "Currency Backend"...
  15. ericsammons

    ZCash and Dash Block Reward Distribution

    I just published an article on ZCash's block reward distribution, noting its origins in Dash's own innovative distribution structure: Incentives Drive Innovation: Examining ZCash’s Block Reward Distribution
  16. ericsammons

    Out of the Cryptocurrency Sandbox

    I see you're using this as an opportunity to air your personal grievances. However, you've quite missed the point of my article. I'm arguing that in order to be successful long-term, a cryptocurrency has to look beyond the insular crypto community. However, there are very many ways to do this...
  17. ericsammons

    Out of the Cryptocurrency Sandbox

    I've posted a new article discussing the insular cryptocurrency community and how Dash is trying to break out of it: Out of the Cryptocurrency Sandbox
  18. ericsammons

    Apple vs. Dash: The Importance of Privacy

    I thought I remembered seeing someone at Jaxx saying it was for privacy reasons, but they told me that they weren't really given a reason, so my memory must be faulty. I updated the article to say it was speculation that privacy was the reason. Note that it's true that Dash isn't on their list...
  19. ericsammons

    Apple vs. Dash: The Importance of Privacy

    I just published an article over at Medium on the battle to get Dash into the Apple App Store: Apple vs. Dash: The Importance of Privacy
  20. ericsammons

    Partial compulsory MN voting

    Actually, there is nothing wrong with someone being an MNO "purely for the dividend." In fact, I would guess most people have MNs for the dividend, and if they are involved in the voting process, it is in order to protect that dividend. If a MNO doesn't vote, that is their right. If their lack...