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  1. nightowl

    Guys I need your help in spreading this graphic

    Thank you so much for you help. I see the layout doesn't work too well for twitter (landscape designs works better than portrait). But that's how I learn. By trying and sometimes failing. Also, I apologise for not creating my own twitter account. Someone told me the mainstream media sometimes...
  2. nightowl

    2.2 Million Volume today. Over 1,5 Million on Livecoin

    You're right, it's not all organic, but at least x percentage of it is. Take me for example. I used to be in the "all altcoins are S#^&coins" camp less than a month ago. Then I read the Dash Whitepaper and now I'm 75 Dash short of having my second masternode. My market moves would be considered...
  3. nightowl

    Guys I need your help in spreading this graphic

    Hey Guys I completely took Microchip's advice and decided I'm trying to say too much. Evan does a much better job at explaining things in his whitepaper. Here is my second attempt, this time much more to the point and really focussing on the whitepaper. I also didn't put any official Dash...
  4. nightowl

    Guys I need your help in spreading this graphic

    Where can I quickly and easily share an SVG file (the forum here only allows picture uploads)? I want to "opensource" what I've done here so that designers with good fonts and layout skills can quickly edit what I've done.
  5. nightowl

    Guys I need your help in spreading this graphic

    Please, not at all, I completely welcome your suggestions, and never took it as offensive. Let's all together make it something great... 2 (or MORE) minds better than one! I'm off to bed but looking forward to fiddle with it again tomorrow! Thank you for your quick response!
  6. nightowl

    Guys I need your help in spreading this graphic

    Hey guys It's 3:45 am here. I had to finish this. It's not the best but I feel we are missing an opportunity here. I had to do something. If you look at coinmarketcap $150bn was moved, but it mostly flowed out into fiat. I feel it is horrible that Evan designed a system that addresses every...
  7. nightowl

    3 Reasons bitcoin is going down..

    Something tells me you just gave me a really really awesome piece of information. I'm not a very technical trader yet, although I want to be! I got most of what you said but will dissect it in detail. Thank you Sub-Ether! But in the end, it's all good. I'm a long term investor and in this...
  8. nightowl

    dashman - linux masternode mangement made mootastic

    Wow! Kudos to you for figuring it out that quickly! (I did a git diff master arch to see what you did). I sent a donation as a small token of my appreciation (it's small in dollars but quite an amount in my local currency... sorry will send more soon!). I can report that ./dashman version and...
  9. nightowl

    3 Reasons bitcoin is going down..

    I just want to say thank you for your post Sub-Ether. I don't read /r/bitcoin or /r/btc anymore. I just got tired of the same old same old "Thymos blah blah, Blocksize blah blah" Just liquidated my last bitcoin (up until now I was a 50% BTC / 50% Dash guy). Don't worry. I didn't take your post...
  10. nightowl

    3 Reasons bitcoin is going down..

    Guys we have to make Mike Hearn see the light. We cannot let him go down. He's just not seeing the whole picture. It's like the Wright Brothers saying...."Aaah damn, our plane failed. We could only fly 12m on the first flight". Dash is the evolution of the flat wing to the curved wing. Mike...
  11. nightowl

    I felt inspired so I stared screwing around in Inkscape (great program)

    Hey Guys Not to be taken seriously, I was just screwing around. The Dash Evolution logo is wrong, I don't have any good fonts on this machine, but.... it's something! Arnie in his "I'll be back voice": "THERE WILL BE NO ZERO CONF" :cool: :grin:
  12. nightowl

    Who said the "5 address exchange" in Evolution would be a bad thing

    Hey guys Somewhere here or on /r/dashpay I saw an announcement from Evan and one guy said "the 5 address exchange between friends is stupid" (I'm paraphrasing, he was a bit more diplomatic). I have a killer response but now I cannot find that thread. Did you also see it and where? Sorry saw...
  13. nightowl

    dashman - linux masternode mangement made mootastic

    Hey Guys This looks great but I've run into some issues. I tried to find the problem myself but I'm not making progress. If I run dashman vote I get 1 red output saying "cannot". That's it. I'm on Arch Linux and I know it uses python3 by default (breaking a few programs still on python2). I...
  14. nightowl

    Lemmy’ Kilmister is dead...

    They killed Lemmy!!!?? The BASTARDS!! ...but no... with all due respect, may his soul rest in peace.
  15. nightowl

    Topics for First Annual Meeting

    Hi Guys - Fix the expired SSL cert the foundation's website Also, since "The Foundation aims to educate the public and promote" may I suggest discussing Reddit Ads?
  16. nightowl

    Like graphs? Here's my masternode network and cpu load graphs

    Hey Guys Graphs make me all tingly inside, and I thought I'd share this since we don't have a lot of "post velocity" in the general forum. I don't have any automatic updates so I guess that spike in traffic was when my masternode was elected to do some work. It spiked to about 200kbps...
  17. nightowl

    API Call example for InstantX?

    Dammit... sorry... it's RIGHT there (and yes I did use "help" in the console but was looking for IX to be an option to sendaddress) :oops:. So utterly easy. Thank you!
  18. nightowl

    dash.conf vs masternode.conf

    Oh I see, I knew I was missing something. Thank you spalwik21!
  19. nightowl

    Masternodes are the Jedi protecting The Republic (the Blockchain)

    Thank you Sub-Ether, this will make the 1 bitcoin friend I have happy (sadly so many of my programming friends still don't get it when I say "programmable money people!")
  20. nightowl

    dash.conf vs masternode.conf

    Hi Guys I could probably figure this out myself but posting here in case someone else runs into this. The current documentation can be a bit confusing. The current docs for setting up a masternode all talk about adding your masternode key to dash.conf in the following format masternode=1...