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  1. Lebubar

    January 2016 Budget Proposal

    Amazing move.
  2. Lebubar

    Evolution - Dashdrive Discussion

    Oh great.. I think I need to read the white paper 2 or 3 times more.
  3. Lebubar

    Evolution - Dashdrive Discussion

    I think we have to take really care of this: how redundancy will work. I don't think we can lose any data on DashDrive. If for example the various copy of one shard can be identified and located (on which MN they are) this can be a big weakness and open posibilites to hacker to DDOS or even data...
  4. Lebubar

    Dash to speak and exhibit at the 3rd Latin American Bitcoin Conference - Mexico

    Yes this sum up pretty nicely those 2 last days.
  5. Lebubar

    Dash to speak and exhibit at the 3rd Latin American Bitcoin Conference - Mexico

    Evan made at least 3 interviews (maybe more). The last one with Amanda was improvised. I don't know when they'll be published, but we should hear about Dash in near future.
  6. Lebubar

    Dash to speak and exhibit at the 3rd Latin American Bitcoin Conference - Mexico

    The presentation is one guy at a time. They present it on the flyer like this but he will be alone.
  7. Lebubar

    Dash to speak and exhibit at the 3rd Latin American Bitcoin Conference - Mexico

    Did you chack the oficial streaming channel? And video? It's good enough? I mean there is two options for the Evan talk. I can take a video with my camera. But you will not have in live. And I don't think I'll be able to take and post live picture. So guys and gals this is your choice : Video...
  8. Lebubar

    Dash to speak and exhibit at the 3rd Latin American Bitcoin Conference - Mexico

    Maybe ask Tungfa for the pdf of the hand out book, if he want to share it. I'm in hurry, need to make space on my memory card of my camera, recup the business card of Evan and go to laBITconf.
  9. Lebubar

    Dash to speak and exhibit at the 3rd Latin American Bitcoin Conference - Mexico

    7 pages of Dash information. Tungfa make the pdf for me, and yes we distibute them. I print a lot ;)
  10. Lebubar

    Dash to speak and exhibit at the 3rd Latin American Bitcoin Conference - Mexico

    I can't post pic easily here. If someone can post picture that I put on slack here?
  11. Lebubar

    Introducing Our New Team Members

    Great and exiting, as always. See you in Mexico Evan :wink:
  12. Lebubar

    Dash to speak and exhibit at the 3rd Latin American Bitcoin Conference - Mexico

    And if anyone else is interested in visiting us in Mexico, just PM me and I'll check what I can do to help.
  13. Lebubar

    Dash to speak and exhibit at the 3rd Latin American Bitcoin Conference - Mexico

    Me too, really exiting. Let start the To Do list :)
  14. Lebubar

    Dash to speak and exhibit at the 3rd Latin American Bitcoin Conference - Mexico

    I'm ready to help as I can. Count on me.
  15. Lebubar

    Can you think of a project to fund ?

    Made an easy to use exchange site DASH <==> fiat in each country. Ie : like coinbase in US, volabit in Mexico, ... And also why not a localdashexchange site.
  16. Lebubar

    qwizzie's cryptogram puzzle round 3 (Solved)

    D=4 A=6 S=15 H=17 ? :grin:
  17. Lebubar

    Error starting dashd: Error: Initialization sanity check failed.

    I'm trying a new VPS for my next MN and got this error at starting dashd: lebubar@MasterNodexx~$ ./dashd Error: Initialization sanity check failed. Dash Core is shutting down. Did someone have a clue? (lib missing or something?)