Search results

  1. DRKLord

    [WTS] 2012 Casascius Physical Bitcoin

    vertoe and I have agreed on a deal: He will purchase my 2012 Casascius Physical Bitcoin for 140.00 DRK. Now we are trying to come to an agreement on how to escrow and handle the transaction... I suggested that perhaps we could use TomatoCage, DannyHammilton or another reputable escrow agent...
  2. DRKLord

    [WTS] 2012 Casascius Physical Bitcoin

    If no one can beat that bid before you are back online it is sold... Sent you a pm.
  3. DRKLord

    [WTS] 2012 Casascius Physical Bitcoin

    What'd you have in mind? I'll entertain any reasonable offer... just saying what I'd "hoped" to get, lol...
  4. DRKLord

    [WTS] 2012 Casascius Physical Bitcoin

    It's bad lighting and not the best camera. I do not have the original package. Casascius just sent it in a padded envelope and included a free refridgerator magnet that says "I believe in honest money: Gold, silver and Bitcoin". I'm looking for at least 2.00 BTC. Got one offer for 2.40 but the...
  5. DRKLord

    [WTS] 2012 Casascius Physical Bitcoin

    I have an original 2012 Casascius Physical Bitcoin I've been trying to sell. I intended to sell it for BTC to invest in more DRK, if not just sell it for straight DRK. I asked a friend of mine to help find me a buyer for a % commission of sales proceeds, but so far we've had no luck. Just...
  6. DRKLord

    [WTS] DRK or BTC for Moneypak

    Reposted from original thread on forums: I'm needing a $160 to $200 Moneypak. I currently have 50.00 DRK sitting in my desktop wallet savings. My address is Xf2QLUSwS8QWyxEfyazCNw8RWPZLqZrBXs You can see it in block explorer here...
  7. DRKLord

    My Dirty Fork

    Thanks, I quoted the post in the thread raze suggested. I'm going to be in touch with Evan soon anyway as I'm interested in becoming a dev or helping out however I can. Hopefully they've already gotten what they need, but if not I have the "dirty fork" saved...
  8. DRKLord

    v0.10.9.x Help test RC2 forking issues

    Reposted from original topic:
  9. DRKLord

    My Dirty Fork

    I read on that the Darkcoin devs were looking for someone with a daemon still running on a bad fork from the failed masternode launch to examine and try to figure out what went wrong. It just so happens that I retained a copy of a bad fork. I even mined a few blocks on the bad...
  10. DRKLord

    Technical Analysis

    I agree, vertoe. I expect there's going to be a lot of volatility ahead. But as someone who enjoys day-trading, that's not necessarily a bad thing. Right now with Darkcoin in its infancy, we're still in what I consider an "infrastructure development phase". We need more exchanges, payment...
  11. DRKLord

    Technical Analysis

    This will be the first of my technical analysis of DRK/BTC posts. DRK is still a new crypto and hasn't been listed on many exchanges very long, but it's already making quite a name for itself. I have some significant investments in DRK and I will be continuing to add to my position for months to...
  12. DRKLord

    WTB Darkcoin

    I, too, am new to DRKTalk... but I have a small hoard of DRK and I will be willing to periodically sell small ($100-$200) amounts for MoneyPak... I have my DRK scattered around in some different savings addresses. One of them (Xf2QLUSwS8QWyxEfyazCNw8RWPZLqZrBXs) can be seen here...