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  1. X

    Dash "stock split"

    Btw, given what I said above, I would go even one step further. Do a 1/100 split. That way Dash coins in existence will reach 650 million. The price will go down 1/100, but everyone will have 100x more coins. The price will be about 7 cents. Psychology, someone being able to buy 1 unit of a...
  2. X

    Dash "stock split"

    I have been arguing for this for months now. It not only increases "liquidity" in terms of dash, but it increases market cap which also adoption. Look at All the highest ranking new coins are coins with extremely large number of coin supply. Ethereum has 81 million...
  3. X

    Pre-proposal Discussion: PrivateSend special task force

    I agree. The defining feature of Dash is the anonymous aspect. That is what makes it "Cash" because "Cash" is anonymous unlike other forms of money. So, without anonymous aspect Dash cannot be like Cash. I hope this gets resolved because it has never worked well.
  4. X

    Prioritization of fiat gateways

    Smart move. I agree with the reallocation. If it was a proposal I would have voted yes.
  5. X

    Budget Proposal - Proof of Labour

    I am voting no. This proposal does not benefit Dash and it likely will never have concrete benefits. it is a very good idea and there should be a coin that does it. Maybe Dash will even do something similar some day. The issue with this is that it is 1) a research proposal 2) the results of the...
  6. X

    Lamassu Integration Delay - An ominous precedent?

    The current governance model already supports this. If someone is untrusted / untested and with no track record, then masternodes should not approve their budget. That does not mean if someone is untested that they should never get a proposal. Those people should seek out trusted parties, such...
  7. X

    Interesting criticisms of DASH. Thoughts?

    Ring signatures are superior to mixing for anonymity. However, mixing is more practical at this stage and mixing is "good enough" at this stage. If master nodes were bad actors and someone owned enough of them (or enough communicated) it could break the anonymity of mixing. The problem with...
  8. X

    Dynamic Masternodes - Masternodes` impact on trading volume/liquidity

    I agree with you. My point was is that masternodes are not related to the issue. If you got rid of master nodes or increased master nodes it will not have much significant impact on USD volume traded. That will be dependent on USD demand. Currently the demand is for masternodes so it is...
  9. X

    A whole bunch of questions...

    Yes, IF it gets millions of TX per day, then perhaps. However, that is a loooong way off. Based on the current usage of coins it does not seem like the future. The coins are being used as a settlement layer and transactions are either not occuring (being used as a store of value) or they are...
  10. X

    Dash Automated Teller Machines; Future of Dash

    Thinking more on InstantX and ATM machines.... Dash is really built to dominate the ATM market. Using an ATM machine with bitcoin and the coins not being usable for potential hours is a huge consumer experience issue. Dash will have a much better experience. We need to get some dang ATM...
  11. X

    A whole bunch of questions...

    I agreed. When I was in the bitcoin scene I also made these arguments. The truth is you only need to look at history and even modern day. There is NO widely used currency that is not inflating. Even gold is still inflating every year. I think pegging the yearly mining reward to 3% of total dash...
  12. X

    Dash Automated Teller Machines; Future of Dash

    I have been thinking about the volume / liquidity of Dash and also how to introduce it to people. I think ATM machines are a huge portions for bitcoins staying power. The reason is multi-fold: It provides a manner to actually buy / sell coins without the cumbersoem process of crazy KYC and...
  13. X

    Improving Dash liquidity / volume for adoption

    I actually did not see your thread. I have responded in your thread with my opinion on why masternodes have no effect on USD equivalent trade volume of Dash. I do not believe allowing masternode coins to circulate will have an effect on USD equivalent trade volume. If masternode coins circulate...
  14. X

    Dynamic Masternodes - Masternodes` impact on trading volume/liquidity

    I do not believe that masternodes have any affect on trade volume / liquidity. For purposes of this response, volume refers to the USD value of trading that occurs (not the number of Dash units traded, which is not relevant). Master nodes most likely do have an effect on price, but not on USD...
  15. X

    Improving Dash liquidity / volume for adoption

    I agree however according to coinmarketcap it is trading on 29 exchanges. Ethereum is only tarding on 34 exchanges. 58% of Ethereum volume is on Pholiniex. Dash is trading on Pholinex also. This indicates to me that more exchanges are not necessarily the bottleneck here. We already have the bulk...
  16. X

    Proof: Guaranteed 3 billion USD market cap in 1 month (like Ethereum)

    It was not actually a serious proposal but a commentary of how it is difficult to compare total value of different cryptos. It was written tongue in cheek
  17. X

    Proof: Guaranteed 3 billion USD market cap in 1 month (like Ethereum)

    I can guarantee 3 billion market cap for Dash in 1 month and if you keep reading I will prove it. I am not sure how much sense "market cap" makes for a currency, but it is a measure that drives trading, press releases, hype, and trust in a currency. The common formula for market cap is the...
  18. X

    Improving Dash liquidity / volume for adoption

    Sure, master nodes removes a certain volume of coins from the market. However, there are still a practical infinite number of currency units available for exchange given the divisibility of the coins, so if there was demand to trade it that demand would be met 100%. Even without the masternodes...
  19. X

    Improving Dash liquidity / volume for adoption

    The value of a trade-able asset is highly dependent on its liquidity. If you take two identical assets with similar inherit values and one is far more liquid the perceived value of the liquid asset will be much higher. In addition, the adopt-ability of it will be much higher. Let's pretend you...
  20. X

    Budget proposal: Change of X11 mining algorithm because of ASICs

    There is not a single algo that will be resistant against specialized computing. The best defense against specialized computing is to make the problem of hashing is so general that there is no advantage to specailization and as a result general purpose chips will be best performance on average...