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  1. D

    v0.10.9.x Help test RC2 forking issues

    the stratum pool doesn't seem to find blocks anymore. Last block found was 295 Round Shares Est. Shares 575 (done: 7687.48%) Time Since Last Block 748 hours 16 minutes 58 seconds
  2. D

    v0.10.9.x Help test RC2 forking issues

    failed to connect to stratum+tcp://
  3. D

    Development Update - 5/30/2014 - Fork Causes and Solutions

    sounds good at first glance. the factor could be adjusted maybe but I kind of like the idea Would be nice to hear the Masters opinion on this :smile:
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    Best ways to secure your masternode

    I'm currently not running it as a non-privileged user, but have locked all ports except 9999 (sshport is restricted only to my ip). Key Pair + Pass + Time-based OTP is needed for ssh login. Bruteforce protection for the TOTP is enabled. fail2ban installed. AND most importantly I would say, my...
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    Best ways to secure your masternode

    no worries mate, let me know if you experience any more problems
  6. D

    Best ways to secure your masternode

    sudo passwd [username] that's the command
  7. D

    Best ways to secure your masternode

    1. login to your server via ssh 2. sudo passwd ubuntu (i guess thats your user?) 3. create a password for ubuntu
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    Best ways to secure your masternode

    You can also harden your SSH login even further by using Multiple Authentication Methods! I just added this to my Masternode myself. If you already have Keypair Auth you just need to: 1. follow this guide (posted on the Bitcointalkthread by hartvercoint)...
  9. D

    Issues with Masternode Payments Fork

    Where do you see this error? My MN is on both masternodelists so I assumed it's configured correctly. But apparently that's not necessarily true. Is there any way to check for a working MN besides getting paid? Because with current unregular payments and bad luck it can take days to get a...
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    Issues with Masternode Payments Fork

    Can anyone/Evan elaborate what kind of Pubkey is shown on the blockexplorer for the Masternode votes? I would love to somehow check if I'm receiving votes.
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    Update to or to prepare for the hardfork on May 25!

    I have the same problem... Everytime I think I got it working couple of hours later it's back to state 0
  12. D

    New version 9.4.0 and 10.8.0

    tried again today. Stop server darcoind for at least 10min, deleted local and server peers.dat, then restarted the darkcoind server aswell as the masternode from the local wallet. Everthing seems ok so far :)
  13. D

    Update to or to prepare for the hardfork on May 25!

    Do we have to do the masternode genkey procedure after each update? And do the local and the remote darkcoind both need their own key? My MN is still not showing up. I guess I'll wait til more people have updated and will try again tomorrow
  14. D

    New version 9.4.0 and 10.8.0

    hm tried it again with 2 seperate keys for local and remote. But still my ip changes to :0 after some time... maybe it's because I close the local wallet... but it should work nevertheless... :(
  15. D

    New version 9.4.0 and 10.8.0

    updated with local/remote setup but get " 0," did anyone succesfully do the local/remote setup?
  16. D

    Remote MasterNode guide UPDATED

    interesting question, but I think that with 10.8.2 it isn't possible to do that anymore because you would need the servers "masternodeprivkey" to start the MN from the local machine
  17. D

    p2pool-drk hardfork how to for May 14th

    want to try to setup a p2pool node myself. Do I need the stable or RC2 version of darkcoind?
  18. D

    v0.10.5.x Masternode Payments Testing (RC2)

    not sure if I'm still on the right testnet chain, but tried to send you 1k DRK just now 14367765c9f6f1c344af2f92732d530239437ecc297f5a9d675230ebb431459c-000 we'll see if it gets there :)
  19. D

    Remote MasterNode guide UPDATED

    hm then I don't really know what seems to be the problem You can generate a fresh address and I can send you another 1k DRK if you want to try that. I didn't always use getaccountaddress 0, "getnewaddress" also worked for me AFAIK you can just send them to another address/wallet. dont think...
  20. D

    Remote MasterNode guide UPDATED

    do you have 1k DRK in one transaction on the local wallet where you try to start the masternode?