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  1. Dandy

    Bitcoin's "network effect" is NOT insurmountable

    I agree. I think that the cryptocoin with the best usability will win out in the end, providing that the technology is solid and there is an initial push for mainstream adoption and education of users.
  2. Dandy

    Reduction in proposal fee to 1 Dash (Pre-Proposal)

    I also agree that the fee should be lowered asap. I read through other stuff in this thread and there are some interesting ideas, but they all seem difficult to implement and need a very thorough critical review first. We should fix what we can at the moment and then start thinking about other...
  3. Dandy

    These price fluctuations :(

    Why the panic mode? Just look at the 30 day graph and think about how much it went up in value since the end of February. It will bounce back, don't worry. It still has a looong way to go... up I mean ;)
  4. Dandy

    More power to the rich?

    It's not in the interest of masternode to do anything that will hurt the Dash value, just the contrary. A few percent bonus is worth much less then if the base price of the Dash coin raises. Remember that any raise in the Dash value is multiplied by that 1000 Dash that the masternode holds. So...
  5. Dandy

    More power to the rich?

    The % of interest should be the same, regardless of the amount (I'm pretty sure that's how it works in banks also, at least in my country). But there must be some additional income for masternodes because they also have hardware costs involved and they have to pay monthly for hosting. Also, if...
  6. Dandy

    More power to the rich?

    As a relatively fresh masternode owner that invested a big chunk of life savings into it, I can tell you that I definitely won't vote for anything that hurts Dash as a whole. No governance mechanism is perfect, but I think that Dash masternode system is one of the better ones and that's why I...
  7. Dandy

    The costs to use Dash

    Agreed. Bitcoin fell in trouble because of high fees. We should avoid that trap
  8. Dandy

    Genesis Mining Investigated

    Are you sure that you are mining Dash directly? Maybe you are mining Bitcoin and just receiving payouts in Dash? Because 7TH of hashing power for X11 would be prohibitively expensive (something like 30K $)
  9. Dandy

    how to start MN from local wallet ??

    Is there some tutorial for this? (starting a masternode from a local wallet)
  10. Dandy

    Guide: simple masternode on a Windows machine

    I managed to start the deamon on the Ubuntu running on a local VirtualBox using Tao's tutorial, but I can't start the masternode from the Dash Core wallet. It reports invalid IP address. Is it even possible to use the IP address from the 192.168.x.x range for this, or not? Edit: I used the...
  11. Dandy

    Guide: simple masternode on a Windows machine

    Can you point me to the relevant tutorial, if I want to run a masternode on a secondary local PC? (Linux or Windows)
  12. Dandy

    Guide: simple masternode on a Windows machine

    This is the last line with CActiveMasternode in debug.log: 2017-03-01 13:23:57 CActiveMasternode::ManageStateRemote -- NOT_CAPABLE: Masternode not in masternode list I can't find the GetMasternodeVinAndKeys string
  13. Dandy

    Guide: simple masternode on a Windows machine

    28 confirmations and counting
  14. Dandy

    Guide: simple masternode on a Windows machine

    Thanks for helping :) That got me over the previous error, but now I get a "Not capable masternode: Masternode not in masternode list" message
  15. Dandy

    Guide: simple masternode on a Windows machine

    I pasted the lines into dash.conf, as masternode.conf seems to be for remote masternodes. But now I've hit another obstacle. When I try to execute “masternode start <WALLETPASSWORD>”, I get a "Error: Please enter the wallet passphrase with walletpassphrase first. (code -13)". What exactly do I...
  16. Dandy

    Guide: simple masternode on a Windows machine

    Security issues aside, I would still like to know how could I do this on the current version of Dash Core?
  17. Dandy

    Guide: simple masternode on a Windows machine

    I'm trying to start a Windows masternode on v0.12.1.2 Dash Core wallet. I'm going through this tutorial and I got to the line: "In your wallet, go to Tools -> Open Configuration File", but there are now separate wallet and masternode configuration files. I'm guessing I should edit the masternode...