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  1. D

    RC4 Launch

    My wallet is auto denominating my real life funds now. (So excited!)
  2. D

    v0.10.12.x RC4 Testing

    I have set keep anon funds to 800, and i have 2236 anon balance, what about you?
  3. D

    v0.10.12.x RC4 Testing

    My wallet is working just fine. Sent eltito 600 anon coins. Anon balance closed in on my "keep 800 dark anon" setting, and more denoms started to happen. Its getting there.
  4. D

    v0.10.12.x RC4 Testing

  5. D

    v0.10.12.x RC4 Testing

    Thanks, i have plenty now. Auto denom started not long ago. v nice
  6. D

    v0.10.12.x RC4 Testing

    The box that usually appears on the right hand side is not there for me. I cannot withdraw coins because of it. Sometimes it works, most it doesn't. Also, I'm sure someone else mentioned this same problem. :-)
  7. D

    v0.10.12.x RC4 Testing

    Can i has tdrk please n1KLwnazKmwo1EN6mUxfVh4xNuZWqUYCCJ
  8. D

    v0.10.12.x RC4 Testing

    Warning message needs 'of' imo Darksend uses a very large keypool and goes through keys quite rapidly. This means that you need to make backups more frequently than with other wallets, because when it anonymizes your funds a lot transactions happen in the background. To be safe make a new...
  9. D

    v0.10.12.x RC4 Testing

    More coins for a fresh wallet please n3xTgiAFQbgxSq7bWpjYQwWE3N3FQiooEh
  10. D

    v0.10.12.x RC4 Testing

  11. D

    v0.10.12.x RC4 Testing

  12. D

    v0.10.12.x RC4 Testing

    Downloaded v19 I clicked settings, options, main to look at the the gui. Had a play about. The only thing is, when i click on say 5 rounds the selection doesn't stick. I cannot press apply, only ok. Please send tdrk : muLJmHPPwSvH6yh38bUcBtsbk7WNi57rRP
  13. D

    v0.10.12.x RC4 Testing

    I think its darksend auto
  14. D

    v0.10.12.x RC4 Testing

    I got a collateral payment earlier on. But i figured out why. I would send a payment and leave the computer for about 30mins so it can go through the process. Once i return the computer is sleeping, i move the mouse and there you go, a collateral payment appears. This maybe your problem.
  15. D

    v0.10.12.x RC4 Testing

    No, i agree! I just didn't know it was implemented.
  16. D

    v0.10.12.x RC4 Testing

    When i send tdrk the coins are deducted from the total anon coins. The rest stay anon and don't get denominated again. Is that right? Sent 100 c9ae87f3e1d073f6d1cf3fb92b07438a511e90c70287327f3365bbc96d659ae5 and then sent another 100...
  17. D

    v0.10.12.x RC4 Testing

    Is what i said a normal thing then?
  18. D

    v0.10.12.x RC4 Testing

    Edit: 100 sent aa498c8c3c945383964f213befdc60f9b3573c97f5a89b0c9ae190fa48dfd374 I had 1700 tdrk anonymous, i sent 1000 of the anon tdrk and 700 coins stayed anonymous? It never used to do this. On the previous version, i would send the 1000 and the other 700 would be unanon again and sent for...
  19. D

    v0.10.12.x RC4 Testing

    Just started denom
  20. D

    v0.10.12.x RC4 Testing

    This.. mm4MJyR5qEJNqnxEdgX4KsASsUUZgzBRQ5