Search results

  1. TroyDASH

    Will Dash Evloution be Shoppable?

    I think he is asking about the "Evolution marketplace", a term I have heard used sometimes by Evan and others. Evolution obviously is not responsible for selling products but the question seems to be more about what is the marketplace experience like when someone uses Evolution. Is there a...
  2. TroyDASH

    Proposal: Serbian Pole Sport Championship 2017 Sponsorship

    Great job with this, and huge thank you to @akhavr for generously sponsoring. This project was not funded by the MNs but I think the results you have documented here might have exceeded some of those MN expectations.
  3. TroyDASH

    New to the forum, want to know more

    If you want some reading material, you can check out some of the Dash documentation here:
  4. TroyDASH

    on-chain scaling vs off-chain

    If I may quote @toknormal from Dash Nation Slack earlier:
  5. TroyDASH

    Proposal : Burnt Hamster Minestrone and
  6. TroyDASH

    Amanda is taking a break?

    It's her life, and her decision. None of our business telling Amanda what to do when she has already fulfilled everything we have paid her for. We shouldn't take people for granted... I would love for her to return to a prominent role in Dash and would be more than willing to vote for that if...
  7. TroyDASH

    An Open Letter From Evan and Ryan Regarding Dash Marketing

    Imo, selling pressure from the budget is negligible. The entire budget 6600 dash per month is 220 dash per day. Even if the entire amount is dumped, today our coinmarketcap daily trading volume was 270,000 dash and this wasn't even a high volume day. Even less of an effect if we are only...
  8. TroyDASH

    An Open Letter From Evan and Ryan Regarding Dash Marketing

    A fair point. I am completely on board with the direction of focusing on awareness, business partners, and features when it comes to marketing, and not as an investment opportunity. After all I think the best investors to attract are the ones who can draw the conclusion that dash is a good...
  9. TroyDASH

    An Open Letter From Evan and Ryan Regarding Dash Marketing

    Deciding to roll over funding going forward is one thing, but to have previous unallocated funds resurrected is never going to have MN support, IMO.
  10. TroyDASH

    An Open Letter From Evan and Ryan Regarding Dash Marketing

    Is there any particular benefit to having the core team hire a marketing firm instead of hiring a CMO either with their own team or to work with a marketing firm? If Core contracts with a marketing firm then working with that firm still requires work, and unless there is a dedicated person, it...
  11. TroyDASH

    Wall of coins

    From what I have heard and experienced, the wait time can vary depending on the seller. But I've never heard of anyone who has made a legitimate deposit and never received the coins. If the seller doesn't confirm then i believe the wall of coins staff has a procedure to resolve the issue but it...
  12. TroyDASH

    Proposal: Money20/20

    Great! Now that we can afford it, Money 20/20 is a must. Easy yes
  13. TroyDASH

    Proposal: Hiring of Top-level Dash Chief Marketing Officer (CMO)

    @dashdisciple now that you have stepped aside on the recruitment process, we are left with an open ended situation where we need to re-answer the "where does this magical CMO come from?" question. If this proposal passes, what would be a reasonable way forward? Is the core team willing to handle...
  14. TroyDASH

    Proposal: Hiring of Top-level Dash Chief Marketing Officer (CMO)

    Actually the voting for this proposal shows strong support so far with over 8% net yes votes and the voting period isn't over yet. Even if this does not pass with 10% I think we are seeing a consensus starting to emerge on what kind of things the MNs are deeming valuable on this subject.
  15. TroyDASH

    Dash Core Team Q1 2017 Summary Call

    Since when is 14:00 UTC a U.S. time slot?
  16. TroyDASH

    Proposal: Blockchain Labs Sponsorship

    @Ryan Taylor could you elaborate more on what it means for Dash to be incorporated as the exclusive digital currency for ongoing research? (What is the marginal benefit of Dash sponsorship as opposed to allowing the organization to continue blockchain research on their own which they were...
  17. TroyDASH

    May 2017 - Dash Core Team Monthly Report

    I can confirm that as well :)
  18. TroyDASH

    Dash Core Team Q1 2017 Summary Call

    Would it make a difference if only the audio and not the video? We already have the slides. Just wondering--
  19. TroyDASH

    Proposal: Hiring of Top-level Dash Chief Marketing Officer (CMO)

    I think it would be helpful for @dashdisciple or @abob54 to respond to this. If there are any ways this proposal can be improved then we should pursue that, and if there are any ways the PEC evaluation could be improved, feedback would be useful. The PEC is brand new but I take its function...
  20. TroyDASH

    Dash Core Team Q1 2017 Summary Call

    Should I even ask the obvious question?