Recent content by semajjames

  1. S

    DASH Masternode Zeus (replacement for dashman)

    so this bootstrap option 5. Bootstrap this server from another VPS running a fully synced DASH Masternode. is that to be used before option 1. Install and configure a new DASH Masternode. or after installation has been done ?
  2. S

    how to start mn from cold wallet

    Thanks SpIawik21 I have successively Registered my MN already months ago but it stopped on vps and picked up a ban I have now restarted on vps but dont know how to start with cold wallet OK I am now registering again from scratch but when I enter the "protx register_submit" command it returns...
  3. S

    how to start mn from cold wallet

    Hi So how do I start MN from cold wallet dashcore- ? I am used to seeing "start aliss" in the masternode tab but its gone ,,,,
  4. S

    SOLVED problem with Dash Core v0.14 and wallet file naming

    is anyone getting problems using assorted wallet file names and start shortcuts in windows ?? UdjinM6: Wallet no longer allows non-safe characters in wallet's name UdjinM6: safe characters are alphanumeric (i.e. en letters and 0-9) + .-_
  5. S

    MN not showing in search

    My MN is in the list here but "search" will not find it ,,, why could this be ? thanks
  6. S

    address used to fund ProTx fee ??

    Thanks strophy ,,,,, what I am really getting at here is:- will the payout/feeSource address ALWAYS have to contain an amount for transaction fee of is this just a one off fee purely for the registration process
  7. S

    address used to fund ProTx fee ??

    I am unable to issue protx register_prepare because my new payoutAddress has 0 balance so is this because I just need to fund one transaction for the protx register_prepare command to work at this time or does this new payoutAddress always need to have a balance in order for the MN...
  8. S

    v0.13 MN changes ?

    thanks I have read that and understand to some degree but does any of the new stuff HAVE to be done in order for the MN to remain getting paid ? if so "what" and "when does it have to be done by" cheers
  9. S

    evodb folder ???

    Hi I have just noticed a new folder called "evodb" inside my "dashcore folder" is it ment to be there cheers
  10. S

    v0.13 MN changes ?

    Thanks ,,, yeah I've done all that ,, what I ment was is do any of the new keys HAVE to be made in order to stay in the payment list?
  11. S

    v0.13 MN changes ?

    Hi I updated my MN to v0.13 on day one and all went fine ,,,,, what I want to know is do I actually have to do any thing else or will my MN just continue to function as normal ,,,,,, ps I have not made any of the new keys ect that i have read about all i did was update with dashman thanks
  12. S

    Sentinel v1.3.0 release

    thats great thanks ,,, I can now confirm that cd ~/dashman/ &&./dashman install sentinel will update to sentinel 1.3.0
  13. S

    Sentinel v1.3.0 release

    dashman will install sentinel ,, but how can i tell what sentinel version i am currently running ?
  14. S

    missing dependency: python-virtualenv

    ok thanks for your help guys ,,,, one more thing once i have done this Add a check function to crontab to make sure it checks every minute to ensure your masternode is still running: crontab -e Choose nano as your editor and enter the following line at the end of the file, after the line...