Recent content by Raptor73

  1. Raptor73

    Pre-Proposal: UK Dash To Fiat Exchange & Marketing Integration

    That's the way to show a proposal!! You'll have my votes
  2. Raptor73

    I think the collateral for Masternodes should come down Check the ROI page. it's not more than 8.33% per anno, not 14%. The Dash network doesn't care about the Masternode ROI, as long as we need no more nodes to run the network, there's no reason to reduce the collateral. I can remember times when...
  3. Raptor73

    Develop an alternative to CoinMarketCap, but with more features, and Dash as the sole sponsor.

    there is plan to add a blockfolio style view for your assets or did you allready have this? would be nice to see an ajax driven infotab with coin age / active development / community links / contact person for business partners and so on
  4. Raptor73

    Develop an alternative to CoinMarketCap, but with more features, and Dash as the sole sponsor.

    please add a morono filter also and a column that shows the coinprice for an assumed total coin quantity of 1 million coins
  5. Raptor73

    Dash On Coinbase Rumors
  6. Raptor73

    Imitation is the best form of flattery.

    it's pretty simple to me; the coin with the biggest dev-team and community is able to move faster than other teams or lone wolfs.
  7. Raptor73

    [CLOSED] 47000 Darkcoin [47k DRK] at a fixed rate

    i hope you get them before the next price rise, comming with open source and possible dark markets integrations