Recent content by Populandum

  1. P

    On why we should give 0.1 DASH proposals a chance

    The proposal fee has grown together with the whole ecosystem, so why change it? We now have a higher price, more funds to give out for bigger projects and proposals cost more. I see this as a balance you aim to shift. As the Dash ecosystem grows we don't need masternodes to vote for these low...
  2. P

    HempSweet Decentralized Industrialization Alliance Proposal

    I'm sad to see this proposal not passing as I truly believe it would have made a difference! I think the proposal was just too big to float at this point in time unfortunately.. There have been several proposals before that have not passed, getting revised and then passed. I would urge you to...
  3. P

    HempSweet Decentralized Industrialization Alliance Proposal

    Write the contracts in a way that clearly shows that the Dash network simply gave you a donation for you to do this work. Keep us out of any possible liabilities :) I think everyone should be happy with such an implementation.
  4. P

    HempSweet Decentralized Industrialization Alliance Proposal

    Well, can't we just change the relevant lines in the contract like @TanteStefana wants? Why even argue about not changing them if they're not important? Just change them and let's move on.
  5. P

    (Pre-Proposal) Buy & Sell from within ALL DASH WALLETS

    I think this is an excellent idea :)
  6. P

    HempSweet Decentralized Industrialization Alliance Proposal

    Because Potcoin, cannacoin or whatever other one of those are just gimmicks. You want your currency to be general; like Dash.
  7. P

    HempSweet Decentralized Industrialization Alliance Proposal

    I'm actually sitting here in awe of what you are proposing! I think it would be a BIG mistake of us all to not use this opportunity! We can actually grow both the financially-suppressed hemp industry along with Dash! I see this as a success story where we actually get the real first use of...
  8. P

    GUI tool for running Masternode with Trezor

    First off: Thank you! I think making a proposal for this would be a good idea. You already have provided a product, so I think a lot of MNOs would pay you to further develop and perfectionalize this! This tool is really the way forward with regards to security and user friendliness :)
  9. P

    Dash core does not respond

    I have also experienced the issue where the client freezes and crashes when issuing masternode start-* passphrase. It took me a long time to figure out I had to unlock the wallet first..
  10. P

    Dash Logo Contest

    It's not about looking back at them. It's about what works! Single color, easy letters, fits in with other successful logos, plays with the dash in the D and Dash <-> Cash, angled to make it seem moving and the dash also helps with the illusion of movement. We don't need some super-fancy modern...
  11. P

    Dash Logo Contest

    I just did the same :smile:
  12. P

    Dash Logo Contest

    I agree! is simply the best logo we could ever ask for. We need to KEEP IT SIMPLE. What are all these weird gradients and modern letters? Seriously, have people not seen a brand logo in their lives? It has to be plain, with only ONE fancy letter, and that should be the first one. And the play...
  13. P

    v0.11.2.x Testing

    I don't know the current situation but such a system should be trivial to implement if it isn't already, and there is no reason for it not to be, so I'd say I'm rather confident this will get implemented in the future if it hasn't been already :grin:
  14. P

    Darkcoin Ambassador Group

    Ooo, I'd love to contribute with the knowledge I have from making my own paper wallets. I'll see if I find the time, I'm going to travel today though, so I'm a bit busy atm :smile:
  15. P

    v0.11.2.x Testing

    I'm only running hot nodes on testnet and I have to issue masternode start every time :smile: The HotCold setup doesn't require you to though :grin: