Recent content by oblox

  1. oblox

    Development Update - Oct 19, 2015

    eduffield Any chance you can give us all an update on the ongoing opposition pending trademark with Karmic? I'm sure I'm not the only one wanting closure and I think an update after six months is warranted even if it's still pending.
  2. oblox

    How to auto-send MN rewards to one wallet?

    Yep, with the donation feature gone, you have to manually send your inputs (normally through coin control).
  3. oblox

    (SOLVED)Solo Mining

    Quite evident in the pictures he's mining at 1GH
  4. oblox

    V12 Release

    Strange, wasn't pulling it on its own instance, the second I found it on another and went back to the problematic instance, it showed up on the masternodelist. Beats me. Will continue to monitor.
  5. oblox

    V12 Release

    Further, all of my nodes have yet to show up on dashninja (that's why I was asking if it has been working for others). Bah. EDIT: SOLVED by cache-refreshing the website.
  6. oblox

    V12 Release

    Updated to v45 on all nodes, one still will not start even with repeat stopping of the daemon and issuing start-many and start-alias from cold.
  7. oblox

    Need help...

    Apparently with the rollout of v12, it's fine right now to never see the budgets synchronize until more MN's update. As long as you are at the right blockheight matching the explorers and the hashes match, you are on the right chain and fine for sending/receiving.
  8. oblox

    V12 Release

    eduffield When you release v45 later today, can you at least keep the extracted folder structure to match the build (dash- vs just dash-0.12.0? Not sure why this was dropped from the process.
  9. oblox

    V12 Release

    Is Dashninja working? My masternodes server-side show as enabled yet none appear on the site. I know E was resyncing things but you make it sound like yours at least appear on the list whereas none of mine do. Just read there is a new protocol version. Will try.
  10. oblox

    V12 Release

    I also hang on synchronizing budgets at 93%. Been that way for over 12 hours.
  11. oblox

    V12 Release

    Same here, one for the life of me will not start.
  12. oblox

    V12 Release

    Masternode 1k inputs are now locked so it should be a non issue.
  13. oblox

    V12 Release

    So use the masternode monitor app and load the masternode addresses for your phone. It will tell you when each get paid and the current balance.
  14. oblox

    V12 Release

    Time for you to consolidate your masternodes in one wallet file to allow you to easily grab the mn payments to send to whatever address you like.
  15. oblox

    (SOLVED)Can't Send Dash

    Correct, I'm simply saying it shouldn't be because it would automatically set people up for these kinds of errors without already having mixed coins.