Recent content by michaelterpin

  1. michaelterpin

    Budget System v2 / Transform PR

    Honestly, there's a ton to promote here. I think Dash as an ecosystem and potential replacement for bitcoin in person-to-person transactions, as well as its model of decentralized governance (despite all the flaws these threads display) are GREAT stories to promote. Also, I didn't say I was...
  2. michaelterpin

    Budget System v2 / Transform PR

    GreyGhost we are very judicious with expenses and they always need to be approved by a client first (e.g., I didn't charge any expenses for my trip to Miami since I was already there with the conference; any other PR firm or contractor would have likely charged all their expenses to get there...
  3. michaelterpin

    Budget System v2 / Transform PR

    David thank you for the explanation of the inner workings, and glad to know that I continue to have the support of the majority of node holders, but not enough yet to outpace things like funding for the Satoshi Roundtable (which, ironically, I got Evan invited to via my direct recommendation to...
  4. michaelterpin

    Budget System v2 / Transform PR

    GreyGhost the lack of knowledge about Dash at d10e (which had we been working together I would have been able to get one of the Dash community leaders a speaking gig as I know the organizers quite well and they'd reached out to me for speaker suggestions, which I was in the midst of facilitating...
  5. michaelterpin

    Budget System v2 / Transform PR

    TheDashGuy i'm going to address both your posts in one. Re the second post, I believe Dash is clearly in the fourth phase of your graph: market entry. Re the lengthy first post (which I thank you for voicing all of your questions and concerns), PR is NOT just crisis communications after a...
  6. michaelterpin

    Budget System v2 / Transform PR

    Oaxaca - What email address did you use? I don't recall ever receiving your email. Please resend to michael at transform dot pr and I'll be happy to answer you. Michael Michael
  7. michaelterpin

    Budget System v2 / Transform PR

    Solarminer, "superior swarm intelligence" requires more than just raw number of people - and the last time you used that phrase was to congratulate yourself on allegedly catching me in a lie because you (and your swarm, which from what I can tell does not represent the majority of this forum)...
  8. michaelterpin

    Budget System v2 / Transform PR

    We set up a number of interviews with journalists attending the conference (we also do the PR for the conference, so we had the earliest access to the media and were often the ones who invited them in the first place). Two in-person interviews we set up that did not immediately lead to stories...
  9. michaelterpin

    Budget System v2 / Transform PR

    Thanks, kot. InTheWoods, I am also a fan of Amanda's - and we provide her with interviews for her editorial needs on a regular basis. Most publications have both editorial and advertising - the advertising pays the bills (and Amanda's rates are extremely reasonable) but most people don't read...
  10. michaelterpin

    Budget System v2 / Transform PR

    Hi Stan - and thank you for the welcome note. I've never slandered a competitor (we really don't have many direct competitors in the crypto space and when asked about them I'll try to point out factual differences in terms of experience, but I would never do so proactively or in a way that...
  11. michaelterpin

    Budget System v2 / Transform PR

    Hi, I’m Michael Terpin from Transform PR. Ask Me Anything. There’s an old adage in social media: “don’t feed the trolls, they’ll only grow larger.” However, since I am a member of the Dash-holding community (I’ve owned Dash for more than a year prior to my involvement with what was supposed...