Recent content by jimbursch

  1. jimbursch

    Should I invest in dash coins?

    Buy Dash if you have a reason to use it. Period.
  2. jimbursch

    When will DASH shut down?

    Hang in there @camosoul Even though few can hear it, your voice is important. The truth of the matter is we have no idea what will happen to Dash. It is also true that Dash is not dead, yet. It’s still “just a flesh wound.” You should start messing around with Evonet. Put your head in the...
  3. jimbursch

    Where does Dash iOS wallet get exchange rate data?

    Excellent! Thank you. I wasn't aware of the Dash Retail project --
  4. jimbursch

    Evonet released with Dash Platform

    Here's DashNews with the announcement:
  5. jimbursch

    When will DASH shut down?

    @camosoul is a longtime member of the community who has reliably provided accountability/grief to DCG since 2014. Dash will be alive and thriving as long as he is still griping about the libtard takeover of DCG. If he goes silent, then you will know Dash is dead. That or ATF nabbed him.
  6. jimbursch

    Where does Dash iOS wallet get exchange rate data?

    The Dash iOS wallet conveniently shows exchange rate (USD in my case). From where does the wallet get the exchange rate?
  7. jimbursch

    How to Use Dash Wallet for iOS?

    You also have the option for touch id (fingerprint scan).
  8. jimbursch

    Evonet released with Dash Platform

    Here's the blog post: Here's the documentation: Here's the Evonet Explorer: Here's the faucet...
  9. jimbursch

    Is there an EvoNet forum?

    Here's the blog post:
  10. jimbursch

    Is there an EvoNet forum?

    I don't care about hoopla; I care about the technology. The IMPORTANT material, the documentation, was posted a while ago: This is plenty for me to get started as a developer. The rest will come in due time. I've been around for a little while now, and I...
  11. jimbursch

    Is there an EvoNet forum?

    Will there be a forum for discussion and support for EvoNet development projects? If so, where?
  12. jimbursch

    Try out a simple Dash invoice app

    Here's the first EvoNet block:
  13. jimbursch

    Try out a simple Dash invoice app

    Evonet is launching today! [1] And I am thinking of turning Simple Dash Invoice into an Evonet project as a very simple little project to learn how to use Dash Platform. Now I am reading the Dash Platform documentation. [2] This should be fun and interesting! 1...
  14. jimbursch

    Dash Bug Bounty Program

    Hi guys I haven't been active on the forum for a while, but I do monitor. I won't be able to manage the program for another year, but I'm glad to advise and assist continuation of the program. I will get in touch with @Jason Pitzen and do what I can to help. I'll also get in touch with Nathan...
  15. jimbursch

    What happened with Bitcart?

    I haven't been active on the forum for a little while, so pardon my ignorance. I just noticed that Bitcart is no longer accepting Dash. What happened with them? Also, I just purchased a Steam gift card using Bitrefill and it worked seamlessly, easily, and fast. Is Bitrefill the preferred Dash...