Recent content by HashEngineering

  1. HashEngineering

    Adding Password Prompt to Every Page in Dash App

    This forum pertains to the Dash cryptocurrency and related software. However the Dash in the question seems to be related to a python library that supports web applications.
  2. HashEngineering

    Paper wallet reclaim problem, but it doesn't show anything

    After further review and discussion with others who had the same problem, we found that there was a program in Venezuela that was giving Dash to purchasers of a Krip K5 phone. The first set of paper wallets were empty. Contact the place where you purchased the phone to get a new paper wallet...
  3. HashEngineering

    Import paper wallet ERROR

    Compressed and uncompressed private keys do not point to the same coins. They will have different public keys and different addresses. I was working on sweeping private keys starting with X this week and had no issues. And I created a QR code with the X address above and there was no error...
  4. HashEngineering

    Paper wallet reclaim problem, but it doesn't show anything

    We have issued an update for this issue, v5.18.5. Please update and give us feedback regarding it working.
  5. HashEngineering

    Paper wallet reclaim problem, but it doesn't show anything

    We have verified that the Paper Wallet Sweep function is broken. A ticket has been created to fix this.
  6. HashEngineering

    Pre-proposal: 100 merchants on the canary islands

    I saw this issue on our GitHub page. We need more information to diagnose the issue as the wallet is suppost to support NFC for standard Dash URIs that start with dash:X....
  7. HashEngineering

    Dash v12.3 Release Announcement - available July 3rd

    The mobile apps will still work during the upgrade process without being updated. Nevertheless, we are finalizing the Android app (Dash Wallet) and it will be released by the end of next week (July 13).
  8. HashEngineering

    Restore wallet can't select file darkcoin_wallet_backup_2014-xx-xx Not working

    If the file was decrypted it would contain a lot of non-ascii characters, but the beginning of the file would contain "org.darkcoin.production"
  9. HashEngineering

    Restore wallet can't select file darkcoin_wallet_backup_2014-xx-xx Not working

    If you open a valid backup file in a text editor you will see something like this: Each line is 78 characters wide. U2FsdGVkX19S4anbqu44VgksbX/wKoj3aJkODgRMl9pp/+o8c066vIuR3MWB8eBLZ222fHHHJpGr NEsiYpJ9b1bXeKgdgyBfQvsROdM0dM7gdm46J71Q0bnsG6GI7i00TqtoFfDzPQTk3ebDHMU6isDg...
  10. HashEngineering

    Restore wallet can't select file darkcoin_wallet_backup_2014-xx-xx Not working

    The backup file is in base64 text format, which means that only certain characters are valid (64 of them). If the beginning of the file begins with this: "JMZ," then the file is invalid, because a comma ',' is not part of the base64 format. Given that and the file having the date 2014-11-11...
  11. HashEngineering

    Restore wallet can't select file darkcoin_wallet_backup_2014-xx-xx Not working

    What is strange though is that before March 2015, the Darkcoin Wallet app was not HD and the backup was called "darkcoin-key-backup-2014-xx-xxxx" After March 2015, the app became HD (meaning all keys were derived from a seed) and then the backup files were called...
  12. HashEngineering

    Give me a way to restore my old DarkCoin wallet

    I will reply on the other thread.
  13. HashEngineering

    Restore wallet can't select file darkcoin_wallet_backup_2014-xx-xx Not working

    The android app (Darkcoin Wallet) was created on May 31, 2014 and `darkcoin_wallet_backup_2014-xx-xx` is definitely a file that this app would have created. There might be a strange bug that prevents loading of this file using Safety / Restore Wallet in Dash Wallet, though on my devices the...
  14. HashEngineering

    Dash Android Wallet price rate difference

    The update was released last week and is being rolled out to 40% of the users. The USD price of Dash should be more accurate. The VEF price will not be according to some reports.
  15. HashEngineering

    Dash Android Wallet price rate difference

    We are releasing the update in the next few days.