Recent content by elishagh1

  1. elishagh1


    Dash Fork PIVX Launches New Website as Part of Rebranding Process
  2. elishagh1


    PoW Phase Period: January 30th 2016 to August 17 2016 (FINISHED) PoS Phase Period: August 17 2016 to Forever Block Time: 60 Seconds with retargeting every block (approx. 1440 blocks per day) PoW Phase Max Coin Supply: 43,199,500 PoW Algorithm: Quark PoW Block Reward: [block# 2-151200] 250 PIV...
  3. elishagh1

    The Dash Times -

    Apple Declares War on Dash? - THE DASH TIMES : ShapeShift, the famed accountless cryptocurrency exchange app, was excluded from Apple’s App Store till it removed Dash.
  4. elishagh1

    Proposal: The Dash Times

    Introduction The Dash Times, formerly known as DashPayMagazine has come a long way since launching in February 2016. In less than one year we’ve grown quite a bit averaging around 15,000 unique pageviews per month. Currently our facebook page has 810 ‘likes’, Google+ 1056 followers and Twitter...
  5. elishagh1

    Pre Proposal: The Dash Times

    Update on this budget plus budgets total cost: How Will Proposal Funds Be Spent? Articles/Stories/Guides = 26 DASH We will be publishing articles, DASH stories, Guides and Podcasts. The articles will be in addition to the articles we’re already publishing and will not include general news...
  6. elishagh1

    Pre Proposal: The Dash Times

    There would be an initial 1-month proposal and if that goes well we would go for a 2/3 month cycle provided the community is happy with our deeds.
  7. elishagh1

    Pre Proposal: The Dash Times

    Proposal September 2016 Introduction Dash Times, formerly known as DashPayMagazine has come a long way since launching in February 2016. In less than one year we have grown so much averaging around 15,000 unique pageviews per month. Currently, our facebook page has 810 ‘likes’, Google+ 1056...
  8. elishagh1

    Business Development Update - Dash Partners with CryptoBuyer to bring Dash to Venezuela and LATAM.

    Cryptobuyer Introduces Dash To Struggling South American Economies - The Dash Times
  9. elishagh1

    The Dash Times -

    How to Sell Dash to Businesses - The Dash Times : Thank you.
  10. elishagh1

    The Dash Times -

    Baikal Announces New Multi-Algorithm Miner - The Dash Times: Chinese based ASICs manufacturer Baikal has stepped up its game with a new multi-algorithm miner. The new miner is an upgrade of its first generation Baikal mini 150M Miner and Baikal Quadruple Miner which were launched earlier this year.
  11. elishagh1

    The Dash Times -

    Jaxx Wallet Adds Dash Support - The Dash Times: The multi-platform wallet released an update today for its app, allowing users the option of storing Dash in their wallet.
  12. elishagh1

    Jaxx Adds Dash - TDT

    Jaxx Wallet Adds Dash Support - The Dash Times: The multi-platform wallet released an update today for its app, allowing users the option of storing Dash in their wallet.
  13. elishagh1

    Multi-Algo X11/X13/X14/X15/Quark/Qubit Baikal Mini Miner Now Open for Sale.

    Baikal Announces New Multi-Algorithm Miner - The Dash Times: Chinese based ASICs manufacturer Baikal has stepped up its game with a new multi-algorithm miner. The new miner is an upgrade of its first generation Baikal mini 150M Miner and Baikal Quadruple Miner which were launched earlier this year.
  14. elishagh1

    The Dash Times -

    The Dash Times formerly known as Dashpay Magazine is the most trusted and respected online destination for information about the DASH (Digital Cash) and digital currency industry. We have made a move from our old domain to because: Elimination of "pay" in...
  15. elishagh1

