Pre-Proposal: Put the unvoted "10% net votes" threshold of the Dash Budget system into vote.


Well-known member
In order for a yes/no proposal to pass in the budget, it needs 10% net votes.

This threshold is a status quo that has never been voted.

POLL: Would you like the status quo of the "10% net votes" to be put into a vote?
  • cast a "like"(y) in this comment if you want this 10% to be able to change through a vote.
  • cast an "angry" :mad: in this comment if you think that the unvoted status quo of the "10% net votes" threshold should never change.
  • cast a "haha" :ROFLMAO: in this comment if you have an alternative answer to the question.

Lets also discuss about it below.
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Obviously, in case we put the "10% net votes" status quo into a vote, it should be able to pass 10%.
Otherwise, if 10% fails to pass 10%, it will be an invalid status quo.
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Have a look at the silly impact of the 10% net threshold

Dash Italia proposal, although being supported by the 84.69% of the voters, it barely passes!

Theoretically, due to the stupid "10% net threshold", a proposal may have the 99% of the people who voted for it agree with it, but still not pass, because a SINGLE person voted against it.
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I would like to see a more clear seperation between budget proposals and decision proposals in our budget system first, before thinking about any changes to or reconfirmation of the 10% treshold.

Edit :

Once that has been done i would not mind seeing a discussion start on a higher treshold. For example a higher treshold on long multi-month budget proposals or on decision proposals in general.
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I would like to see a more clear seperation between budget proposals and decision proposals in our budget system first, before thinking about any changes to or reconfirmation of the 10% treshold.

Yes...Correct. But in order for this wonderful proposal of yours to pass, you need to pass the 10% net votes, which I doubt you will. So you need to change the 10% net votes, in order to be able to see the clear separation you are dreaming of.

Because the filthy agents of DCG constantly deny to separate the proposals, or put any tag system into the dash budget system.
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Once that has been done i would not mind seeing a discussion start on a higher treshold. For example a higher treshold on long multi-month budget proposals or on decision proposals in general.

Well, my point is that we dont need to discuss about how high or low this threshold may be, we just need to vote about it.
And let the discussion follow the never ending vote.
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Dash dao re-imagined:
  1. The code and documentation for dashd and supporting tools should be moved to Platform.
  2. HTML/JS and WASM will also be stored on Platform.
  3. The dash dao treasury must cease all random payouts.
  4. The dash dao treasury will only payout where diffs and other content management functions (CRUD) are approved by MNOs.
  5. dash usernames will point to code and content in steps 1 and 2.
  6. The proposal system will authenticate and manage permissions for all content and usernames.
  7. MNOs may vote to rollback changes on any dao managed project.
This system caters not only for computer code but to all functions such as biz dev and marketing, especially where the social media side is also handled by Platform.
<vote history>
POLL: Would you like the status quo of the "10% net votes" to be put into a vote?
  • cast a "like"(y) in this comment if you want this 10% to be able to change through a vote.
  • cast an "angry" :mad: in this comment if you think that the unvoted status quo of the "10% net votes" threshold should never change.
  • cast a "haha" :ROFLMAO: if you have an alternative answer to the question.
:mad: Reactions: xkcd
</vote history>
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The below system caters not only for code but to all functions such as biz dev and marketing, especially where the social media side is also handled by Platform.
*The code and documentation for dashd and supporting tools should be moved to Platform.
*HTML/JS and WASM will also be stored on Platform.
*The dash dao treasury must cease all random payouts.
*The dash dao treasury will only payout where diffs and other content management functions (CRUD) are approved by MNOs.
*dash usernames will point to code and content in steps 1 and 2.
*The proposal system will authenticate and manage permissions for all content and usernames.
*MNOs may vote to rollback changes on any dao managed project.

Your proposal reminds me an old proposal of mine...

4) Turn the Dashplatform profitable by creating an app that will support the creation of a Dash knowledge tree. This decision tree will be replicated everywhere in the platform and people will vote/pray on it, add or delete branches of it, and comment on it (by paying the relevant platform fee). <-- governance without amanda's chief
5) Make the tree an absolute commitment for all the developers of DCG, so that no DCG development is allowed in case there is not a relevant branch of the tree that allows it. <-- accountable developers

Your proposal is nice, but do you think that you have chances for a change to occur, when you blow up the status quo tottaly? I think the status quo is more probable to change gradually, than blow up. Thats why you have better to cut your proposal in smaller pieces, and challenge the relevant opposite pieces of the current status quo, rather than attacking the status quo as a whole.

Also I will never trust the Dash Platform network, because it is designed to have just 300 nodes at max!
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Of course no one would vote for it, I'm not actually going to submit it! :D
Thats the error you are doing, @GrandMasterDash .

You should not submit a new proposal.
You should submit the status quo, and demand for it to pass the 10% threshold.

Steps for a decent governance proposal that may lead to a change.
1) You put a governance question asking the voters to confirm the status quo.
2) If the status quo is not confirmed, obviously a change is needed, so you search someone to fund and/or to code the change.
3) After coding the change, you put into vote your governance proposal along with the required code.
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"The bread you store belongs to the hungry. The clothes you accumulate belong to the naked. The shoes that you have in your closet are for the barefoot. The money you bury deep into the ground to keep it safe, belongs to the poor. Your cleverness belongs to the stupid. Your strength and your army belongs to the defenceless. You were unfair to as many people as you could have helped and you did not." -- Basil of Caesarea

You were unfair to as many people as you could have helped and you did not!
Why don't we work hard to change the status quo?
"The bread you store belongs to the hungry. The clothes you accumulate belong to the naked. The shoes that you have in your closet are for the barefoot. The money you bury deep into the ground to keep it safe, belongs to the poor. Your cleverness belongs to the stupid. Your strength and your army belongs to the defenceless. You were unfair to as many people as you could have helped and you did not." -- Basil of Caesarea

You were unfair to as many people as you could have helped and you did not!
Why don't we work hard to change the status quo?
I have worked a lot, and I am somehow tired.
But tiredness is not my main problem.
My main problem is that I have no companions in this long road.
The Dash people do not want to change the status quo even by doing the minimum effort, they dont even vote/wish for the change of it.
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<vote history>
POLL: Would you like the status quo of the "10% net votes" to be put into a vote?
  • cast a "like"(y) in this comment if you want this 10% to be able to change through a vote.
  • cast an "angry" :mad: in this comment if you think that the unvoted status quo of the "10% net votes" threshold should never change.
  • cast a "haha" :ROFLMAO: if you have an alternative answer to the question.
:mad: Reactions: xkcd
</vote history>
<vote history>
POLL: Would you like the status quo of the "10% net votes" to be put into a vote?
  • cast a "like"(y) in this comment if you want this 10% to be able to change through a vote.
  • cast an "angry" :mad: in this comment if you think that the unvoted status quo of the "10% net votes" threshold should never change.
  • cast a "haha" :ROFLMAO: in this comment if you have an alternative answer to the question.
:mad: Reactions: xkcd
(y) Reactions (?): dash-zhang
</vote history>
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<vote history>
POLL: Would you like the status quo of the "10% net votes" to be put into a vote?
  • cast a "like"(y) in this comment if you want this 10% to be able to change through a vote.
  • cast an "angry" :mad: in this comment if you think that the unvoted status quo of the "10% net votes" threshold should never change.
  • cast a "haha" :ROFLMAO: in this comment if you have an alternative answer to the question.
1 :mad: Reaction: xkcd
2 (y) Reactions: dash-zhang (look here!) , Dans
</vote history>
The main error and misconception of the proponents of the "10% net votes" voting system is that they assume that whenever a proposal is close to the selection threshold (currently arbitrarily set to 10%), then the apathetic voters will wake up and vote for the proposal, and thus the overal participation percentage will increase.

This is wrong, the apathetic voters tend to remain apathetic, whatever the voting outcome is.

Thats why the "X% net votes" voting system is wrong.



  • 10 net.png
    10 net.png
    48.1 KB · Views: 31
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