Pre-proposal: 100 merchants on the canary islands

Hi DASH community.

Chili (the dog) and I have created the first bitcoin neighborhood in Barcelona as we introduced BCH and BTC to 37 shops without using any payment processor.

We created The Real Bitcoin Club in January to achieve real life adoption for bitcoin.

First i programmed an app which is a map of all the merchants that would accept bitcoin, which you can download as an Android App or check it out on the browser:

Download Android App:

After that I had finished programming the app and after we had the opening event of TRBC on 03.03.18 i started promoting the tested app in April.

You can watch videos of the opening event on the YT channel of TRBC and this is the latest presentation from the end of June:

So within the timeframe from April to June I on boarded all these shops and i trained and educated them.

Then at the beginning of July i took time off to find support in the bitcoin community to sponsor this project but nobody was found.

We were only able to do this project because we invested our own funds.

We invested about 1000EUR in merchandise, we invested in rent of the office (120EUR each month for 5 months = 600EUR) and we spent BCH (2000EUR) in the shops to train all the employees.

We also purchased Bitcoin branded headphones (1500EUR) and we had some Bitcoin Parties to promote the usage to normal people:

At the same time we introduced mining to the people and we had some mining rigs running for us to sponsor all this work.

In total we invested about 5000EUR and we hoped that the bitcoin community would realize the opportunity and sponsor us.

Now i realized the amazing progress DASH has done in the past months and that really convinced me to promote it.

I am all for a working solution to empower the people and get them on boarded without any payment processors.

The current plans for BCH are very different as Roger Ver keeps promoting payment processors.

Chili and I we are currently travelling from Barcelona along the coast of spain to canary islands.

We are hitchhiking so we can introduce bitcoin to the driver and we are basically just walking around and promoting BCH to put more places on the map.

From my latest observation of all the DASH related videos the DASH community has the spirit i was searching for in the BCH world.

So my proposal would be that because we are currently heading to canary islands that we can on board 100 merchants on canary island within 6 months.

We would be working every day all day no matter what. The 100 merchants is just an estimation and probably more than realistic.

Please keep in mind that it is much more difficult to on board people in rich countries which don't realize the necessity directly.

But still it would be a huge win if DASH can conquer canary islands.

I would promote DASH and BCH but would only spend DASH in the shops to train them.

I think we can make the community stronger against upcoming governmental restrictions if we have two horses in the race.

I still believe that BCH has a good value to the world even if they are being mismanaged slightly.

And i believe that DASH has an immense value just by observing its effect on the real people.

I do not understand the technological aspects of DASH and i don't think that they matter to me as I am observing the real benefits for the people and that is why we are into bitcoin.

Whenever i say bitcoin i refer to a p2p cash system. DASH is the real bitcoin for me because it empowers the people.

Any bitcoin that empowers and educates the people is the real bitcoin to me.

BCH is going a totally different direction now as they want to be a token system. That is not what i signed up for so I would like to invest more energy into DASH.

The budget we need for accomplishing our goals is very very small because we like to live as minimalists.

We are living in a van since a few years after we left the U.S. occupied territory of Germany.

We need less than 300 EUR per month to survive as we do not pay any rent ever.

We find places to sleep in a tent on the beach or we do couchsurfing or we do WWOOF to get a roof and internet access.

With a budget of just 1000EUR per month we can on board about 30 shops each month (we buy several times from all employees so they keep it in mind)

The proposal i would put would be for 3 months and in this 3 months i would want to assure 50 shops being well trained and having commentaries in Google Maps and DASH stickers on their door.

I think its easier to start with 50 as we need less budget to be approved but the real target is 100 in two proposals.

Google Maps is a tool we highly integrate as we see a huge opportunity promoting bitcoin there.

We have several Google accounts and we put photos and commentaries about bitcoin.

We also ask questions and raise a lot of awareness on the Google Maps entry.

I am skilled especially in Android and we also would like to continue developing the bitcoin map.

We want to put all the DASH accepting shops on the website which I own personally.

I want to rebrand the Android App to be a and i want to program a crawler so we can easily and automatically add new places without any effort. (But that would be part of a different proposal)

What do you think about this proposal? Any feedback is welcome.

Our motivation to take part in the bitcoin world is highly philosophical and we believe the democratic philosophy of DASH has a lot of substance and potential.

The TRBC philosophy is expressed in the Satoshi Kodex:

Check our Instagram for more information:

Thanks for your attention
Chili (the dog) and Feliz

Thanks for the feedback! I will make a proposal as soon as i have worked out the plans for the next months. Right now we are in Benidorm which is one of the main touristic spots in spain. We are working on updating the bitcoinmap and we will go and promote BCH and DASH for one week to aquire some stores, lets see how that works out!

We are also planning to come up with a product called bitcoin card, which is a NFC card with printed QR codes on both sides to receive payments in an easy way without needing two active devices. I was using these cards in Barcelona already and its a must have for any shop who wants to accept payments with NFC. Because it is really a pain to touch two devices to get NFC to work, with the card its much easier to tap and activate the NFC.

Also we are planning a bitcoin festival in Barcelona for the next year, we would like to have a non commercial festival including a Hackathon to develop a deliveroo clone. I am so tired of these super expensive blockchain conferences basically only for the rich people to make contacts, i want to have a festival for everyone with the lowest cost possible.

Basically we want to invite the bitcoin world to spend one week in Barcelona, visit all the shops and consume, pay their hostel or flat with bitcoin and for the geeks we want to organize a Hackathon to create some killer apps to boost adoption.

I think with a deliveroo clone we can totally disrupt the market, as people in the rich countries would have a motivation to use bitcoin. Deliveroo is essentially ripping off their customers and the restaurants by charging 30% for just offering a mobile app to place orders which we could program in just one month.
Thanks for the feedback! I will make a proposal as soon as i have worked out the plans for the next months. Right now we are in Benidorm which is one of the main touristic spots in spain. We are working on updating the bitcoinmap and we will go and promote BCH and DASH for one week to aquire some stores, lets see how that works out!

We are also planning to come up with a product called bitcoin card, which is a NFC card with printed QR codes on both sides to receive payments in an easy way without needing two active devices. I was using these cards in Barcelona already and its a must have for any shop who wants to accept payments with NFC. Because it is really a pain to touch two devices to get NFC to work, with the card its much easier to tap and activate the NFC.

Also we are planning a bitcoin festival in Barcelona for the next year, we would like to have a non commercial festival including a Hackathon to develop a deliveroo clone. I am so tired of these super expensive blockchain conferences basically only for the rich people to make contacts, i want to have a festival for everyone with the lowest cost possible.

Basically we want to invite the bitcoin world to spend one week in Barcelona, visit all the shops and consume, pay their hostel or flat with bitcoin and for the geeks we want to organize a Hackathon to create some killer apps to boost adoption.

I think with a deliveroo clone we can totally disrupt the market, as people in the rich countries would have a motivation to use bitcoin. Deliveroo is essentially ripping off their customers and the restaurants by charging 30% for just offering a mobile app to place orders which we could program in just one month.
Just my opinion, but you may not get far with the “Dash” treasury promoting a “bitcoin” card and festival. I wish you luck, though!
DASH is a bitcoin to me. The plastic cards have two receiving QR codes. One printed on each side.

Inside the card is a receiving address programmed on the NFC chip. That would be DASH as i really want to push DASH but still offer BCH as alternative payment option.

For the merchants we will print DASH and BCH on these cards. The consumer can choose what he wants.

We can also offer DASH only cards but that's not so smart as people would have to have several cards if they want to accept BCH too.

In general i see it beneficial to promote both coins because they have similar principles when it comes to low fees and instant transactions and we can profit from supporting each other against the giant BTC.

We are loosing time. Banksters have already implemented their own mobile payment apps.

They want us to loose time fighting against each other but we can both win if people accept DASH and BCH without a payment processor.

For me its important to work without any payment processor so that people actually spend the coins after receiving them.

Do you know if the DASH wallet can handle NFC requests?
I saw this issue on our GitHub page. We need more information to diagnose the issue as the wallet is suppost to support NFC for standard Dash URIs that start with dash:X....
Hey everyone, i just finished writing a Proposal for the dashboost but it wont let me update/save my proposal as there is some error on the website which simply says "Ooops something went wrong". So i created a PDF document and here you go! This proposal is not in line with the Topic title, because i thought that my energy can be invested better in Barcelona first, because we already have the community going there. After Barcelona I can move to canary islands and do the same project there:


  • DASH-proposal.pdf
    48.2 KB · Views: 191
People like yourself out traveling can do a lot for Dash. Sometimes you may just be breaking the ice for people to hear about crypto and sometimes you may seal the deal and convert people to getting a wallet.

Either way your doing something.

With a small budget as a trial I think this idea could be good. But I say that only if you were sponsored by one organization.

Keep spreading the word. Meetups, flyers, all adds up.
Hello RealBitcoinClub,

I generally support efforts to advance merchant adoption. It's a critical piece of the puzzle. I'm just being honest, your proposal needs a lot of work. I don't think it would pass in its current form. For one thing, you've done a lot of overpromising. Your first objective states "We will convince all the shops (30-40 shops) that currently accept BCH payments to accept Dash." How can you possibly know that you will have 100% success and that no one will say no? You have problems like this throughout your proposal. State what you will do, not what you hope. Be realistic and give us the facts. Also, you've failed to dedicate sections of your proposal to your budget and timeline. Instead you've mentioned budget info in the stakeholders section?? So I hope you see there are multiple problems here.

Best of luck.
People like yourself out traveling can do a lot for Dash. Sometimes you may just be breaking the ice for people to hear about crypto and sometimes you may seal the deal and convert people to getting a wallet.

Either way your doing something.

With a small budget as a trial I think this idea could be good. But I say that only if you were sponsored by one organization.

Keep spreading the word. Meetups, flyers, all adds up.
@RealBitcoinClub -- Thank you for your pre-proposal. We've found that the grassroots, door-to-door merchant onboarding approach has been pretty successful, as you can tell from the 3000+ merchants we have listed on . However, there are a number of problems and hurdles that have also been identified through this process as not every wallet or PoS solution is ideal for every merchant or business type. We do have multiple wallets and multiple PoS solutions in the ecosystem and more on the way, so it might be helpful to avail yourself of all of those so you can offer more tailored solutions to the merchants you approach. Also, not everyone may be keen on accepting the volatility or risk associated with holding cryptocurrency, so it's important that merchants know about strategies and methods to mitigate or reduce these risks. I think a proposal for the price that you're asking seems reasonable, and like you said, probably better suited for Dash Boost.

I know many of my fellow MNOs aren't willing to fund the efforts that other coins aren't, or efforts that will also benefit other coins. So what assurances can you offer that you'll hold up your end of the bargain in representation of Dash? What method(s) of reporting or verification will you employ to ensure that we can track and verify your progress?
@Arthyron thanx for your input. In our team we have also just discussed this question and actually love a door-to-door approach. We would love to figure out an "ideal" process, everyone can refer to and have documents at hand that everyone can use. Is there anything already? What exactly are the most common hurdles and how to deal with them? What have been the most successful approaches for going from door-to-door? What kind of "sales skills" are useful and how to convince merchants to integrate dash?
I will not make a DASH proposal as people usually do not understand me and the risk of loosing 5 DASH is way too high.

I am working on a different level normal people can not understand me. It can only work result based so I can prove that I am just very effective and efficient in promoting DASH.

I am currently in Tarifa on the way to take a boat to canary islands and in one day I on boarded 5 merchants and introduced several strangers to BCH.

I would like to do the same for DASH. All I need are some funds to donate to the people and I can send photos of people who just received their DASH.

You have this meetup program but I find a personal approach much more effective as it takes time to organize and promote meetups.

I am travelling constantly to promote BCH and DASH to expand I have no time to organize meetups.

I have a very special communication skill I can get people to install and use DASH with a very high success rate.

This knowledge can not be transported on a paper. My communication skills have been earned since I was 6 years old.

When I had 7 years I was the best salesman on my elementary school selling coupons to strangers who would sponsor our school party.

I sold like 200 when others would sell 5 or 10. All i need is some guarantee that you return me the DASH which I can donate to the people living around the shops which I on board.

I can onboard shops much easier if i tell them that we have people in their neighborhood who want to spend their DASH and I can even invite people to spend their DASH right away with me to learn how it works.

Give me a chance to prove my skills and give me the oportunity to donate 5 or 10 EUR to strangers and return me the DASH I spend and you will be amazed.

I need little funds to have a huge impact. All I need is a chance and people who let me work in my way.
And if anyone wants to learn how it works you can come and grab a camera or work with me in a team.

But I tell you that nobody can learn that in short time it is an oportunity for the whole DASH community if you get me to promote DASH.

If you get me to promote DASH and want to grab the camera to film my approach to on board merchants I can also totally go 100% DASH.

In any way whenever I promote DASH I do not promote BCH. It totally confuses people to install 2 wallets and they mostly have mobile disk space issues anyway.

If DASH is installed first and people have a good experience with it there is no need for BCH anymore.