Bitmain announced Antminer D3 15GH for DASH

Antminer D3 Available:

1. Specifications of the Antminer D3 are as follows:

a) Hash rate: 15 GH/s (Variation of ±5% is expected)

b) Power consumption: 1200W (at the wall, with Bitmain’s APW3 PSU, 93% efficiency, 25°C ambient temp).

c) Dimensions of the miner: 320*130*190mm

d) Hashing algorithm: X11

2. Power consumption figures will vary with your PSU's efficiency, the ambient operating temperature and the accuracy of the power meter.

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Antminer D3 Available:

1. Specifications of the Antminer D3 are as follows:

a) Hash rate: 15 GH/s (Variation of ±5% is expected)

b) Power consumption: 1200W (at the wall, with Bitmain’s APW3 PSU, 93% efficiency, 25°C ambient temp).

c) Dimensions of the miner: 320*130*190mm

d) Hashing algorithm: X11

2. Power consumption figures will vary with your PSU's efficiency, the ambient operating temperature and the accuracy of the power meter.

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Expected Delivery Date: 25 October 2017
Wow, this is amazing first iBeLink released 10.8 GHs for $6000 and now Bitmain 15 GHs for $2700

So who is better? IBeLink or Bitmain?
Today they released another batch at $1599 per unit. Obviously sold out in minutes. All these units will be kicking in early Q4. Hashpower will spike then. And therefore difficulty.
Anyone has any projections on how Dash mining will evolve as a business in the next year?
Im considering buying this d3 on october batch. Im just guessing that this kind of machine will have a timer to 0 soon (i dont know how long)... what im affraid of is when the october batch kick down.. what will happen to dashcoin difficulty which will affect our earning...
Any thought guys? Im now 50-50 on buying or not...
Im considering buying this d3 on october batch. Im just guessing that this kind of machine will have a timer to 0 soon (i dont know how long)... what im affraid of is when the october batch kick down.. what will happen to dashcoin difficulty which will affect our earning...
Any thought guys? Im now 50-50 on buying or not...
If you can get on manufacturers price go ahead buy, otherwise it would be very difficult for you to get a early ROI
BTW I did my own research and calculations of course.

It was the same one year ago like in these days. Everybody was crying on forums when Baikal released first miners: "They will kill Dash with that haspower!". Today it's the same.

Perfect :cool:
Bitmain just had another D3 sale today, around 11 am their time (GMT +8). Looks like last around 2 hours till the stock exhausted.
lol seems like the surprise-batch didn't sell out as fast because of the obvious tremendous difficulty this will cause in octomber/november

There still seems to be D3's up for sale on their website
according to cryptocompare dash calculator, id the difficulty doesn't rise hard in september when first batch will arrive, 1 asic will make about 4.2k usd/moth. if i make 1.5k in november with mine i sill be quite happy :)
Does anyone have a formula for how the network difficulty is calculated, that is how much an ASIC contributes in terms of output to the network?

I made a hypothetical calculus on coinwarz and if the difficulty is at 2mil there's still a profit of around 2k$ provided the electricity is cheap.
Not good not good, another 50k units listed today. It will be hard to tell what the real ROI will be until the first few batches are online. They have sold a TON of miners. Just thought id post a little heads up for anyone wanting to buy one. The past 2 days they had sold 50k units
Not good not good, another 50k units listed today. It will be hard to tell what the real ROI will be until the first few batches are online. They have sold a TON of miners. Just thought id post a little heads up for anyone wanting to buy one. The past 2 days they had sold 50k units

Wow! That's a huge number of miners :(
Hey guys,

Do you think this Antminer D3 will be profitable? As so many D3's are being sold out will result in massive difficulty increase... Will we be able to reach ROI?
Seems to me no any reasons tp purchase 2nd batches, difficulty will be crazy. Of course we can hope dash price will grow same speed!!!